MHX Demo is out;
Go to Humble Bundle and pay $4
Or if you are EU use this link for free demo
Or just sign up to Nintendo and wait like the rest of us suckers, not 100% chance you will get a code
MHX Demo is out;
Go to Humble Bundle and pay $4
Or if you are EU use this link for free demo
Or just sign up to Nintendo and wait like the rest of us suckers, not 100% chance you will get a code
I give up man, this is not cool.
>Tfw still no code
>only $4
Do it, you know you want to
I'm not paying $4 for a demo user, I'll just sit here bored until the 30th.
For anyone who has the demo, let's prowl the owl. HOMO sapiens not allowed.
Pass 1111
>Not giving money to charity
>for what is the price of a shitty sandwich
>even though you will get hours of enjoyment
Tut tut tut
I can't justify that kind of purchase even with the charity part.
I didn't know it was for charity.
Thats why humble is even a thing, its the 'look we are not totally evil companies after all!' justification
Here's a free code since I have no friends.