He refers to himself as a "gamer "

>he refers to himself as a "gamer "

Other urls found in this thread:


>he saves pictures of jim sterling on his harddrive to use in his shitty trollbait threads on Sup Forums

>he recognizes fat e-celebrities posted on azerbaijani toenail collecting forums

>He makes these shitty forced puns

Probably an Anthony fantano fan.

>he doesn't know the meaning of the word "pun"

>he's too dumb to read filenames

>someone says they're a gamer
>oh cool what games do you like?
>mostly mobile games like clash of clans haha x) also Minecraft

>if you play golf you're a golfer
>if you cook food you're a cooker
>if you're very attractive you're a looker
>if you play soccer you're a soccerer
>if you fly planes you're a pilot
>if you put your peeps in men's poops you're a faggot

What's wrong with calling yourself a gamer again?

>people that ironically like jim
god hes like a Sup Forums poster but trying to be contrarian with Sup Forums

>"I'm a gamer"
>What do you play?
>"Nintendo games"

>it's a self proclaimed gamer that uncontrollably disses CoD when it's brought up

It's like the easiest tell.

He's a literal cuckold. Not a meme like everybody else.

>Entering an open relationship when you look and sound like Jim Sterling

Nevermind the fact that that's still more than pre-orders for Battlefield 1. Fucking normies.

>He calls himself a gamer even though he plays western games.

Kek, exactly what I came here to say

What a faggot

The only reason I know who this guy, angry joe and total biscuit is because Sup Forums won't shut up about them

>income is the only thing he has going for him, and that won't last
>he thought it was a good idea to accept his wife's propoasal of an open relationship

How much of that 11 grand do you think goes towards her bulls?

>He plays games for the story

Because it has an autistic connotation with it.

>Battlefield 1
god, you just know some corperate exec was like
>GUYS people are re-releasing old games that people like
>wow re-releasing the same game for money, that's a pretty good idea
>No! they're making a new shitty game, but titling it after the original game
>that sounds stupid
>I KNOW? but it sells for some reason!
>Sir? I think I have an idea for the name of the new xbox

>I surf, I'm a surfer, I enjoy surfing
>I bike, I'm a biker, I enjoy biking
>I run, I'm a runner, I enjoy running
>I game, I'm a gamer, I enjoy gaming
Retarded, you are

>he thinks gameplay only matters

>Not Video game enthusiast


>surfers literally spend an entire day standing on a board that's moving on water
>bikers just pedal a bicycle around
>runners run
>meanwhile gamers spend their time consuming an ungodly amount of art, music, story, characters, and universes that were designed, built, coded, produced and released to the public by teams of people who have dedicated their lives to inspiring emotions and changing lives with said software
Watch out for con men though, I'm looking at you, Inafune and Howard

I've heard people call themselves bikers and surfers a lot. What the fuck are you talking about?

The user I responded to was being a sarcastic fuck, how do you not see this

You're right, my bad.

Nothing wrong with the word gamer. No amount of embarrassing pictures you post will change that. It's the simplest way to convey the idea that I enjoy playing video games in my spare time.


Most of Sup Forums just burns up inside with the fact that the title of "gamer" has been misappropriated by casuals so they resort to using the hilariously sad term "video game enthusiast" in order to stand out.

Well they're dumb. People who get irritated when you ask if they like movies and say they like films are the equivalent I think.

Read a dictionary you dumb faggot.

>posting Sterling without a trigger warning
Well fuck you too.

I love how neatly Sterling awakens the inner autism in all of Sup Forums

Could you seriously fuck off? Oh my god, I am so sick of you fucking weeaboos. I know I'm on a Japanese influenced image board but fuck you. I will end you and dishonor your widows by making them carry firewood

I have never and will never respond to an umaru post. I've yet to see one of value.