Hey Sup Forums, one super simple question:
Should i buy Overwatch?
PS No memes allowed in this thread.
Hey Sup Forums, one super simple question:
Should i buy Overwatch?
PS No memes allowed in this thread.
Did your dog get stung by a bee?
>Mei will never fall asleep on your lap
that steak is overcooked
Why does your goat has no horns
that's a cow
notice the hoof
Its pretty fun but that moose looks super comfy, I would spend more time with it instead of playing games
Clearly a paw that is missing some toes, get your eyes checked whitey
Yes, it is fun.
Cows are the cutest.
And the tastiest
It's a damn shame that something that cute tastes so good.
If you want a dumbed down/casual fps thats shallower than anything ever made where everyone can feel like a winner go for it!
But really don't do it, can already see lots of post saying they regret buying it on Sup Forums
>no memes allowed
Picketh one
They have a nice suck reflex too.
I was going to say yes but then I realized I haven't played that shit in two weeks
it gets old very fast
Have any of you seen the substance that covers a baby cow's hooves when its born? Fucking disgusting looking
post more friendly cows please
Here you go, doubles-kun.
No. I was also lured into buying this game and it's a huge regret.
1. The game is buggy. Sometimes I kill somebody. Then I get killed. In the replay it is revealed that, from the other player's point of view, I didn't kill him at all.
2. The game is unbalanced. Defenders have a huge advantage because of shitty turrets (seriously fuck turrets) and Bastion.
3. It gets really annoying being forced to watch play of the game for the billionth time.
4. You constantly get shitty teams. If you leave the team, you get penalized.
5. It's especially worse on PC because of all the try hards who have perfect aim via mouse.
6. Pattern running isn't fun and this game is all about pattern running (memorizing a map to run through it backwards blind also isn't fun if you ask me).
Just stay away from it. It's my biggest regret buy this year.
Its fun, buy it
Ayy lmao
You sound like a pleb with shit internet and a learning disability.
the game has problems but pretty much none of those are it
turrets in fps are literal casual filter, stop being a shitter
1. Wrong
2. Wrong
3. Wrong
4. Correct, but you also constantly get good teams. Ranked mode will find this.
5. What game isn't
6. Huh? No one does this.
>Defenders have a huge advantage because of shitty turrets (seriously fuck turrets) and Bastion.
>getting rekt by immobile objects
If you said that having spawn exit over-viewing the last point is retarded I would agree.
>You constantly get shitty teams.
YOU are the constant.
>It's especially worse on PC because of all the try hards who have perfect aim via mouse
>someone is more skilled and wins plz nerf aim.
fuck off
Yeah do it.
Well that depends did you ever play tf2? If you enjoyed that then yeah buy it. It's just like tf2 but without all the degenerate cancer
1. No
2. No
3. idgaf
4. Not always
5. No
6. Wut?
fuck off
Only if you have 5 other friends that play it as well, otherwise every time you click "quick play" is basically "match me with retards"
and dickie and balls also
do you like shallow casualized shooters with content that gets exhausted in less than 4 hours?
Can you willfully ignore games that have better and deeper gameplay but with less waifus?
If yes to both: buy
Buy it for satan hahaha
Yes buddy. It's a great game somewhere between Team Fortress 2 and Enemy Territory.... 9/10
>take a tonne of time to detail the drawing
>fuck up the anatomy
Those fucking legs are way waaaaaaay too short for the upper body.
tfw will never be Gwynevere's dildo
It's shit, I bought it and i want to refund it.
No, it is casual as shit and slow as shit too.