>tfw E3 was terrible
>Literally not a single game is coming out for the rest of the year that I care about
Tfw E3 was terrible
I don't like your image
Literally me
I don't like you.
I bet that isn't actually true.
E3 has L I T T E R A L L Y never been about upcoming games. Only Nintendo has ever used it as a platform to advertise upcominga, but nintendo is literal shit made for kiddies
Save it , my friend. It's all yours.
>not wanting to play Dishonored 2
Oh cool the darkness 3
>Bioshock Infinite pretend stealth edition
Nah, I'm good.
>Dishonored 2
>State of decay 2
>Horizon Zero Dawn
Speak for your fucking self you jaded faggot. This year was memey and had good games.
Except Dishonored isn't a linear script-fest like Bioshock Infinite. And even if the stealth isn't as in depth as Thief it's still fine and at least something besides shoehorned in stealth sections in other games.
>it's a stealth game that doesn't want you to play it as a stealth game
>cynical, vapid reductionism
why bother posting
>can choose not to take the powers and just go through as a normal human
I thought the shitposting angle was that it wants you to play stealthy but punishes you for it with logical gameplay and story advancement.
Wait it punishes you for not playing stealth should be what this post says.
>Except Dishonored isn't a linear script-fest like Bioshock Infinite.
Sure looked like it.
>And even if the stealth isn't as in depth as Thief it's still fine and at least something besides shoehorned in stealth sections in other games.
This is the very definition of shoehorned stealth. You are not required to do it at all.
Because I'm sick of the western industry taking the worst aspects of games and pushing them further each year. And now japs are doing it too. Even handhelds aren't safe from this shit.
>Sure looked like it.
What looked scripted? You can't show all the ways to play out a certain area in 15 minutes of gameplay. If you had played the first one you would know that the game isn't as scripted as Bioshock Infinite.
>This is the very definition of shoehorned stealth. You are not required to do it at all.
You don't have to play Deus Ex (though Deus Ex is similar to Dishonored in that it's trying to do everything and not doing much of it particularly deeply) or Hitman stealthy either so I guess those games also have shoehorned stealth. Thief's kind of a toss up but there's nothing stopping you from running through levels killing everyone besides the combat being a bit clunky.
Here's the difference: Combat is nowhere near as effective as stealth. The balance is achieved by turning combat extremely ineffective and keeping available resources at a minimum. A good stealth game will FORCE you into stealth.
Fuck that, why would I gimp myself when the game is obviously going to be balanced around the powers
>can choose to be stealthy
>can choose to just run and gun
>can do a mix
what is wrong with this? is your autism making you have to min max the easiest path through the game? Why does it matter if stealth is harder to play than straight up combat, as long as it isn't to a ridiculous extreme of being unplayable? In fact isn't that what you are griping about, a challenge based on stealth instead of just running through the levels?
>You are not required to do it at all.
Play on any difficulty higher than normal and you are.
>not hard enough with powers
>too hard without them
Sounds like you are just a shitter tbqh with you
>Here's the difference: Combat is nowhere near as effective as stealth
In Hitman and Deus Ex it kind of is. Especially in Hitman 2 and Blood Money enemies will just run straight into your line of fire and doors also are deadly choke points. You can easily clear out entire levels, though I'm not sure if enemies respawn.
I'm not even sure what you consider being balanced around something. You can easily play the first game without powers with little issue (though I think I heard there might be a handful of parts that require blink) and considering they're actually implementing a mode where you're not given any powers at all they're going to make it even more feasible to play without powers and I think I remember them explicitly saying this. Yeah, the game will be harder without all the OP powers, but that's because the powers are OP and not because they didn't make sure the game would play fine without them.
>wanting to play blink 2: the blinkening
If you have the tools to bruteforce your way in, why use stealth at all? It's not like guards can spot you from a visible distance in the open, hear your noises or react properly to being under attack, so what's the point? Stealth games are extremely primitive right now.
>A good stealth game will FORCE you into stealth.
This is actually the opposite of the truth.
Emily's equivalent to blink isn't a teleport ability and you can be seen while using it. Also you can refuse the powers this time.
>If you have the tools to bruteforce your way in, why use stealth at all?
I don't know, why did everyone play Hitman as a stealth game?
ok, so it is your autism preventing you from enjoying the game.
>why use stealth at all
I don't know, to have fun being a stealth character? Why the fuck play a stealth game when I can play CoD? Why play a video game when I can read a book? Why do X when I can Y?
How can you have fun being a stealth character when you're dealing with static props who won't react to you? What's so wrong about wanting a reason to play pretend stealth? Why is it so bad to be punished for not planing your way in?
I feel like you haven't played Dishonored and are just parroting what other people have said. Either that or you're convinced that if a game doesn't live up to the absolute greatest games in a genre that it's terrible and doesn't deserve to exist.
The point is poor man's stealth is pointless when you're also given an fully fledged action game on the side.
my army of franks, Vikings and Crusaders will rule the land
And my point is that these kinds of games came out in the past and were praised, like Deus Ex, which I never got the hype for but other people like it. And also that quite a few of the big stealth genre staples like Hitman are able to be competently played as action games.
I like stealth, so even if Dishonored isn't a Thief game it's a hell of a lot better than any other stealth games that have come out anytime soon and it also has pretty good combat as well for people who want that.
From what I'm seeing people are just complaining that the game doesn't force them to play one way. This is kind of a fair point though as games that try and do too much generally don't excel in anything, but I still think there's way too much shitposting from people who hate that the game isn't a new Thief game. And I would love a new Thief game, I've played 1 and 2 a ton, but the genre is basically dead so I don't see the point in complaining that every new game that isn't Thief isn't Thief.
And then you have people on the other side complaining that they're being "punished" for not playing stealthily because the way you play actually impacts shit. The game tries to do both but just seems to be alienating a lot of people on both sides for some reason.
I'm the king of the memes irl