Get graphics card

>get graphics card
>play cs:go for a year
>graphics card dying
>have to spend $300 all over again

that's about how much a console cost, I feel like I fell for a meme

How in the fuck is your card going dead that fast?
Do you even have cooling for your shit?

What the hell did you do to your graphics card that killed it in a year? I've had a shit mid range card for like 5 years

Good thread btw, I like it a lot

is your GPU a poptart?

>get graphicscard
>play everything for 6 years
>drink consoletears

>not making sure you get a card with an extended warranty
You have to get fucked by the jews one way or the other, so you might as well go with the cheaper insurance cornholing.

>buying radeon cards
Nvidia would last for years

>have to spend a whopping $300 after a year

>play cs:go for a year

peek a boo simulator cuck. go back to COD on your iphone

so a PC is something that needs to be maintained for that amount per year? my SUV doesn't even require that much in maintenance per year, aside from gas.