When will we get a video game from this universe?

When will we get a video game from this universe?

How would it even play? I suppose we'd have to play as Genos to have an actual game

I feel like it'd be really satisfying to play in VR, killing everything in a single punch.

Play as genos, yeah. Maybe even as a create-your-own hero, where you slowly climb the ranks and attain bigger and better powers.

that would be pretty cool

This. It's a Hero Ranking game made by Platinum. Make a wacky hero and go to town. See faces along the way.

Pretty sure it'd be impossible to win any of the fights though

>City of Heroes will never be revived as a licensed OPM game

>Maybe even as a create-your-own hero, where you slowly climb the ranks and attain bigger and better powers.
playing as genos would probably be boring since he's basically one of the most powerful dudes already

but playing as a shitty hero and climbing the ranks and meeting all the other low tiers would be fun

The boss battle to break into B rank has you come to the rescue of Licenseless Rider.

Genos gets his assed kicked constantly though