>main character has his own apartment
Name a few?
>main character has his own apartment
Name a few?
>Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines
>Deus Ex Human Revolution
>Silent Hill 4
Persona 3 also gives you your own room but it's more of a dormitory.
That's Rei's apartment and she's not the main character.
Thank you, Sperglord Holmes. Another case cracked!
Max Payne 3, GTA 4 TBoGT
>brother has his own apartment
>pilot has his own apartment
>femme fatale has her own apartment
>you live on the job
No hobo.
Indigo Prophecy/Fahrenheit. Pretty sure all three main characters have their own apartments.
No More Heroes
Would a motel room count as an apartment?
It's called a motel but it actually resembles the shitty ass jap apartments, only reason it's even called a motel is because the game doesn't take place in japan and americans wouldn't understand
Easily the most comfy one I can think of. Your school lodging is unbelievable by the end because it adds small keep sakes from memorable missions and events, you also get like 2 other random houses out in town one of which is the coziest lighthouse ever
Any college student would understand a shitty jap apartment.
unreleased, but snug
get the fuck out with your awful awful games
Why are they called apartments if they're connected to each other?
It sounds like an antonym for condominium, which at least implies a connected whole.
i don't think it's just a localization thing, some shitty motels do long term stays
Never played this game. What's the best version?
I thought the difference between a apartment and condo was the level of ownership. You can rent am apartment and you can own a condo.