Ok this is probably a dumb question but why the fuck not ask it? I have an original xbox and i recently finally got to play halo ce and 2 and fucking loved them! Unfortunetly no halo 3 on xbox that was released on 360. I dont want to get it for pc because pc gaming without a controler is frustrating for me. I also have bills to pay and cant affored a 360 for a while. Is there a way to port a copy of halo 3 or other 360 games to the original xbox?
Porting 360 games
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you're a fucking idiot
No wonder why this place is shit.
Underaged retards like you are rampant.
>brazil tries videogames: the thread
But please explain why because im willing to learn why its retarded idea. I assumed it was possible because i heard about this guy who ported metal gear solid from ps1 to the dreamcast.
wow why is everyone on here so fucking rude??
Yeah sure gimme a couple of hours and I should have it ported over
So your saying it cant be done because xbox 360 is more powerfull than original xbox? What if i modded my xbox like upgraded the ram or something?
Its pretty easy to play Halo 3 at least on Xbox original. Microsoft fully planned for Halo 3 to be an Xbox game. It was until the PS3 announcement that they decided it would be a day 1 release. So included on the disc is actually an Xbox original binary and you can play it by just putting the disc in like you would a regular game and it should work.
I appreciate rudeness over sarcasm because at least rudeness is honest
Why not go to a thead you fucking like dip shit? Im trying to learn. You post a thead i dont like i dont waste my time.
Dreamcast and ps1 are similar, like PS4 and Xbone. What you want to do is like trying to play Bloodborne (PS4) on PS3, which just can't work, one reason being the power difference. It's the same for what you are asking.
Just wait longer and buy the Xbone so you can get the MCC
This is something Microsoft doesn't want you to know OP, but every 360 game can be played on an original Xbox. MS just disabled the feature via satellite wifi to make people buy their new console. You can actually play one game without hacking it though, which is Sneak King. The game has a special microchip that blocks the wifi rays and allows you to play the game on both the original Xbox and the 360.
The more you know.
Is there a way i can download halo 3 on my pc and play it with an xbox controller? I just cant go from using a co troler to a keyboard.
You would honestly need to remake the game from the ground up using assets that would work on the original Xbox's hardware. The first Xbox wouldn't be able to run it given the technological strides between 2001 and 2007, the year of Halo 3's release. I'm sorry, but you're asking a futile question. It's better to try and put aside some money (even if it means a dollar or even change) and just save up, or wait until emulation of 360 hardware is able to work without fault.
To put it in another way, you're shit out of luck OP. Unless you want to wait.
If it were somehow possible to port your Xbox so it plays Xbox 360 games, it'd probably end up being more money and far more work than just going to a game store and buying a used 360 for 100 dollars.
Finally a good answer! Even though it wasnt what i was hoping for at least it was honest. Thank you!
halo online is basically halo 3, same engine and almost same aesthetic the armor and weapons are closer to the latter halo games but it's fun to play. good luck installing it
Just put the disk in and it'll run.
You can even get a disk reader attachment for your Nintendo DS and play it on that.
But my deal is im so good at halo right now and beat both games on legendary mode. Playing on a keyboard instead of a controller would ruin my technique and shatter my confidence.
Oh really? Why stop there? Why not try and jam an n64 cartridge in???
then use a controller, if it's not wireless it can be plugged in and if it's wireless get an adapter
No it was a real question from me i didnt know because im not an IT guy
>he doesn't know that Halo 3 was originally developed on the n64
It actually was originally developed for the atari 2600. Nice try newfag!
>atari 2600
That's not how you spell the Odyssey, dumbass
No, no halo 3 on PC. That other user is right about halo online, but that's multiplayer but I imagine you want the campaign. Getting a 360 and 3 or Xbone and MCC is your only bet
No thats exactly how you spell nintendo dolphin backwards!