Anyone want to start a Lets play channel?


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You can lets play with my dick

Our more word comes pouring out of your cunt mouth and I'm going to have to eat every lets player in this room

i would watch a Sup Forums lets play channel with lots of different players, it would be so bad and hilarious.

I've thought about it from time to time, but I never end up actually doing it. Probably for the best, I doubt anyone would find me funny.

w-what about your butthole?

yea sure, why not?

Yeah I'll do it. Know plenty about games, play all types, have plenty of systems.

ive been messing around with OBS and trying to get rid of the white noise from my mic. i heard audition can get rid of it but cant find a good torrent.

Are you retarded? "Audacity" is free to download from their site.