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What did we think of Absolver?

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There is no gameplay up how am I suppose to know

Gameplay video

I'll admit, it was hard to find for some odd reason.

seems really interesting. Reminds me of God Hand with the customizable movesets
I dig the art style

Not pictured in this but the folks mention you can disarm and steal weapons as well.

>that absolute rip off of souls UI
A lot of games are doing this recently, it's weird
Not like souls is the pioneer of "icon next to healthbar with a smaller stamina bar underneath" but those squares on the bottom left are certainly being ripped straight from souls, nioh did something similar
Game looks pretty alright though otherwise

Oh please, next you'll say the flow meter is a rip off of Gears Of War's active reloads.

I mean its a pretty convenient ass UI setup

The game looks super fluid, Ive been looking for a game like this for a while, and there seems to be a fair bit of complexity to it all

That's what I felt. Parts godhand, parts way of the samurai. I mean I hate to compare it but I guess that's all I can do at this point.
I've read that weapons play a little different in that attacks will "clash" so I'm assuming that armed combat gets pretty aggressive .