Why was he holding a dead fetus? This is what you show in front of millions of people? What kind of a fucked up imagery is that?
Why was he holding a dead fetus? This is what you show in front of millions of people...
Kojima gets a free pass.
because Norman Reedus needs to give some love to Norman Feetus
Norman Feetus represents humanity's innocence being taken away.
Symbolistical Symbolisticality.
Don't forget he had a c-section and gave birth to that fetus.
Literally William Blake.
more like a cross section
That isn't what a c section scar looks like.
i don't want to fall for the hype again, but i just can't help it with stuff like this.
It is a little something called ART, not many people can understand.
Reminder this game will be a rip off of the Matrix
Not everyone appreciates kino.
It is if you do it yourself and do it repeatedly.
So what was Reedus's thoughts as Kojima described what he wanted him to do in the studio?
if you watch at the end, you can see all the dead animals have umbilical cords just like the babby.
everything but Reedus is dead, meaning mankind will feed off the planet for self preservation, figuratively with umbilical cords, in order to ultimately survive.
Probably just went and did it. This cutscene had to be good. You either go hard or you fail.
does the fetus represent his dead childhood innocence or what
your basically describing the Matrix
ITT: people don't know what a fetus is
>Kojima : ho k, Leedus-san. take off arro crothes.
>Reedus: what
>Kojima: now crutch thees baybe and pretend you were kirred off from The Warking Dead
"As long as this pretentious hack is paying me I'll beat off his dick and pump his ego with praise like his retarded supporters do"
good thing the original Matrix movie is genius.
The baby wasn't dead you absolute retard.
The fetus represents Kojima's talent at making videogames.
Reedus is crying because it's dead beyond recovery.
Anymore of these?
Its a metaphor for Kojima losing his baby, MGS.
5 ghosts - MGS 1-5
Reedus losing the baby to the oil- Kojima losing MGS to Konami.
Hell, you can even see the ghost of the baby crawling around in the oil.
Its as if it was the phantom of what once was MGS now in the hands of Konami.
It's just Allegory of the Cave
The land whales- Sup Forums
More likely to be Silent Hills.
>Everyone thinks the baby was Reedus'
>Everyone thinks the babys umbilical cable was connected to Reedus
>Everyone has been rused
Thanks for making my night user
It was alive and crying though.
Can't take this game seriously since the guy looks 1:1 that guy from Walking Dead
yeah, and Plato was a genius.
Moshi moshi, beito desu~!
Hmm, his dick is the missing piece! If only we could see it
Can you say that again in american please
Ripping something off isn't talent.
>you being in charge of knowing what a genius is
Did Reedus and Feetus accidentally go to Whale Hell?
What mods do you think will come to this scene if it ever lands on PC?
A c section scar is done closer to the crotch and doesn't have a second incision that forms a cross.
Well your mom's already in it so an incest mod should happen quick
Anyone notice the pools of lava?
I just noticed that red shit on the left and right. Is that lava?
what's with Kojima and whales all of a sudden?
that scar is where the umbilical cord from the babby used to be.
>that is yours lasted chance. after that, this is don't turning backward. you are a to the take blue pill the - story ends, you are a woke upon on yours bed and believed whatever you are a in need of to believed. you are a to the take redden pill - you are a stay on wonderland and myself shown you are a with a method the deep rabbit-hole goes.
Don't you remember that time Ubisoft showed the MC of FarCry 3 being raped at their press conference?
Basically French art films
This is Kino. She's cute
That's a t section scar
That's a boy user
excellent post
After thinking about it, it this scifi Berserk with the floaters being GodHand, the dead animals as sacrifice, and Norman Feetus is demon baby?
Hideo confirmed to be working on a Dishonored spinoff
>trailer Heavly features whales
>Oil like they used in Dishonored
>You lived long enough to witness the age of vidyakino
You spelled ripoff wrong.
>babby's first avant garde trailer
Where is norman Reedus' penus weinus?
when kojima has full control even the dicks get rendered
"Vidyakino" would be movies based on video games, not games trying to be movies you dumb frog poster
I want to take a journey inside her anus
Spritial sequal to Dishonored made by the Japanese makes it better than the original
So, do we think it will be a continuation of Silent Hills? Or a mech game? LUDENS makes me think it's the latter.
The C stands for Cross. Once you realize the secret reason you will be ashamed of your words & deeds.
Kinovidya makes no sense you cumgarggling faggot
Kino was a movement for amateur filmmakers to showcase their films. This isn't to be confused with the Kinoks who were Soviet filmmakers who created the notion of the "eye of the camera" which was a rejection of the staged cinema.
>babby's first kojimbo trailer
he's been doing this shit for years.
Silent Hills in space
Will this be the most pretentious game of all time?
Also reedus being freed from the shackles is Kojima being freed from Konami. How did you miss that?
Neither does "vidyakino" because video games can't be art.
1. it's spelled "spiritual" and "sequel"
2. a spiritual sequel has to be done by the same company/publisher, otherwise it's simply a ripoff
Not as long as David Cage games exist.
The c stands foe caesarean, it's when they cut your caesarean open
Tacical Plague Action
Whale Oil?
Without a doubt, but as long as it's fun I don't care.
Incorrect. He had his bellybutton removed, which presumably is important in a game in which umbilical cords are important.
>Neither does "vidyakino" because video games can't be art.
Go away grandpa
What the fuck are you even on about.
Neither is a long jagged undulating scar that literally becomes a snake and leaves the body.
Fucking aye.
I'm simply stating objective facts.
>Narwhal to the left
Reddit game, I'm dropping it.
>Anything even remotely abstract is "the most pretentious game of all time"
Play something like The Void. Or some navelgazing bullshit like Thomas Was Alone, or any Tale of Tales game.
Film history nigga, someone asked what Kino was.
I'm afraid your reality appears to be a byproduct of your autism, user.