Anyone figured out yet the secret of the shadow map?

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Quick question, are we playing as Clancy the entire time or only in the video?

I was pretty sure that we are someone else because you're back as Clancy at the end in the chair, but my friend is saying we were always the camera man.

Has someone tried slashing everything with the Axe?

Shadow map ?

Only in the video, you get stabbed at the end of the VHS
You even wear differnt shoes and pants in the video

I hit every painting I could but nothing happened

Come join solve7 on twitch

So will this continue from RE6 or is it essentially a reboot?

Also, is RE6 worth playing? I haven't played or seen much of it.

It's a really good action game, but barely a RE game

I enjoyed it for what it was, but it is pretty much a straight up action game. I've always liked Leon desu though so I was glad to be able to play as him again.

RE7 is confirmed to not be a reboot, set after 6, but all new characters. Supposedly.

I thought it was a terrible RE game and a terrible action game. It was just a terrible game.

6 is a shittier version of 5, which is a shitty coop version of 4. So if you liked or could tolerate 5 then yeah play it. Also it's better with a friend, don't go alone.

Join solve7 on twitch

Is that axe actually useful?

nah stop shilling the fucking channel already


Not really

I am shilling my dick in your butt you fucking faggot
we are trying to solve this shit

They should have just pretended 6 never happened. That whole Family thing they added made no fucking sense at all and fucked up the entire lore.

They should have just abandoned it, but seeing this is Capcom, they'll just keep wading deeper into shit

you have become a parody of Sup Forums


>welcome to The Family, son

I mean, pretty sure they're running with it.

What's this map thing? Did someone find something new relating to a map or something?

good luck

>people like this shit that isn't even RE anymore

nu-Sup Forums everyone, worse than neo-Sup Forums ever was,

What axe? What map? I've only done the phone and back door.

hell yeah dude you tell 'em. ill bet theyll stop liking it now

Better than nostalgia fags that didn't expected the virus to evolve through the series.


What the fuck is even happening?

It's the P.T. fags scum.

Is this a new virus that makes the infected a crazed psychopath?

it's casuals and the youtube generation.

I liked PT and I like RE but I do not like RE7 and RE7 is not RE at all.

Leon is honestly the only reason I would play it. I just love every other appearance he's made.

So a continuation with all new characters? Sounds interesting. I wonder if we'll get cameo's from other previous characters. I also wonder if this will be the start of a new trilogy or something.

I found a way to cancel out family man when you answer the phone. You can do it by playing the video tape.

But I don't know it got kind of weird. DID ANYBODY HEAR ANYTHING THAT WOUNDS LIKE SOME USING A HAND SAW TO CUT LUMBER? if so was it in the kitchen?

The noise became abnormally abundant.

Also did anybody try to answer the phone a second time? I just got a dead line.

Most likely yes, his wife is even crazier and literally runs around naked laughing like a maniac.

This house makes no sense

someone post the map
the one with the axe

I need to git gud at this game how the fuck are guys figuring this shit out ?

I have gone outside with the key and died to the dude, I got killed by dude after answering the phone

I haven't figured out what the finger dose and I haven't even seen an axe anywhere

Can this be the thread theme instead

While watching the tape, behind the microwave one the floor is a lockpick you can use to open the locked drawer. In the present an axe is inside it.

Probably been tried. But after you answer the phone you can quickly look at the door and back up to the wall. This will not make family man appear, but as soon as you take a few steps away from the wall you get family'd. I chalked this up to bs game logic of him magically spawning behind you, which it probably is, or it could him coming out of that spot in the wall with the circle. maybe there's someway to catch him as he comes out.

Resident Evil 7 Trailer Director's Cut - E3 2016

So there's two backdoors. What if you use the key on the other backdoor?

Threadly reminder to not reply to shitposters. Come on guys just ignore them.

My fucking sides!

The front door to the house is at the foot of the stairs top right corner. Boarded up but maybe worth putting on your map.

I got to the kitchen before I got family'd. I could tell some dude in a gasmask stabbed me in the ending cinematic whereas I hadn't seen that before.

Threadly reminder this is not a resident evil game. Come on guys just don't buy it, make another example like we did with DmC.

It won't work

do we really know whether there is more to find or not

You're not a TRUE FAN.

good, resident evil games suck and im going to buy this game

As long as your back is to any wall he can't get you after the phone, I tested it through the whole house.

Threadly reminder RE 4-6 and Revelations weren't Resident Evil games and if you bought them you are scum

If you like classic RE and buy this then you're not a TRUE FAN
If you like modern RE and buy this then you're also not a TRUE FAN

this is not RE

>bawww RE was never action!
>RE1 is action
>bawww return to horror roots
>RE7 removes ALL gameplay and becomes walking simulator
>this is what RE always was!

okay nu-Sup Forums


Done. Anything else I frogto for 1st floor?
The hidden room still makes no sense to me

The more I think about the more feels like a ploy. Has anybody noticed that the finger and axe don't have a symbol like all the rest of the items do? It feels like it hints at having no purpose. Plus it's said that some of the features are missing, there is no call support. :(

You're thinking about it wrong. The trapdoor in the living room connects to a false wall, like this.

Not sure if anyone else found this or if it's even useful but your don't need the ax to survive the phone call. Immediately after hanging up, turn left and walk towards the wall turn around and keep your back against the wall. The redneck won't kill you.

If you do this, and keep your back to the wall and go down to the VHS and playthrough it, he despawns.


Ok some ideas that i had. Pressing the camera agains the place that looks like the place that you find the finger, in the TV room, and using the axe to cut your own finger.

Epic, simply epic.

It's literally plagas. Spaniards talked mad shit despite being infected, so I imagine it's doing the same thing to this hillbilly.

Each item has a symbol corresponding on what purpose they have. The Tape has a mini version of it itself and the plastic fiber that's in it. The chain cutters have a symbol of broken chains. The axe and finger have nothing.

in english pls

>Each item has a symbol corresponding on what purpose they have. The Tape has a mini version of it itself and the plastic fiber that's in it. The chain cutters have a symbol of broken chains. The axe and finger have nothing.

Streamer guy here, I never seen that

Any streams?

Yeah, I thought about it butthe problem is that kitchen looks WAY shorter in terms of length than the start room even if we take into consideration kitchen starts from the stairwall.
It just does not match but whatevs, added

Look at the chain cutters and tape and see how there is a symbol either next to or underneath you know what I'm talking about when you see it. Look at the ace and finger. Nothing.

Think he means using the axe on yourself when your hand is against a door.

>thread theme

You linked the wrong video. This is the thread theme for every thread.

anyone have the map of where the ghost lady shows up in the vhs?

fucking hell its 6 am here sorry. Where you find the finger, there is a lot of blood and medical equipment. There is another place just like that in the TV room. Maybe there is a way to utilize this, cutting your finger or something like that.

Now someone should do one with Cottoneye Joe played over it.

I'm playing right now and I can confirm this, also why the fuck there's only two breakable mannequins? I'm pretty sure I need to go back to the VHS and change something, or do it in some specific order to change the "present" world but I just can't think anything else, someome else trying something out? (and yeah, fuck that finger, tried even putting it in one of the controller shortcuts and I can't do shit with it).

Apparently this picture is from RE7.

It seems to be inside some sort of garage with a guy standing up in the typical zombie position.

Could this be a screenshot of the actual RE7?

kill the crow

>People think there are still unsolved mysteries in a 15 min demo that contains 5 small rooms

so has anyone from capcom officially said anything that there is more to the demo than we're seeing so far?

This table appears in the trailer, but not in the demo.

Capcom has apparently confirmed 5 endings.
But its capcom, so 1 normal ending, 3 phone endings and whatever the last one is that people are searching for now

maximilian dood talked with some capcom employees and they confirmed that you can actually get out of the house without getting family'd

Guys! I just discovered if you run at the manicans you touch their boobies. tee hee.

>strawmanning this hard

but did you use the finger in the boobies?

It looks like a portion of the house. Try to find an octagonal picture

>Believing this shit
I bet y'all thought the Killzone demo was realtime too back in the day.

sauce on the crow please

i am not saying that i believe it, i am just stating the fact that maximilian said that

das 3

can maximilian be trusted?


meh, he doesnt have a history of bullshiting that hard, but who knows

I just drew that
pump a rum crow from darksouls
in game you cant actually see her
headcanon accepted is that she is a qt monster girl

How you find this ?

also what do you do trigger the ghost lady to show up during the tape

.tv/ImDest just left the house.