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did you deliver to mercurio?

bloodlines is $10 on g2a

don't open it

shit game


$10 on GOG too.

Hey look, Redemption is 2$. Has anyone played it?


redemption is fucking tops if you're into vampire. the dialogue is incredible, the gameplay and graphics are a little lacking but i'd ultimately say it's worth a measly $2

Post the gif, you know the one.


does anyone here play any of the tabletop games? post some stories~

bloodlines 2 when?

i loved this game but the ending was shit, i mean all the endings

a lot of this game was shit, thanks activision



I had some friends in high school that played the LARP for Vampire. I was always down for a good tabletop campaign, but never could get into the whole live action bit.

However, the one time I did go, I had a blast fucking with them. I made a human character, an old man with poor eyesight, who I claimed was the new janitor appointed by the owners of the building. Whenever anyone would be getting super serious about the game, I would walk by whistling, pantomiming a push broom.

"Oh me? I just started here. Night shift janitor, name's Fred. It's awful late, you kids ought to be getting home to bed!"

I was not invited back

I want to throw up

Hello, LA, you're up way past your bedtime, aren't you?

That's hilarious. They sound like a bunch of tightwads anyway.


Man the Vampire LARP scene was pretty fucking dire. One in my area got so bad that a friend of mine convinced one of the GMs that was sick of everybody's shit to let him make a Street Fighter character and he just joined and started exterminating people with fucking hadokens.



I caved in tonight and bought a box of Drumsticks (basically a Cornetto, but round on top like a proper ice-cream cone and with a chocolate shell instead of tracts and peanuts on top) and I was feeling like a fatty until I saw this. Thanks.

>american cousine.
i wouldnt eat that shit, and im mexican, we eat probably the worst shit on the continent, but not that fucking pasta.

that looks very mexican

If they mocapped this, I desperately want to see the live footage.

If I had come up with something like this, I would've been larping all throughout high school.

What the fuck even is that?

Currently in company of nobody

Sure, running a Vampire game right now. Party were present at the murder of Brujah primogen, so now the prince called a Blood Hunt on them, influenced by the advice from the Tremere primogen who secretly wants the party dead.

They are now on the run and almost left the city, plus the Tremere PC contacted the clan superiors to tell them that the Tremere primogen is acting against the clan. They have now met with the Tremere representative from the capital who has offered the rest of the party some boons if they manage to prove that the primogen is up to no good. However this would be a lot easier to do if there was no Blood Hunt on their ass.

Party talked to the Nos primogen they saved from the Sabbat and in exchange for saving him, he told them that they can try and convince at least half of the city primogen to allow them to speak for them and convince the Prince that they had nothing to do with it. Party is now torn between either falling in line and trying to please the primogen (if they can find them and offer enough for them to back them up) or just unstake the torpored Sabbat they have with them and join the Sabbat, as they are getting tired of being treated like shit in Cam and think that it might be easier in Sabbat

When is Paradox/White Wolf going to talk specifics about their vidya plans? We already know they have basically no interest in /tg/ because it doesn't make money so where's the games at?

Reminder that Mitsoda is coming back, but his wife is an SJW. Mitsoda's wife is the biggest threat to the new VTM game.