No Russia included, France is sold separately

>no Russia included, France is sold separately
>no realistic weapons, automatic weapons for everyone
>even automatic snipers are included so you can no-scope your way out of trenches
>germans are black guys wearing 1930's version of stahlhelm
>whole game is about americans even though they weren't in for majority of war
>tanks are more like modern tanks instead of slow tanks they really were

>No france? Get over it.
>No people of colour? Time for a boycott.

Modern gaming journalism and social media in a nutshell

Well he does have a point, who cares about such minor things? If it would be realistic it would just be white guys jerking each other in trenches and firing one shot in a day.

neo/v/ truly is reality, fucking millenials

Well technically the tank in the trailer was used in ww1 at the end

No, fuck stick. WW1 in 1918 was pretty mobile, essentially proto-WW2 stuff. I can appreciate why DICE wanted to set it then, because otherwise they'd just be making Verdun and someone already did that. So that's fine. And all the automatic weaponry, while pretty unrealistic in its availability, is fine too, because it'd get a bit dull just using the same bolt-action rifles for everyone all the time. So what we should get is proto-WW2 combat, lots of artillery, some antiquated stuff that looks funny, hooray it's WW1.

But then they left out the French. And that's fucking retarded. Frankly, it's pretty insulting even. French took some of the heaviest hits in WW1.

WW1 tanks were JUST-tier. It would have been great.

Fuck EA.

If they use that only on appropriate map then it's barely okay. But I guess it's going to be huge shitfest where nothing is correct.

>here we have a battlefield of world war 1 where the USA army saved Europe all by itself
>But what about the years before the USA joined the war?
>That never happened, there was no war without the USA

Had a relative who worked on the first tank and worked out the blueprints for the side sponsons. Got them around somewhere pretty interesting.

>ywn roll over a trench then get out the back with a flamethrower attached to a 50 gallon tank.

>who cares
we do you casual shit-for-brains dipshit

If they wanted to make another modern wellfare spray-n-pray sprintshooter then they should have fucking stayed at modern setting instead of trying weasel in more sales by making a game about FUCKING FIRST WORLD WAR while having fucking minimum of the first world war elements and even they are fucking wrong and twisted.

This isn't a WW1 shooter at all, they are fucking lying through their teeth.

Fucking kill yourself you braindead autistic piece of shit for making me explain this to you.


Imagine if they made a game about the Gulf War but you were fighting in Iran using drones. They're not showing any accuracy or respect to the setting at all.

>who cares ?
I do, i hate this leftist propaganda being pushed even in video games. Now if you enjoy taking the BBC like the swedish cuck you are it's your problem.

And it's the same fucking thing with almost every game about war. I' actually surprised Rome 2 Total war didn't have US with marines as dlc faction to save Europe from Rome.

>France in WW1

They don't teach history in your school do they underage? I imagine they teach white guilt instead considering that "white guys jerking each other in trenches" comment.

>ONE (1) singular noteworthy group of niggers
>Better add them to every other nation

Well it is 2016 and it's time to get some diversity.

Specifically leftist propaganda, huh?

We've been putting up with over-the-top patriotic militaristic foreign intervention OORAH sims for over a decade, I suggest you deal with it.

>world war I without france
>without FRANCE
How do you even do that? I can't think of a way to write the French out of WWI.

A big potential audience for this game could have been history fags, but they pissed all over it. Russiaboos and krautboos are two of the biggest groups that buy war games, and now they shit on France as well. I have one friend in particular that's probably not going to buy this and if they do I can imagine them pointing out something wrong every other second with the German faction and probably give up on the game.

What's next ? Battlefield 1945 with no german army ?

>>no Russia included


>whole game is about americans even though they weren't in for majority of war

fuck this shit

Where is my white only shooter
I hate blacks

Well, if I wanted an FPS with multiplayer now I know I'll pick up Infinite Warfare.

Wow what losers caring about video games, get a real life nerds !!!
says a youtube entertainer


>where the USA army saved Europe all by itself
The fuck does this even mean

>implying leftist are against war and foreign intervention.
You have no idea what you're talking about.

Americans actually believe WW1 and WW2 is about them saving europe from Germans.

I'm literally fucking mad that they consider France a minor participant in WW1 seeing as it was fucking FRANCE GERMANY INVADED, AS THE BRITISH ALSO HAD TO FIGHT WITHIN!



DICE are swedish

Swedish are basically americans.

I didn't realise 1914 was also 2016.
History repeats itself, every hundred years...

Set it entirely on a battlefield the french didn't fight on. But that would mean writing out most other countries too.



Holy shit, is this for real? What the actual fuck.

Pretty based for leaving slavshits out

Retarded for leaving France out

It's just a prank bro

Sweeds a cucks though, Americans are not yet.

>fucking millenials
user, that words exactly the opposite of what you seem to think it means.

A millennial is someone age 16-36. Anyone born AFTER 2000 isn't a millennial. You're probably a millennial yourself.

>Americans are not yet
American president is a muslim black man. You can't be more cucked than this.

As a french citizen i feel unrepresented. It's current year and i will not stand for this racism.

Actually the French used a lot of colonial troops, but it's still a very small percentage of the army.

Doesn't matter anyway because the French aren't in.

>implying it is not the culmination of millennial NUmales raised by soccer moms that ruins the vidya industry
You might want to start using your brain retard.

its like he knew what was coming

Welp, assured I wont ever buy this product. False flagging marketing is cancer, and I will make sure to boycott.

for some reason i got a feeling this game might be another Hardline fiasco

They are doing Harlem Hellfighters DLC, they were american soldiers but they were moved to the french army because the rest of the americans didn't wanted to fight with them.

I know your trolling, but (you) sure need better bait.

Lol just switch ur brain off bro why you gotta be such a downer dude

I didn't make any comments on who or what was ruining the industry, just pointing out that the poster is probably shittalking a group which he's a part of as though he's not a part of it.


>ITT: white people mad about white people not being in games
lmao enjoy getting fucked EVERY SINGLE YEAR

yeah wasnt a huge chunk of the frontline running through france?

its like they couldnt find a person who knew two things about ww1

Did this game end up being any good? Had an interesting concept at the very least.


Not out yet

In a move that literally no one expected, the new *Battlefield* game by *EA* is actually not good. Based on the previous releases in the series you'd think the games would be good, but in fact something strange and totally unpredictable happened to make the game bad during the development of a *Battlefield* game by *EA*.

>It's a game. Get over it!

Don't tell me this guy is part of the developer staff.

You're wrong, and retarded

Why does everyone keep saying they left out the French when they already said they have an add on focused ENTIRELY around them? Am I going insane?

>probably shittalking a group which he's a part of
>while posting on Sup Forums
Are you a fucking retard? I'm asking you for real this time. Are you retarded?

White men made history, either white men or slavs, all niggers did and still do is go "B-BUT THE MOORS" while they were the absolute first dindus of them all.

>It's a game get over it!
I instantly got arenanet flashbacks

>Most important faction
Does your brain not register your thoughts?

Isn't this the fat fuck from the Battlefield stream awhile ago? The one who never even played BF2?

His opinion is worthless.



That's like buying a GTA game and having no fucking police in the base game, only being available through DLC.

>You'll never have a WW-1 game where you get into a underground command post during an artillery barrage only for it to collapse before switching PoV to a soldier that survived having to repel an enemy incursion with your trench shovel instead of saving the previous you
Why even live senpai

Go tell the Americans "if it wasn't for the communists you could've wiped your ass with ur D-Day", they'll tear you apart.


Titanfall 2 will be the year's best shooter though

Sup Forums is the complete opposite
>No blacks/gays? Get over it
>No 2D waifus in skimpy clothing? Time for boycott

>Titanfall 2 will be the year's best shooter though

Have shooters really fallen this far?

In World War 1, since shells weren't made out of steel, they had much gorier results on infantrymen.

Like getting hit by an actual shell that pushed your head into your chest, getting hit with huge jagged chunks of shrapnel, and getting your organs sprayed all over trees.

Somebody should make a game about the American War of Independence
Except is Spain vs English Rajahs


Yes they have.

Why not just have a fictional war in the 20s/30s? That way you can pretty much have whatever you want with out people getting mad.

>imply in 6 months time we won't get Russian revolution dlc featuring Whites, Reds and German winter skins for only $19.95.

Do you count turks as white?


Polski mad fag detected.

This could actually be a thing, im 1/8th French and im offended.

RIP COD a person that has never owned a COD game, i actually think it looks better this time around

fucking millennials

>>Titanfall 2 will be the year's best shooter though
Nigga squad will faceroll everything once they release vehicles

>western front = France
>eastern front = Russia
>Wow why are the entitled fucks bitching about this?

>still mad their empire is dead


fug :DDDD

Thank you for this, I never thought about it from this perspective.

Technically, it was the lithuanian empire

So if they just have Americans and Germans, what makes this a WW1 game? How is it different from any WW2 game?
I just want eastern front maneuver warfare

cum on my face pls

They don't just have Americans and Germans, they also have arabs.
So for Dice and EA, supporting muslims is better than supporting france.
So they probably celebrated when that ISIS terrorirst gunned down faggots in Orlando too.

I hope someone saves those pictures and spreads them around the web.


> Are people getting annoyed about children getting raped ?

> Really?

> It's a game. Get over it!

There's also the British, Italians, Austro-Hungarian empire and ottoman empire

American education everyone.