How do you feel about this character?
How do you feel about this character?
Looks cute and hot.
8/10 would rub her tights.
New Link is cuter
Dragon Crown elf rip off, with the too cool for school Demon Hunter dual crossbows.
What I meant was, I think Koei Tecmo's creation is nice. I'm certain it will be bring a few gold coins from certain types of people.
>Foreplay with her by intimately kissing
>Make a snapping gesture and call in a black man or a guy with a bigger cock in general
>Be happy knowing my wife is actually being pleased
It sucks, but at least I know I'm making someone happy
>2 crossbows being anything but a nuisance
>Could literally fire + reload more often with just 1
Yeah he's the perfect androgynous link, enough eye candy for most of us without triggering the Sup Forumsacks
>Dragon Crown elf rip off
Wait, are you implying Elf was original in any way? Every single character in that game was an exaggeration of generic archetypes.
>Ipmlying reloading/firing a crossbow in the middle of a fight is easy when you could just carry 2
even flintlocks were carried around like this. Rather than take the time to reload a gun you just carry around 5 and them reload when everybody's dead.
Also crossbows make my member diamond and Linkle is cute.
Pointless, especially in the context of Hyrule Warriors.
80% of the fucking cast is female.
What's the point of a genderbent version of the one main character that is male?
I'll tell you if you pull my finger