You can play Metroid Prime in VR

Not like, on a virtual big screen. But as if it was made for VR. You ARE Samus. You just need the Oculus compatible fork of Dolphin.

It works with loads of other Gamecube and Wii titles. There are graphical glitches and issues stemming from it not being made for VR but each game has togglable fixes for known issues, like those black bars that appear during cinematics or object culling.

When you finish tweaking, it plays like it was made for VR. It's an incredible thing to explore Phendrana Drifts in full stereo 3D with both head tracking and (somehow) positional tracking, Samus' hud floating in front of your face.

Can I play it with M&KB like a normal FPS yet?

Also on Metroid Prime Trilogy for Wii, you can still control your arm cannon independently of your view using the wiimote. Your head movement is decoupled from that. It's really fucking cool.

Some things you will need:

xinput1_3.dll to make the Xbox pad work. Goes in the Dolphin folder

Right click on the game banner in the gamelist and choose "properties". This will open the game-specific control panel where you can toggle hacks to make it work properly with VR.

You'll also want to bump the resolution up to to 2560*2112, which comes closest to the Rift's native resolution. That's done under the Graphics tab of the main program, not the game specific control panel. Otherwise it will be super low resolution.


>You can play a babby Halo ripoff with VR gimmick!!!

Fucking wow

you are a boring person

Metroid Prime came out before the Halo series even existed.

No it didn't you fucking dink.

Or are you trying to bait him?

Halo was Nov 2001, Prime was Sept 2002.

>Halo November 15, 2001
>Metroid Prime November 17, 2002
>Nintendrones defend their babby Halo ripoff by straight out lying

kek, not surprised

Metroid Prime is in all ways superior to Halo

Less enemy variety, smaller maps, poor environmental design, no proper exploration, and little content makes it superior?

Haven't seen an xbot shitpost in a while. Did something happen at E3 that bring back your confidence?

This is all bait right? No one actually thinks Halo and Metroid are at all similar right?

there's a vive fork too if you don't want to give facebook your money

Thanks for the thread OP.

>babby Halo ripoff

McFucking kill yourself.

All of those claims are false

Np, easily the best VR experience I have had so far. It feels like this is how it was meant to be played

But it's not VR without muh roomscale.