What are some vidya to play drunk?
Playing drunk
League of Legends
Already doing so and I can't say I'm enjoying it. What else?
Any online multiplayer with your mic on
and make sure they KNOW you're drunk
Halo. But is has to be beer though.
Star Fox on Super Nintendo or F-Zero are my two favorite drunk games.
god tier beer
i've been playing overwatch and getting shitcanned since it came out
Dota 2
The Crackdown games literally the best vidya to play while hammered.
Pretty much all as long as you don't start drunk, but start drinking once you start playing.
Max Payne 3 stands out in particular if you're playing the first act. Genuinely adds to the immersion.
I play TF2 when drunk and insult anyone with a ping higher than 120 cause they might be russians playing not on their servers.
>people who purposely type poorly in chat when drunk/high
>people who purposely type poorly in chat when sober
>people who purposely type in chat
This. It's 2016, you have no reason to not have a mic and talk with it
>people who type
Honestly the souls games are really fun to play drunk. I really enjoy running through some chalice dungeons after a few drinks, good times.
Souls games, casual shooters, your MMO of choice
Anything but MOBAs, those games are just buzzkill machines.
they're buzzkills because it's text only, which is the favorite of passive-aggressive timid people. The second you start giving them shit over mic, they shut down real quick.
Overwatch. I play better when I'm drunk because I'm not being a twitchy, anxious little shit but I end up trying to talk to people and make an ass out of myself.
>tfw your free Stella Artois chalice broke in the dishwasher somehow
Also make sure when you lose, you let them know you're drunk and that is why you lost.
What did it say?
My tastes
You're tastes
>putting stemware in the dishwasher
get wasted while you get wasted
Drink mead, play Chivalry, yell a bunch.
I love to hit that perfect point of drunkness where you can get super focused immersed in something. then I pick something with a fantastic hype tier sound track. drunk morrowind was always great.
kind of this, I get better after a few drinks because my hands are less shaky. problem is it's probably only like that because i drink to much in the first place.
Doc just prescribed some antidepressants saying they will help with the alcohol dependency. I'm not depressed so I hope he was telling the truth.
>play dark souls 3 while drunk
>get cucked by Abyss Watchers 3 times in a row
>get mad and alt+F4
was not enjoyable/10
I tried dark souls PVP, was no fun.
tried monhun, same story
minecraft is where it's at, it has something to do again anyway
Absolutely everything is more enjoyable when innebreated.
This has gone past being funny and it's only annoying now so stop it.
Welcome to every meme for the past decade.
I'm just asking a legit question, which is : what are some games to enjoy while drunk.
play a party game
such as Mario party
super smash bros/brawlhalla
or a fps like COD/TF2/OVW etc.
don't mind him, he's just bitter cause he's sober all the time. He bought into that "people who use drugs are bad" stuff in his DARE program.
not him but no, you DUDE ALCOHOL faggots who need to let every one know about what you drink are just as bad as DUDE WEED faggots
>god tier beer
Good taste bro. Where are you from?
Overwatch because even when I'm shit I'm still better than most of the other pubbies
>Drinking the liquid jew
Water is a liquid jew when you think about it, so yeah.
underage detected
why are you assuming all people who drink/smoke all go in chat and say "I'm so high, XD" cause we don't. If my team is asking why I'm being such a noob, I will let them know, but I dodn't just randomly say it
plan to play the next Zelda drunk
hopefully that way i wont notice the frame drop and the draw distance
i'm gonna put you on the spot and ask you to explain that nickname. not even personally offended but just genuinely curious what thought process got you there
if we can't have weed threads we can't have alcohol threads.
rocket league, civ v
This. I thoroughly enjoyed Overwatch®™ drunk and I had a great time. I also tried Overwatch®™ high on that dank sh*t and the visuals blew my mind! When I played Overwatch®™ on cocaine I found myself screaming into the mic FUCK GASPAR GOMEZ! AND FUCK THE FUCKING DIAZ BROTHERS! FUCK THEM ALL! I bury those cockroaches. What they ever do for us?
It's not an alcohol thread though. See
Why can't I have discussions about gaming while high but you can have one about being drunk?
This franchise.
A lot of shouting occurs.
OK I'm gonna start a weed gaming thread right now then. If it doesn't take off I'm gonna come back and shitpost some more here.
obviously he's the same person who goes into the weed threads talking shit, or i guess there's people of differing view points on this board. for instance I'm drinking right now and have never posted in one of those weed threads before. amazing really
Jews drink water sometimes. That means anyone else who drinks water sometimes is condoning Jewish activities and I won't stand for it.
>implying im getting drunk with friends
I can pretend with bots, right?
>playing Civ V
>while drunk
4 wat perpis
rape game
Retro platformers
What's your drink of choice? Vodka's my shit. Gvori's the best for the price so I get that all the time
that beer has more head than a code lyoko character
did somebody with parkinsons pour that shit?
>getting drunk and playing Mario Party by yourself
Are you a week from killing yourself?
>tfw I can't get anything down unless it's watered down to hell with soft drink
The only thing I can consume without sickness is cider, so I go nuts on cider.
Rocket League
driving drunk is fun
Weed is for degenerates and children.
>rocket league
also worms if you have friends
I really enjoy white russians. You can make them strong as fuck and not have em taste too bad even if you use shit tier vodka.
And they're really good if you make them with love, too.
This man speaks truth.
The Devil's Cabbage is garbage.
Men consume the Piss of Zeus.
Just bought a bottle of whiskey and I have a mix pack of beer as well. I think I'm going to try Ghost 1.0
guilty gear
Why not just get down on some sessions? They about as low as cider and not as gay
Good taste op