So Zelda is pretty fucking good. What other games would make you buy a NX day one?

So Zelda is pretty fucking good. What other games would make you buy a NX day one?

Donkey Kong.

I don't give a fuck about zelda.

I bought a Wii U for tropical freeze

Kid Icarus Uprising 2

Any of the following

LuigiĀ“s mansion 3
Metroid by retro
NX Wars

im not twelve anymore i dont care about zelda or mario

A new Metroid that is similar to Prime.

>What other games would make you buy a NX day one?
I don't give a fuck about its games unless it is an handheld. If it is an home console, I'd rather pick a Bone or a ps4. They burned me with the Wii U, never again.

Why don't you act like an adult?

i doubt im buying an NX day one since I already have a WiiU to play Zelda.
buuuut if we are going to go full wetdreams
>The Wonderful 102
>Metroid Prime 4
>Pikmin 4 (this one already confirmed fuck yeah)
>Kid Icarus Uprising 2
>Mother remakes

>implying I'm ever buying a modern Nintendo console day 1
It's always better to wait 2 years.