Underrated DS games thread?

Underrated DS games thread?

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Dis one

top tier ost right here

>jewing gay builders to fix a bridge
Whoever made this was probably drunk and I love it

the fact that i googled the name and got some esports cuck means this is underrated

These games are pretty great and unique in design.
Tingle is the best Jew Simulator out there, Hatsworth gets pretty hectic, and Meteos is wonderful once you learn how to chain.

One underrated game I like is Nostalgia. It's a pretty decent RPG that feels kind of like Skies of Arcadia. (Obviously nowhere near as good as that game though)

If you like Nintendogs, try this

Holy shit, this
Fuck nintendogs, this was the shit

Radiant Historia isn't underrated, but it didn't get the attention it deserved.

Fuck off Meteos is great faggot.


It had a very unique combat system, but I can see why it wasn't popular.

Got this game for Christmas one year. It's the sickest fucking shit. I should put it in again someday soon.

If only the game had some sort of organising system or storage

Suikoden: Tierkreis

Lego Battles was pretty dope as well.

lol, i actually remember picking up lego battles a few years ago when i was checking out weird cheap ds games. weird little starcraft clone

It was a clusterfuck but it was fun. Never saw anyone else talk about it. A 90 minute tutorial didn't help. Shmups should be combined with more turn based games.

>inb4 furry
The game was baby-tier easy, loved it though.

Holy fuck, sequel when

This game looks interesting. What's it like?

It reminds me very much of older Lego games, not like the modern collectathons with a popular franchise slapped on it.

Rock Raiders for the PC was a fairly interesting game with similarities to Dungeon Keeper as well.

It was a pretty fun game but I've still never finished it because it becomes so bloated. I still really want to give it another shot some day though.


Pretty interesting combat and crafting system, ok plot, good settings, pretty weird dating mechanic, had some of flaws like not being able to organize the book properly. I think it's worth at least a try.

I didnt like the combat system. I just wanted to move my fucking troops.

GOAT game

I've always wanted to play this.

The world is rebooting and you get a magic book where you have to register every little thing. Everything has attributes that you can mess with so you can turn a rusty sword into the turbo omega platinum katana with fire and lightning attacks or register a boss and then add like 5 sick tags so he dies in one hit.

most underrated kirby game. i saw literally no discussion about this game before it was released on the wii u eshop, and it still is barely mentioned. its probably my third favorite after super star and return to dreamland (though planet robobot might actually replace it)

It's nothing super amazing, but it is really fun, especially if you are looking for something retro style.
Also, there is a mini game based off of the scene in Aliens with Bishop and the knife trick.
Check it out!

Dark Souls 2


Exactly how much furry and generic story stuff will I have to put up with to enjoy this?

I shouldn't have to get a roguelike fix from my ds, but whatever.

I always wanted to play this but I can't find it anywhere

There's a reason for that

>generic story
Oh boy, you're gonna love this

People always mention this as a "bad Kirby" or at least "not a very good Kirby" for some reason. I don't really get it, it seems fine to me.

I tried playing it once before I'd even heard of it, but it just seemed so boring and the combat was terrible.

Since then I've heard many people say it's good, what's the deal?

I mean, don't answer if it spoils the story.

It's a good Kirby game, but damn is it easy.

The combat is pretty boring yeah
But the worldbuilding makes up for that in tenfold

Because it failed to be a good follow-up to Flagship's earlier Kirby, Amazing Mirror.

>those crazy boss fights
>those bodyguards
>that weird, unfriendly, kinda sad world

I really should give this another try.


Sands of Destruction is very underrated. I don't even remember why or how I got Sands of destruction, but it was very fun.

So provided I can ignore the furry-ish character designs and the dreadful combat, I should enjoy the story at least?

>tfw everyone only cares about the trap porn even though the game is really fun

How do I cheer Tingle on during fights in this

Black OpS 1


I have this and have been meaning to play it for the longest time now. Apparently it's actually really short.

>how much furry
A shit ton
>generic story stuff
It'll appear to be a generic story for the first 8 hours and then shit will hit the fan. (meaning the story will become fucking amazing)
It has a lot of detail into its world and characters to help make it more immersive and come alive. Every little detail of the world is explained, and even random side characters have you learn a bit about their lives so that they come off as more human (so to speak). The music is pretty, and the story has a lot of really crazy reveals and twists. The game is sort of built like Gurren Lagann in a way; the first half seems really simple and then things go nuts in the second half. Also because it has such a strong emphasis on story (and barely any on combat), the game benefits from its well written characters as its easier to care about what happens to them. Same goes for its world, really. Every character has a reason for acting the way they do.
Certainly. If you don't mind the combat and can get over the character designs, you should be able to appreciate the story/characters/worldbuilding/music, as those are all top tier.
On the bright side, the gameplay is so simple that its not even tedious. Its just kind of there. The meat of the game is its dialogue.

>There will never be a sequel
>You will never travel the sea of stars while uncovering the secrets of the epitaphs ever again

also, fucking this

Good game but they could have done a lot more with it. And even the beautiful pixel art could be way much better if they introduced more animated elements. Everything about the stage design was so static.

I swear to god this game isn't bad.
Not amazing or anything, but very competent albeit a playing it straight platformer.

It certainly sounds interesting, but it also sounds like really long commitment. I just hope everyone isn't exaggerating the story.

Well given that you were willing to type all that to convince me, I guess I owe it to you to play at least 10 hours of it.

Thank you user.

Agreed. It was adorable, but at the same time I remember feeling creeped out by the game.

Cool. Hope you have fun user! If you do wind up liking it and/or finding it interesting, check out the .hack// games sometime. They have a similar feel and focus on worldbuilding.

Also, I wouldn't worry too much about the game's length. Solatorobo is 20 hours long overall, and that's if you do every sidequest. (though most sidequest s add to the characters and/or world, so its worth doing this). Just make sure you don't assume the game is over after beating the first half. You'll know what I mean.

.Hack is already on my eternal backlog.

Thanks for the tips.

What do you mean?

I loved how your lives were based on your marines rather than some arbitrary "videogamey" amount.
You can respawn only as many times as many marines you find, so you've got limited pool of lives for the entire game and you actually need to find them.
Pretty fucking amazing Metroid clone if you ask me.

This game.
It's a by-the-book JRPG FF clone but damn it's fun.

GOAT DS game. Actually the only DS game that has made me teary-eyed, the story and the struggle are so good.

I never bought it because I was scared I'd die halfway through and have to restart. Depending on the difficulty I may retry it on my flashcard

How can a game be underrated if everyone knows that it's GOAT?

The game has plenty of lives, enough to beat the game, you need to be a mega shitter to not beat it.
Guns quite overpowered against most ayylmaos.
Bosses are uninspired though sadly, worst aspect of the otherwise great game.

I couldn't into Infinite Space. Trying to juggle destroying three separate ships (That could all attack you at the same time while you can't) when you could only fight one at a time while they could all blast you in three hits was impossible. Especially since you had to play back and forth.

Up until the time skip, anyway.

MC goes from a relatively normal-looking kid to beefing up so much he makes Kenshiro look like a twig. And despite this being a - what, 20? - year jump, like two characters look any different at all. It just kind of broke it for me.

I love this game.

His first waifu got killed and he was thrown into a prison. I don't think it was that unreasonable.

To be fair, he was like 14 years old and then got stuck on a prison planet so it makes sense that would change him a lot.

This game has:
A decent story
A great soundtrack
Monster collecting
Awesome rune based spell casting

Do yourself a favor and fucking play this game

I always wanted to pick it up and never got round to it; eventually forgot entirely.

Thanks user

>20 years
It's ten years.

Ninja Gaiden - Dragon Sword

absolute best utilisation of controls of any videogamesystem, ever

imagine, drawing a stickman on a piece of paper and then slashing away at it with your pen like it was a sword.
thats this game and its done so fucking perfectly. basically the only viable devil may cry on DS

i fucking sucked at this game

>Ninpo: The Game
Nah. I dropped it due to how pathetically easy and stale it was since you have almost unlimited ninpo consideirng how fucking fast you get orb drops.

This collection had the ports butchered.

It was a 10 year time skip.

>imagine, drawing a stickman on a piece of paper and then slashing away at it with your pen like it was a sword.
That's gotta be the most confusingly badass description of gameplay I've heard.

I heard that this plays better on DSi

>His first waifu got killed
Don't remind me. Best girl never win.

Picross 3D

Have this on DS and Wii.

Needs a sequel or spiritual sequel immediately.

Mah nigga. You will not find a comfier game on the DS. Top shelf waifus as well.

>Whoever made this was probably drunk and I love it
hi user

you rike stickers?

>Top shelf waifus as well.
I'm fucking sold but I need some evidence.

hands down most beautiful game on the system

every new city i arrived in made me sit back in awe, because they're so fucking colorful and imaginative

but, yeah, way too easy that game

Here have 2 awesome games nobody remembers and/or care about.


>Top shelf waifus as well.
Damn straight.


and 2/2.
one of the only non-boring a-rpg ever made. Also, very fun in Co-op.

>First waifu got her guts sliced out by her ex-fiance
>Second girl, not really a waifu but she was craving for his dick got smashed by a giant piece of debris
>Third waifu who was also craving for his dick either was forced into a marriage with the biggest prick in the entire lugovalos or turned into psychopath and later got killed if you didn't raise her recruitment flags
>Fourth waifu Gets deleted from reality by the overlords

Being a woman near Yuri is almost a death sentence.

what is this game ?

Oh man, I loved this game

>turning the saga into a rts-esque monotonous garbage


The DS honestly had the best game library - I think because it sold so many units.

How the hell did it manage to get so much exclusive content where so much of it is good?

>Up until the time skip, anyway.
This. After that, I dropped it.

I'm taking the game as a stand-alone, and it's a really great game. It's not on the level of Secret and the others but I had a ton of fun with it.

Sixth game of an old RPG franchise in Japan about greek mithology, it was the first title of the series released in west, I think.

Katida best waifu.


we can say anything about Nintendo, but they surely have the best handhelds. GBA and DS's libraries are among my favorites of all time.