Gaming has been dying for years now. This is the last shovel of dirt on the grave

Gaming has been dying for years now. This is the last shovel of dirt on the grave.

>Youtubers Life is outselling Doom

It was nice not knowing you faggots.

Other urls found in this thread:

quirky indie rpg outsells decent continuation of beloved old franchise
Youtuber's life is far less of a niche title compared to Doom's. Before you ask why, think about the people who commonly play on steam and whether the market is leaning towards indie simulator games or fps campaigns/multiplayer(doom isnt THAT big on multi)

Youtubers life was marketed better(because meme game) and isn't as hard to run. The potential playerbase for such a game(A meme game) is far greater than Doom.

Your inability to grasp this makes me think you're jumping on a bandwagon of jaded thinking.

>a $15 game is outselling an overpriced high-end and brutal first person shooter
wew, who would have known

Youtubers Life is fun though.

holy shit romance of the 3 kingdoms

Doom is shit.

>English language not supported
What the hell? Is steam full of Asians?

i know. selling well at 60$ what the hell?

i didn't even know they did those in english anymore

well i guess they dont

Around 2M Koreans on Steam. 2M Japaneses on Steam.

>2M Japaneses on Steam
Weird I thought that Japanese didn't like playing on pc...

>he feel for Sup Forums memes

I guess

nu-DOOM is ultra garbage. That Youtuber's Life game just has a tremendously unfortunate title.

>rotk13 is $60


There's a reason why nips are mad about region locked games on Steam.
To be fair it's their own fault though, because quite a few of them who complain about region locked games end up buying games that aren't region locked on console instead. So I don't feel that bad for them once they cry that companies like Square Enix region lock them off their Steam games and force them to buy the mobile version.

They mostly just use them for 2hu and eroges.

>one product is 4 times as expensive than another
>sells less
this is literally high school economics tier shit, OP

it's not some death of the industry boogieman, it's just how supply and demand works

I thought the top sellers list was localized? Atleast mine is quite different from OPs but Romance of the Three Kingdoms is still at the top.

>b-b-but muh price
>b-b-because high end hardware
>GTAV still selling like casual hotcakes

I mean---you do have two fairly hardcore TBS games in Hearts of Iron and Romance of the Three Kingdoms. The later is not even in English. Even Warhammer is way more mechanical dense than the console FPS. Doesn't this prove PC is the most "hardcore"?

Good, finaly i can just finish my backlog than buy new games

Youtubers Life doesn't use Denuvo; of course it's going to sell far, far better.

>Doesn't this prove PC is the most "hardcore"?
I didn't think it ever needed proving.

Youtubers life is also only $15.

I think I'd rather play most of the games above doom than doom.

Friendly reminder the Doom demo is out on Steam now so you can decide for yourself if it's a good game.

Downloaded it and it runs like dogshit on the menus. Can't even properly mess around with the settings.

>Spanish made game trolling all of you


So then upgrade your computer.

Mine has problems stuttering with 1440p on a 780 but running like shit on the menus? Son you're chatting shit.

>I mean---you do have two fairly hardcore TBS games in Hearts of Iron and Romance of the Three Kingdoms.
>Hearts of Iron 4 being anything but casualized garbage
It's eu4-esque set in a ww2 scenario, pick any irrelevant country and do whatever you want with it, to easily win the game without any challenge what-so-ever.
HoI3 had flaws sure, but it was the last proper game paradox made. Vicky 2 is arguable, but the economy and pop system is not fixable even with mods.

TW Warhammer is so good buy that shit, fuck Doom

It was $90.

>Costs 1/4th of the price
>Likely has far lower system requirements

Yep, totally doomed.

Isn't doom kind of shitty though? A few of my friends have it and they rarely play it, went back to their regular haunts pretty quick.

I'm not even going to bother no point buying a game that country-lock yourself for the online. Dumbest shit ever, Steam is a global store, why force that shit? Can't they at least make it optional?

Youtubers Life is actually pretty fun. Don't knock it until you try it user.

>he doesn't know that Steam calculates top sales based on the cost*sales and not the sales only.

>top seller is a game published by starbreeze

fucking hell do these stupid cunts now a days not learn at all?

>oh noes people now want to play something else than me
>oh noes

>caring what other people play
>letting other people's preferences dictate your life choices
>MUH Vidya Gaems are dead meme

Don't worry Valve will bring life to the Steam Universe again.

Is youtubers life even a bad game?
Im getting some sweet game dev story vibes from it

Dead by Daylight is extremely fun

Doom costs $60 youtubers life costs $15