What did you think of E3 Anons?

What did you think of E3 Anons?

>game you're most looking forward to
>game you think will flop
>best presentation
>worst presentation

r8 and h8

>somebody actually took the time to make this image.

I did. I'm procrastinating.

Titanfall 2

good job user if not for the weirdcore wojak pics i wouldve sudokud long time ago.
But it can be better. make him fatter


Really? I admit it looks fun actually although I'm a bit skeptical.


Nah, normies will eat it up.





As long as there's work I should be doing, I'll make more of these pictures. Best procrastination tool.

Dishonored 2
Nier (financially)

>Dishonored 2

You can't be serious

VR as a whole
I guess EA, but Titanfall 2 looks solid and I love the first game.

It's. beautiful. I waited and OP fucking delivered. Bravo sir.

I honestly think VR will go tits up and the VR companies will laugh all the way to the bank whilst consumers have these useless products. Unless you can make indie games for them I suppose.

It was shit. They should just do away with E3.
It's obvious no one gives a shit about it anymore.

Yeah sorry it took so long, I was skyping my gf.

Aren't they moving towards doing their own shit anyway? I think I remember hearing that companies were just going to use twitch/youtube or whatever

Need to get summa that Sup Forums shake

>game you're most looking forward to
>game you think will flop
fucking color splash and that skylanders game that cucked fans out of a new crash game
>best presentation
>worst presentation
Ubisoft or EA

How long before OP pic is bannable offense

Lmfao the first Titanfall flopped

No it didn't.

Dunno mods ban the wojaks that have pee pee poo poo or some disgusting shit usually

Just report and see if it clears or not

>tfw you're out

It didn't take too long for the other one I did so I'm expecting one soonish.

You don't like dancing giraffes?

>game you're most looking forward to
>game you think will flop
>best presentation
M$ or Ubi maybe? They are so toned down now they just aren't that fun
>worst presentation
Nintendo if you can call it a presentation or EA for showing nothing but yearly sport/FPS cash grabs and a mandatory indie game to pretend they give a fuck.

3/10 E3. It's slowly dying as an event for me. It feels like the companies know what they need to do to impress at E3 now and games don't fall flat on stage thanks to the carefully controlled environments they are shown in which was very therapeutic before seeing how much shilling goes on year round. The hype is gone because all the heavy hitters don't give a fuck about E3 and the few which remain will show a cinematic trailer and wait two years before we get to see a carefully controlled optiminum playthrough of it.

I really have very little interest this year in everything shown and that includes Zelda.

It didn't flip it was just forgotten after 3 months, but at that point it already made it's money back.