PC getting multiplats n shiiet

>PC getting multiplats n shiiet
>Sony pumping out awesome exclusives
>Nintendo making a comeback with Zelda

Why are we mad again?
Vidya is great

Other urls found in this thread:


Video games as a whole is dying though, people are losing interest

Because a lot of games coming out are either remakes/remasters or the third or fourth in a series. Stinks of a lack of creativity.

I agree, it was a solid e3


What remakes?

But yeah, we need more IP's

People need to feel angry to feel like they fit in

Have you seen discussions regarding new IPs? or the Twitch chat when something other than a sequel was being showcased?

People don't give a shit about new content

if I'm not angry people call me a shill

Dude the Sony conference was entirely new IPs other than GoW, RE7 and Crash (and Spiderman but that doesn't count as a sequel/remaster obviously)

(gameplay and Combat heavy, third person action game)
(unique platformer)

(Survival, horde zombie game, appears plot heavy)

(Stylistic, first person horror)

user you're literally full of shit.

Console wars, my nig

We can't just get along and enjoy games here or we would have not purpose.

Don't forget that microsoft is basically throwing in the towel, too.

> Nintendo rehashing 1 (一本) game

Why are you not mad?

> competition is good
> except when it's not on my platform

Because Sup Forums is full of shitposters, falseflaggers, consolewar cunts and those retarded enough to respond to them.

The first two look like bootleg Ubisoft and Naughty Dog games. Not impressed at all, and I own a PS4

>tfw I have wiiU, PS4, 3DS, vita, , xbone, and high-end PC

dumb rodentposter

really? I hope to god thats true, less casuals and feminists (who are also casuals/don't play games at all)

fuck you

>vita and 3ds

Sony exclusives?

What games? Only two I can think of are god of war and the event horizon game.

Because I'm not poor like you

First two are games announced last year. Third will be shit late zombie cash-in. Fourth might be awesome. Or forgettable.

Competition between the companies is good.
Competition between fanbases is retarded.

you silly image.png poster, you are supposed to pick a side and post b8 images to fish replies

dumb ratposter

So nintendo gets a shitty game they were promised 2 years ago?

Horizons trailer was litera''y the most boring thing ive ever seen
Zombies are boring


>Nintendo is making a comeback with ONE game

kill yourself ratposter

guess what fuckface, you are missing the best console of this generation, OUYA

You guys are literally just being hard asses, the two games are nothing like those other studios besides the fact that their third person and look really good.

Accept horizon is gameplay heavy and not a movie game, whilst recore doesn't look as good but has nice platforming with multiple robots.

No kys. One game does not excuse Nintendo's failures with Color Splash and Star Fox.

retarded ratposter

I like Horizon, but that will not change the fact that its not a game announced at this years E3.

How is Umaru so cute Sup Forums? How is she doing it?

>I literally have no arguments


>Dislike the Uramu anime
>Find the manga nice
>Get lumped in with Uramu posters

Humsterposters why?

As long as I'm getting Resident Evil 7 on PC, I'm glad

>Sony pumping out awesome exclusives
haha you wish

God of War 4 is just named God of War and the gameplay-style looks very different. Even though the game takes place after the old games, it does have a lot of the characterstics of a reboot

Did you really read the manga?

Already has the store page up on Steam, senpai:


Obviously because the 2nd statement is arguable.

Well up to what's currently translated yes. I'll blame that spelling mistake on the severe lack of sleep.

die dumb hamster poster


rude tbqh