we want the apple audience
We want the apple audience
That's not a bad business decision.
Apple audience is as numerous as it is witless, and eager to spend large sums of money regularly.
What business wouldn't want a large consumer base that spends way too much on overpriced hardware?
Gaming consoles are such a stupid investment.
why only one USB in the front?
Is the power adapter still going to be XBOXHUEG?
There isn't one
no power brick
Hole Technology
What? Apple doesn't have a large base, they have ridiculous margins
>it's white so it's like apple
>Apple doesn't have a large base,
Right. Look at all the iPhones, Macbooks and Beats on the street.
Look how many other companies cater their hardware to support APPLE devices.
He's talking about yearly upgrades of hardware, making prior hardware obsolete you dolt.
>nevermind the s
This. I don't think Apple has ever made a product with sharp edges.
Is this thing supposed to improve graphics and performance at all, or is simply a slim? I was a little unclear watching the conference.
We want the pajeet audience
>Apple doesn't have a large base
Surely you just, Apple has sold more than a billion iOS devices as of 2014.
they completely copied the apple ads, even the font and three one word sentences
I scraped some skin off my hand on one of these once I'm pretty sure
>*goes back to his MOBA/Memestrike*
>wastes over than 1000 hours and 500$ in cosmetics
>Only takeing breaks for a daily dose of Sup Forums shitposting
>*psst nothing persenel, kid*
Go to bed, grandpa.
This reply is hilariously ironic
And who wouldn't. They consistently prove they'll fork over large amounts of cash for shit hardware.
I did my best.
How is different from last gens 360 elite 360 slim and the 360 slim redux ?
The design isn't bad, I think it looks pretty neat. It's just too bad it came out at the wrong time.
according to Rod Fergusson the Xbox One S is more powerful than the Xbox One, which Gears 4 will utilize. None of the 360 revisions had a hardware advantage for games.
I almost want one cause of the kb+m support that Phil said they're bringing.
Add MS Office suite and it could be a nice budget PC for college students.
It is very similar to the "sterile" look apple goes for.
The font is a bit copyright infringy too