Legend of Zelda makes you play as a man

>Legend of Zelda makes you play as a man
>470 posts and 124 image replies omitted
>Reddit, Tumblr, Twitter, etc asshurt
>NeoGAF in apocalypse meltdown mode

>Horizon Zero Dawn makes you play as a woman
>not a negative peep about this
>from anyone
>at all
>even on Sup Forums

Now, I'm not here to give Horizon shit. I don't mind either of these things. I will ask this, though,

Why is the gaming community so hypocritical?

Other urls found in this thread:


how naked can you make her?
they didnt have any no armour parts in the stage gameplay. if i can play in a ragged loincloth for the whole game then i dont see the problem

For the autistic foreveralone betas more women == good, more men == bad. They think that one day a female is going to notice their thoughtful actions and deeds and somehow end up dating them.

cause gender is important. who cares about video games.

-anita sarkeesian

If it's like a typical third person open world game from a western dev, the different outfits will just be different colors of the base outfit, but a couple of them that can be unlocked at the end of the game will have some extra little trinket or slightly longer cape or whatever.

I cared more about the fact that she never stopped talking throughout that gameplay shown.

>she never stopped talking throughout that gameplay shown.

I've noticed that quite a few new games are like this these days. Quite an annoying trend to be honest.

Only losers care about gender politics
Making a thread about it is pretty gay
I feel embarrassed even responding but hopefully I will get through to you because that kind of retarded shit should be beneath any man

>Only losers care about gender politics
But that's exactly what I'm saying? Like, why is it such a massive issue for one game and not for the other? Why can't it be a non-issue, period?

Did you even read the OP past the blurb that showed up in the catalog before responding, you condescending nigger-for-brains?

Go ahead and watch this and see how far you get into it before she says anything at all


A lot of this is just for show and may not be in the final game. There are some people that would be impress by the amount of dialogue a game has.

Why do you care? Are you gay?

I don't give a shit. If you're playing as the character, you need to accept the character's gender. It should be important to the story and the feel of the character. I don't have a problem playing as a woman but if you play as a female in TLOZ, it really isn't TLOZ.

On a side note though, choosing the gender of CHARACTERS is tedious and fucking stupid. Diablo 3 for instance. They spend thousands of dollars on extra meshes and textures and voice acting for an alternate skin of CHARACTER CLASSES just to pander to feminists and women.

It's like men don't actually give a shit about the gender you're made to play, but about the game itself.

I will ask this op,

Why do you care about gaming community?

Yeah, you're right. I'll fuck off now.

NeoGAF is moderately angry that she's not black or native american actually.

>Assassin's Creed with a girl fighting robots a year after Assassin's creed actually did have a girl.

No one really cares about Horizon. It's a Ubi-Soft game in all but publisher.

SJW faggots want to latch onto Zelda and force their gender politics bullshit because it's popular, and get fucking butthurt when their bitching doesn't work, Sup Forums is against the idea of supporting it because it's a long running franchise and Link is an iconic character
Meanwhile Horizon Zero Dawn is a brand new IP with no iconic or established male protags so either people have no interest in playing or are willing to roll with this female lead, my only problem with her is that demos make her talk too much

Who gives a shit, they both look fun as fuck.


Yeah.... right

he's not a man, he's a boy. in no game has link appeared to be older than 18

Sup Forums only cares about diversity/women in gaming when it's negatively effecting the product like with ME's tranny looking asari. From what I've seen HZD just has you play as a woman which is not a problem to most anyone on Sup Forums.

They weren't bitching to get Link as a girl, though. They were just fucking retarded. They heard a rumor based on nothing that Link would be a girl, got excited about it, and then when it turned out to be nothing, just like everybody except for them was expecting, they through a shit fit and started attacking Nintendo.

They're a group of narcissistic fucks who think they hold way more power than they probably should. Even if Sup Forums did get angry at Horizon making you play as a girl, nothing would come from it.

Almost every Horzon thread I saw before E3 was shitting n the female protag and calling it tumblr bait/pandering whatever
You literally cant have a non fanservice femalelead without Sup Forums shitposting it

Literally link 10 such threads from the archive.

Yeah but dat dialogue wheel tho

I hope that's the case. That bothered me in the GoW gameplay too. When you're hunting you should shut the fuck up.

anything other than a white male is pandering because white males are the biggest and will always be the biggest audience in gaming, doing anything other than that is pandering and will pretty much kill any chance of your game selling, it's fucking stupid

>real life
>see someone who looks like a girl
>refer to them as "her" when speaking to them
>turns out they're gender fluid and identify as a man
>xe posts about it on Twitter
>masses of people get fucking pissed at you
>they send you death threats, doxx you, and you end up losing your job because of it

>this year before E3
>lanyards of Link released
>left wing people think Link with a hood up is girl Link
>they get excited and hype themselves up even further about literally just a rumor
>turns out that the Link isn't a girl, but just as effeminate man
>instead of following their own logic and feeling ashamed that they assumed someone's gender based on their looks, they flip their shit and get pissed at Nintendo

I don't understand how they can possibly be so hypocritical. It's like everybody is always wrong except for them. Even when they believed a stupid fucking rumor which was equal in validity to some random saying Goku would be in Smash, they thought it had to be real and if it wasn't, they're burning down Nintendo.

How do we stop this? How do we make everyone get along and just enjoy video games?

>Native American

I really wouldn't mind a Native American man or woman as a main character, not at all. Not for Zelda though.

I don't have a problem if it's something that really doesn't get a lot of focus. But there are a ton of female and black characters now. Especially in action adventure games where they use bows and arrows, focus on younger characters, and almost always go through the same character arc.

It's not like Link is a character anyway. It's always been a little elf dude that never talks and has little to no personality.

White males are satan, women are saints, get on with the propaganda.

Horizon is shit though the trailer reaked of prerendering and scripted events, fake as fuck.

desu i havent seen reddit twitter (gonna assume tumblr is already this stupid) complain over mr zelda being a man

Zelda has an autistic fan base, and horizon is a brand new project, there where no expectations for things like who you get to play as.

>SJWs want to change a 20 year old beloved character
>New IP with new characters
Gee, I wonder what the difference is.