Has any other studio fallen from grace harder than them???
Has any other studio fallen from grace harder than them???
I enjoy their games. Ignoring the MMO aspect they're still alright. Diablo 3 sucked at launch but got a ton of patches. Still not worth its launch price. Overwatch is a good change of pace from TF2.
overwatch its not worth 40$, people who bought it are destroying gaming, its not complete, has no content, its a clone of a clone and the "originals" were free because they had no content either
you pay for shit, you get more shit games, then rage about it? i dont get blizzdrones
you need to be good at first place, to fall from grace
My $/hour ratio is pretty good for Overwatch.
What do I win?
always shit
They've set records for ignoring/selling out their fanbases.
Rare comes close, and Naughty Dogs as well.
The list goes on.
Fuck you and your garbage taste.
>He said
>as they continue to release immensely popular game after immensely popular game
Star Citizen /RSI or whatever studio is trying to make it,,
Fallen from grace in what way? Not living up to the standards they set for themselves when they were just starting out? Name one company that still meets those standards and are as old as Blizzard.
Ubisoft for me. I went from being a massive fan and buying all of their products to absolutely loathing them over the course of a couple of years.
Primarily because they don't seem to be a game studio anymore.
maybe valve or id, no one else comes close.
I can't really thing of any big ones. HoTS didn't really pick the traction they wanted, and WoW is just haemorrhaging subs
I think Op means how they used to be a respectable company that set new standards for PC gaming.
Now they use lawyer terms to avoid making good on promises, and ship unbalanced/unfinished games out the door, while taunting customers.
Blizzard is super weird about this, though. Like, by all rights they should have totally lost the faith of a lot of fans by now. At the least people shouldn't be pre-ordering their stuff or going to see their movie on day fucking one. Yet that's what people keep doing.
It's the brand. If they release something mediocre, people hail it as great. If they release something bad, people say it's average. If it's broken dog shit, people say "Okay, it had a bumpy start, but the patches fixed it later".
That sounds like every other major company in this industry. Blizzards mistake is they actually involve themselves in the community so everybody knows their faults.
It's why companies like EA don't say shit about game development or anything like that publicly.
Obsidian. Avellone jumped ship, they suck up to Bethesda trying to get another contract, and their only project is DLC part 2 of a kickstarter.
Remember those times with Rayman, Prince of Persia and Splinter Cell?
Blizzards games meet a level of polish no other company does. Overwatch runs seamlessly in comparison to the other games released.
Even if the game itself isn't very good, it works as advertised with no graphical downgrades or anything.
This. If nothing else - they're polished to a shine. It might just be a polished turd but god damn if it isn't a shiny one.
>hurr Overwatch is totally shit
>am I cool yet Sup Forums
>Looking Glass
...and more
Every PC studio has been JUSTed
Wonder why
They are still popular and profitable.
Shit, all Blizzard games are popular and profitable, very few studios can say that.
I don't think Blizzard expected anything big from HotS. They didn't expect anything from Hearthstone either as it was just a side project, it just turned out to be incredibly popular.
WoW is hemoragging subs but that doesn't mean Legion isn't going to sell just as well as the previous expansions. So far it's being handled a lot better than WoD, but whether or not it's a good expansion is an entirely different thing. But the fact a 12 year old game still maintains the relevancy to have the marketing campaigns it does is amazing, especially in this current market.
Blizzard clearly isn't in any financial trouble, as they still host their own goddamn con that sells out every year.
Not to mention they recently bought the Candy Crush makers for 6 billion dollars.
Yes. 6 BILLION dollars.
Soon 13 years of WoW subs add up to a lot.
Falling from grace is not the same as being taken into the back yard and shot.
Well Activision and Blizzard bought King together so they both own it. At least I think they both own it, they are a partnership.
Pretty sure the majority of that money came from Skylanders anyway. That shit is ungodly popular among children.
apple , they killed marathon 2 . I will never forgive them. my wife found a new husband over wow , I could care less.
hi there
"winning" e3 is the dumbest phrase ever. It's literally empty promises and shilling: the convention
this holy shit
How is releasing their first good game ever a fall from grace?
You been in a coma since 2002?
Name a good Blizzard game other than Overwatch.
I got into the legion beta and have been having fun
blizzards an angel compared to how far biowares fell
Warcraft 2
Brood War
The last good maxis game was simcity 4
>diablo 1996
>diablo 2 2000
sure people loved warcraft 1 & 2 too
>i-if we vote with our wallets that'll force Blizzard to change!
>w-we have the power to change the industry!
>they picked a fight with US! US GAMERS!
Diablo, Diablo 2 and LoD aren't Blizzard. Only D3 is which is why it's shit.
my life
>Diablo 1,2 &3 (after RoS)
>warcraft 1,2 &3
>starcraft 1&2
it seems the only bad games theyve made is HotS
>Diablo 1 and 2
>The rest of those
Try harder.
It may be surprising to hear but there was this great studio some time ago called Valve which actually made good games before inventing cancerous trends of modern games like microtransactions, early access and paid mods.
Crazy I know
Honestly, no. BC was their falling point. They realized they could make straight up garbage and people would pay for it.
Blizzards fall hurt me more than any other company. I think Valve comes in second.
Diablo 3 is the 10th best selling game of all time
Konami is a publisher and they don't give a shit about AAA games these days.
Normies will literally throw money at Pachiko machines
I legit think Overwatch was one of the best moves made by a dev in a while. Making a game that can easily cater to a world wide market AND also show that they don't need China to survive is neat, here's hoping they can break their chains
Blizzard used to set standards. Games like Warcraft, Starcraft and Diablo were defining games for that decade and this company.
Hell as much as we don't like it they set the MMO standard with WoW. Now instead of setting standards they follow trends.
They milked WoW dry for 10 years and now that's its starting to collapse they've carefully woven themselves multiple safety nets
Heroes of the Storm
All their own versions of recent big money games littered with microtransactions
It is also the most disappoint game of all time and 80% of the people who bought it dropped it after a month.
>He doesn't like overwatch
You have the absolute worst taste known to man.
>hurr hurr no content hurr hurr overwatchs success maeks me maddd :(((((((((((
>he likes Overwatch
Overwatch is fun for like 2 hours. It suffers from the same problems all multiplayer online games do and devolves into "get some friends bro"
>80% of the people who bought it dropped it after a month.
That's true for a vast majority of games.
And Reaper of souls sold 2.7 million copies in the first week, if everyone hated it, why did so many buy the xpack?
Blizzard was never a innovator, they were just masters of polishing. They take something someone else thought of, copy it, maybe simplyfy it and make it more accessbile and polish the shit out of it.
The only original ideas they ever had was making units tell jokes when over clicked in RTSes, making RTSes faction have different economy with Starcraft and the infamous auction house. That's it.
A lot of people quit yet they harp on about shit that's been fixed like server issues n shit. And "MUH ALWAYS ONLINE NEEDS TO BE REMOVED SO I CAN PLAY OFFLINE (but I really just want to pirate the game)"
list 3 games since 2010 that you would consider good
>That's true for a vast majority of games.
Not for Blizzard games and especially not for Diablo.
Overwatch is pretty good tbqh family member
There was a time when EA was good.
Tracer a cute
X-COM Enemy Unknown
The Witcher 3
go to bed, grampa
>Not for Blizzard games and especially not for Diablo.
how do you know this?
Literally all of them.
None of your favorite studios from 10 years ago are still decent.
Prove me wrong.
Blizzard learned you can make terrible games if you put awesome cinematics. Blizzard is number one in the world.
The Witcher came out in 2007.
I win.
oh i like overwatch kind of but i have a sense of worth, and its not worth a fucking cent
i played the beta 10+ hours, ill play it when its f2p or when magically becomes a good complete game(game modes/campaigns/solo/more characters/ranked), you sound mad blizzdrone, keep buying shitty games youll get more
>The witcher came out 9 years ago
And it shows.
>fallen from grace
Starcraft 2, while not the best when it comes to RTS, is certainly the most balanced in terms of a more modern RTS game. This game continues to do well among hardcore RTS fans.
Hearthstone, while lacking in depth compared to an actual game of YGO or MTG, is still kinda fun to play and is among the first games to really do F2P really well while still having a paying concept that more directly ties into gameplay. A good one for casuals looking to try out TCG style stuff.
Diablo 3 was awful at launch, but they listened and fixed it to make it the best isometric loot hunt style ARPG ever. And no, it's not watered down from Diablo 2 there are more viable build options per class and the enemies have far more mechanics which leads to more skill required than just tapping the mouse buttons. Vocal minority is really the one bitching about this one at this point.
WoW has lost players, but Blizzard has clearly shown at this point that they want to push the MMO genre to the next level in the way they specialize in: through creating dungeons and raids unlike any that have ever existed in MMOs. I'd be hard pressed to find a single encounter not in just MMOs, but gaming in general that have the amount of mechanics the Archimonde fight on Mythic difficulty does in WoD. Hardcore players and ultra casuals only for this one, none of the half assed shit that used to play this game.
Overwatch is quickly becoming one of the best selling games ever. Once balance and hitbox issues are fixed, there really won't be anything wrong with this and it'll set the new standard in class based FPS gaming.
There's a good amount of stuff for both the casuals and the super hardcore fans. I think Blizzard gets a lot of hate because as a result they really didn't leave anything for all the poser "hardcore" fans like the people here to do much with.
why projekt?
this is bait
after WoD that ain't hard. WoD fucking sucked.
a cute character and an unfinished ripoff game that signifies a company's descent are two different things
>balance and hitboxes are the only problems with Overwatch
Is it okay to boycott games solely based on dislike towards the developer?