Post an image of a game you're wondering if its dead or not.
Is this game dead? Thread
i dont know had to stop playing becasue couldnt see any servers
It has an average of about 200 players at peak now. It dropped sharply because of Hugh Jeremy's incompetence
what happened
NS2 would have been better if they hadn't screwed up the alien side with commander roles. The whole point of the original mod was two contrasting playstyles fighting eachother.
Whats wrong with it? Should I not pick it up?
>Steep learning curve
>Community that hates n00bs with a passion
>Unoptimized as shit until years after it came out.
>Devs abandoned ship.
>Tfw this is languishing in my library.
>Tfw I know I'll never play it again because it's pretty much dead.
Dead but it had an alright life.
Nothing compared to the original though... that stargate mod and fades flying floating around metabolising and doing weird hand movements and making that noisee is burned into my memory forevevr
I've explained this too many times already but quick summary.
Jeremy was the PR manager who got more involved with the game after launch. He started pushing a competitive focus. This resulted in a balancing patch which made the game far less enjoyable to play while neglecting ongoing issues such as lack of a tutorial and other support to help people get into the game. A fuckload of people quit after this patch. The game coasted along for a few months with a small amount of content being released until another patch was planned to improve performance and add a new map coinciding with a 75% off sale. The sale brought in numbers but the patch was released the same day and it was a buggy mess which made it unplayable for an entire week so even more people actually ended up quitting. The decision for the sale to coincide with the patch was made by Hugh.
Then the game drifted along for another 2 years with a small but stable community until about January this year when Hugh got involved again and starting adding weekly patches which severely pissed off a modder who develops an essential gameplay mod called NS2+. Fortunately fences were mended and the community development team finally added a good tutorial to the game. But Hugh wanted more drastic changes. The weekly patches started focusing on balance to such a heavy degree it felt like playing a different game every week. The final straw for a lot of people was the health bars addition around the time of Overwatch's release and a lot of people jumped ship to it. Hugh played a game on my server just before this patch was released and the entire server was telling him to go fuck himself for what he had done to the game.