Other urls found in this thread:
>Shitty poorly done gimmick.
Far Cry did it better
>fire doesnt affect the environment
>enemy doesn't even react to the fire
truly the greatest, sony wins again
don't make me say it, user
Where c an I see gameplay? Can I play it this year? Ive been basically AWOL since Iwata and came back to the surprise of e3 and a shit ton of webms.
>fire doesnt affect the environment
not him but it does, just visual though
it didn't.
>Where c an I see gameplay?
ALL of E3. That's all they've shown is endless Zelda.
>here c an I see gameplay?
ur fuckin dawd retarded mate and no oyu can't play it because yiur so dum
It's a multiplat. Sony doesn't even get to claim ownership.
If anything, it's a PCuck franchise that consoles stole from them, since it was born on PC then moved to consoles with 2.
>People who don't realize that the TECHNOLOGY is the enemy AI
where's the gimmick? what gimmick? show me gimmick
one (1) game
No encuentro el streamo
Oooh, there it is! There's that word again!
Wind Waker had fire clubs m8.
>See fire
>Put its weapon in it
Fuck off, nobody will give a shit about nintendo until the NX is its main focus
If this shit was in the Witcher you would have shouted to the heavens that it was the best mechanic ever.
Unfortunately enemy AI in the Witcher is utter garbage.
What can you identify about it that is "shitty"?
Be specific please.
>that draw distance with the rocks
I always said that the witcher games are of very low quality, but nobody ever listens.
>that fire effect
Weak as fuck, shit looks like he threw some red dust at him or something
>dat pop in
Can I lower brightness in this game?
Or do I need to get out my CoD gaming sunglasses?
sure makes you lot insecure
>sonynggers insecure at it
>kokobombo fanboys insecure at it
>now nintentoddlers insecure at it
And I remember you lot being mad jelly even when only the first game existed, I honestly will never understand but then again I enjoy games unlike you mentally sick lot
Name one other game that does that, smartass.
> pop in
Don't make me pull out the Horizon webms.
The fire rod is going to be a lot of fun in this game.
Don't dismiss the pop-ins here simply because another game has pop-ins.
We're talking about zelda. Keep your howaboutisms out of here.
Is no one going to mention that Farcry 2 Already had this mechanic ?
No, it's the fact that the moblins react to the fire stick and they light their own clubs on fire.
>enemy doesn't react to being SET ON FIRE
>blatantly stands around while his flesh melts
Even if it was a dumb creature, I don't think it would stand in one place while it was on fire. It would either run into the water or run towards the player in a desperate attempt to catch the player on fire. That's just animal instincts.
Witcher everyone!
Did you even watch the webm?
We are also talking about a E3 demo of game that isn't coming out for another 10 months and will more than likely be delayed.
Wait when were they showing off the fire rod?
I don't remember that during the presentation two days ago.
That you can't get
Some people got to play and found a hidden fire rod. It's just a normal item laying around.
Then we cannot make the assumption it will be GOTY.
Look at what happened with The Division.
I can emulate it soon :^)
Did you even play Far Cry 2?
Fire Propagation was really impressive back in 2008
What? No. The witcher series is simply a very low qualty series. With invisible walls where you cant jump down and you have to take the stairs although it's 2 feet tall, geralds pathetic jump animation and overall movement animation in general. The pathetic lack of details of any sort. Hell, i remember the first dragon encounter on witcher 2 at that bridge where you had to run through those sheds till you get to the other side, i died for what seemed to be no reason, and then i realized the fucking game doesnt even have a "You've been burned by fire"-damage animation. Thats how low quality of a game it is.
If i started playing video games at the 7th gen, i guess it would be a pretty good trilogy, but it isn't. It's just a work of amateurs in comparison to devs that have been around for 3 decades.
Again, did you even watch OP webm?
I know about the fucking fire propagation in Far Cry 2, I bought and play that shit day 1.
The Division never had a demo of this scale.
I think it's fair to assume for now that the game will trade its enormous size and lack of loading screens between area for a relatively short pop-in distance for items. It may improve, but as it is, it's not a deal breaker for me.
Xenoblade Chronicles had similar issues, and I still loved it.
I love how this game is basically the original Zelda, a wide open world with a shitload of different gadgets that can fuck enemies up if you wish to use them. I hope the dungeons are amazing, that will make this game a true 10/10.
so dark souls 3 is shit because it has invisible walls like environments where you cant jump over minor obstacles?
face it - its your opinion and it cant detract from the fact that its the most awarded game of all time
Yeah, the fire spreads, we get it, this isn't anything new, Far Cry 2 did this back in 2008 and back then it was impressive.
And back then it wasn't just their weapons that would catch, whole people would catch.
The Fire speading wasn't the point of the demo.
It was the fucking moblin or whatever Actively seeking out the fire from the dropped torch to light his club a flame. The was the technology.
The Enemies do shit akin to f.e.a.r. enemies. Like run from bombs because they know what they are. Chase after boars for food. Pick up dropped weapons from slain team mates.
Again, did you watch OP webm?
Specifically the part where the fucking goblin light his stick with the fire Link throw?
Not the first fucking goblin, the second one.
post a non preview one where enemies catch on fire
IT isn't the fucking fire spreading that we are talking about, faggot.
Jesus Christ you're stupid.
It's the fact that the moblin reacted to the fire and decided to set his own club ablaze.
The first one is also impressive as just throwing the stick at the goblin light his club on fire.
see pic
And again in Far Cry 2 not only their weapons would catch and subsequently magically stop at the weapon, the fire would spread to the whole person and then that flaming person would spread it to everything around them.
> its your opinion and it cant detract from the fact that its the most awarded game of all time
Fuck, ive been baited. 6/10.
It also didn't damage the Moblin because the stick only hit the club.
Both good AI and Physics are in place.
user, I think you might be a retard. They are talking about the NPC seeking fire to turn their weapons into fire weapons like a flaming torch
God you're dumb.
And good hitboxes.
No user, I did NOT ASK for a flamethrower picture, I want you to prove that in the final FarCry2 release fire propagating itself on foliage sets enemies on fire
Because it doesn't
Not sure why you come to that conclusion but I guess being mentally ill makes you incapable of dealing with different opinions.
Just deal with the fact that I enjoy games ;)
You are fucking retarded.
We don't give a fuck about the fire numb nuts
We give a fuck about the act of the moblin seeking the fire out to enhance his strength.
We are talking about the AI being pretty damn nifty but you can't pull your head out of your ass about the fucking Fire spreading.
dropping fast.
And it's not impressive, all of this and more was done back in 2008 in Far Cry 2, and back then it was impressive.
Like when your enemy first threw a grenade you threw back at you, it was impressive then, it's not impressive now.
Oh no. It's retarded.
We're talking about enemy AI that seeks weapon when it doesn't have any and actively sets its own weapon on fire to give it an advantage.
The whole nature catching on fire thing is cool, but it's a side-note to the superior enemy AI we've seen.
The best part is that this isn't a scripted event. A large amount of cool shit we've seen, like this and the fire rod, wasn't even in the Nintendo panel itself. Things are being discovered by people playing the demo completely by accident.
>actually being this mentally ill
Take a break from Sup Forums m8, you fucking need it
Fuck off levy
Were Far Cry 2's dungeon puzzles as impressive?
And if it's so damned impressive, why does it never happen anymore? Why don't enemy AI react to changes in their environment anymore?
Not him, but I would assume most enemies would be smart enough to stay away from the fire.
>why yes I did preorder the new Zelda
Fire propagation fags just got BTFO by Far Cry 2 a game from 2008
And again, we aren't talking about the that.
>mfw sonyfags will never ever get to play zelda
cant wait for this to go full witcher 3 with awards
>shifting the goal posts now that you're btfo
But the PC Master Race will.
The goalpost was always set on one topic, the fact that the goblin lights his club on fire.
Not before 2027 though.
Was totally expecting it to jump into the water.
This is embarrassing is this the best they could do? Why even make an rpg without real world interaction and physics. Leave it to fucking Nintendo to pave the way I guess.
you nintoddlers are pathetic
so predicatable
>paying 4000 USD + tip to emulate a shitty zelda game
at least you aren't a ps4cuck
Shhh, don't ruin his fantasy. He's trying to MAKE the argument about the fire so that it's easier to "win" the conversation
>shifts the goalposts to the Fire instead of the Enemies Seeking Fire
>accuses others of shifting the goalposts
You're pathetic.
dude, i can buy Zelda+Wii console cheaper than a PS4 game at any moment. Cuz console itself is worth 30$
>Throw lit torch at a Bokoblin's club
>Bokoblin's club gets lit on fire
>Other Bokoblin stops chasing you and goes to the torch in order to light its club
I don't even own a Wii U.
>15 yo technology finally found by nintendo
>we're going to emulate this game that's being designed with new hardware in mind
Sure, and it's going to run at 8fps until the year 2030.
>implying ps4cucks are allowed by their sony overlord to buy another platform
no you will play bloodborne until 20120 when you get a second game
We are playing football.
You were playing softball
Both have balls but that wasn't the point.
No goal was moved.
You just found a different one.
From the fucking start we were amazed at the AI being smart. You were caught up on the right the whole time.
The glitcher 3 is the far better game for many other reason, it's combat is shallow and shit too, but it's the better game.
Cemu is actually coming along pretty nicely
Shit will probably be fully playable before the end of the decade at most.
>Not realizing we are talking about the AI and not the fire
>30 fps
>on a console nobody gives a shit about
>won't look as good as you see it at actual release anyway, and that's saying something since it looks shit
lol fuckin console babbys.
>ps4cucks have such a lack of game they have the time for poetry
its like pottery
they probably just toggle the AI off via the console, but I understand that you own an xbox
or maybe this is bait idk
Days Gone
Son of War
Spider man
Last Guardian
name one more memorable game from this years e3 than zelda