So how will Kratos carry out his tradition of dying every game and crawling out of hell this time?

So how will Kratos carry out his tradition of dying every game and crawling out of hell this time?

probably by fighting buda

hades is dead, so it'll probably be easier than ever to crawl out

His kid shoots him in the head on accident and you have to come back but this time there's no second chance. You must use the belt of kratos and scour the world looking for that shit and properly beat him.

Where is the mother?

if this happens actually happens i take back everything i said about this game

died from a fractured pelvis

>the mother is so badass that she taught her son to hunt
>all while dealing with a fractured pelvis


Final boss is Loki coming out as the mother this whole time.

Real question is how will they pull of a game without ANY cuts like they're saying? That shit is insane to program.

>finally kills his first troll
>kratos takes him to a brothel as a reward
>the new sex mini game is kratos teaching his son how to fuck
I really love the idea that the game is going to be as over the top and edgy as always even if it won't come true. Hopefully they at least keep a sex mini game.

They're gonna use highest quality pixels obviously

Why did they replace Kratos' voice actor?

>Kratos dies from being poisoned
>Play as son
>Have to rescue father from Hel
>Reach Niflheim
>Kratos is going at Hel doggy style while holding a paper bag over her head

>Get to the end of the game.
>Find out that the greek gods are still behind everything.
>You're old because Janus is fucking around with time portals.

>yfw kid's name is Borr

you do know he's in valhalla right?

Probably because they'll be focusing heavier on dialogue and story. I think the new guy was in battlestar galactica. T.C. Carson was pretty good and grunts and yelling but his delivery wasn't that great. I like to think since it's been hundreds of years since 3 he just sounds deeper and older.

Don't mess with me or my wife's son ever again.

The new guy is Teal'c from Stargate SG-1.

>Playing a game with cucked Kratos

Died in childbirth... Or something...