>want to play with friends online
>friends only play MOBAs
Want to play with friends online
I want to come up with a witty shitpost for you OP, but i'm kinda depressed now at how close to home this hit.
I don't know what happened.
we used to play CounterStrike all day
then they moved on to WoW, and I was a little late on my start with that.
Then they went right to League of Legends, and I'm sorry but I just couldn't handle it anymore.
I went back to Counter STrike.
>want to play with friends
>Have no friends
>friend gets a new PC
>hey here's some cool pc games to check out
>no thanks user, I've only been playing this one game called league of legend. have you heard of it? It's super cool, the only thing I play!
counter strike is just as autistic, maybe even more so
I enjoy mobas.
What I don't enjoy is sucking at mobas and not being good enough for my friends.
>some years ago invited my friend to play monhun
>"isn't too much grind?" and kept only playing league
>he stopped playing league this year
>invite him again
>"isn't too much grind?" starts playing Tree of savior
I just want to experience monhun with friends...
>that one friend that recommends you obscure games then is offended when you don't like them
>that one friend who only plays free to play shit and open world games and asks you to join at least once a week
>play wow
>friends play too
>everyone is on a fucking different server and plays seperately
hey i'm one of those!
or i would be
if i had friends...
>that one friend with affluent parents who has total shit internet and cant ever get anything to work because he uses a laptop and wifi
I go through periods of wanting friends.
>lel autistic meme
Fuck off
With all the moba in the market, I'm surprised people just wrote it off now. Like, call of Duty and counter strike are very different.
Paragon and league of Legends are hugely different.
So what the hell
They're similar enough to be called the same genre and it might just be that people who claim to dislike a genre dislike the core elements that these games share in that genre
nah dawg, he's right
all arcade games are for autists
neck yourself if you play any of these regularly
I see that, but we don't often see people go around saying "I dislike shooters" in the same capacity people dislike mobas, which tells me they just had a bad experience with some friends in one particular moba (league) and blame it on all mobas. Meh
>want to play with a friend
>he doesn't want to play mobas
Kill yourself with haste memer
It's objective truth that if you enjoy these triple A sellout games built for all audiences you are a faggot.
>want to play with friends online
>none of them like the games you play
>you don't like the games they play
>you're willing to compromise and play something they like
>they aren't
>friendships die over time
>still playing the games you like all alone, like always
>don't want to play games with anyone
>friends constantly ask me to play
I most cases a shooter is good if the gameplay is good, you can just play it and have fun, with mobas it's different, even if the gameplay is good you're still stuck with other 4 possible retards in your team that can directly ruin your fun, most have the boring pve element of pushing lanes and killing objectives. It's like shooters are a genre of games and mobas are a set of rules, it's easier to dislike a set of rules than just a genre.
Am I you?
>I'll buy the game for you, this shit is boring I'm going back to Dota
>#2 friend he's my best friend so I'll play it even though I hate the game
>#3 hey guys invite me I'll play because you play
>#4,#5 dota is boring as shit lets go play something else
>naw dota is the goat lemme reach 6k hours on it first
I don't understand the addiction of mobashit, one map, bitching everywhere, long games of killing npcs of literally doing the same thing
Hey good post user, I didn't think of it that way. You can force into a game where you are just a person with a gun, since ther 's nothing stopping you. All mobas you're stopped and told to play this way. Good point.
I guess long games along with you can't quit mentality of mobas is tough too, hour long games can be a drag.
When you play with friends, even shit games can be fun.
I can relate to this.
>play game I know I won't enjoy
>but want to play with some friends since it's been a while
>whatever, might actually enjoy it after all
>I don't
>tell friends I don't enjoy the game
>they get offended and mock me for not liking their game, even though they're not even trying to play some of my suggestions
>Go back to playing alone
Every fucking time.
High skill ceiling, lots of variety through setups, builds and constant changes, you can get tons of playtime out of these games
>Play Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes
>Friend is terrible at giving instructions and takes years to understand things
>We get consistently better times when I am the one calling the shots, like a couple minutes better
>Insists on giving instructions
>We start reaching bombs that are too hard
>Wants to keep giving orders
>Eventually gives up because game is "too hard"
Ok whatever Tom
>that one friend who doesn't play dota
baka desu
>those games AAA
You're retarded kid, go play memetale
high skill ceiling zozzle, shoutouts to csgo, fighting games, and rts
>first day playing
>i like reading the instructions more
>got to one that i don't understand what to do
>we had to stop for the day anyway
>next day i study the manual and i'm sure i can give him every instructions right
>we never play it again
It still hurts.
It's a fun game once you get synced
You can just get the information out really quick and your partner can tell you what to do
The faster it goes, the more fun it gets
But you need smart friends for that
>high skill ceiling
We were doing pretty good until i was to dumb to understand the manual, we got good synergy since we have being playing together for years, i guess he just didn't like the game too much,r-right?.
>friend complains about being poor, and will only play shitty free to play MMORPGs
>even though every both they buy a full price 60$ game, only to play it for a few hours
>friend that is a full on CS:GO addict
>any attempt at playing another game results in him whining that it doesn't play as perfectly as CS and quits before the 15 minute mark
>get in contact with most my old guild to see what they're up to
>most quit video games except 2
>one addicted to LoL
>the other addicted to Runescape
>friend bought Overwatch because he enjoyed the beta and all the talk got him hype
>"i don't like playing this game solo"
>i say "okay come play with me then"
>"no i need more people to play with than you"
>he says he doesn't like how "there's no outplay potential unlike League of Legends unless you're Genji"
>he doesn't like how there's "too much going on"
I shouldn't really be mad, but I kind of am.
Why ? He's not wrong, the skill ceiling for that game is slow low I was hitting in in an hour. For those of us who play twitch shooters like ns2, quake, unreal, it'd very shallow
> two friends with 5k+ hours in dota
> spend money on skins, about 700+ each
> cant even run the game at medium 60 fps
I don't live near them anymore because of military but they really don't know how to save their money, they barely work too
Same here. I fucking hate my friends. All the time they tell me to play with them their shitty games.
I do it. But when I suggest to play another game I remotely enjoy they just say no and stays at their game. And those games are cancer chit like ASSFAGGOTS and now it's overwatch.
I fucking hate them, sometimes I wonder why I'm even friends with them.
Not even overwatch, the mobashits still exist and they still fucking play 4 years straight like nigga calm down
S'why I said I shouldn't be mad. He has a point, but I just want zomeone to play with, user ;_;
Are these people true friends?
Or are they people you met in a single game and hey we both like this game so that means we both most have all the same tastes.
Don't fall into that trap. If you're looking for a bro to play vidya with, try to chat with them as soon as you meet or add each other. Try to see if you have more in common than whatever game you met in. You'd be surprised, but there's a pretty good chance that you don't.
The strangest case I encountered was meeting a huntin' bro in monster hunter. We added each other, only for me to learn later on the only games he played were MH and Fifa.
Get with the times. Join the future of gaming, you dinosaur.
real friends, the only online friends I made were from Halo 2 and 1 from WoW. I'd say 5 of them are grown up and barely play anything now. I got 3 friends left but 2 of them play mobashits all day and the other one has a baby but he still plays vidya at least. Making a friend is a hard because usually the game you're playing is the only game they play
I played ASSFAGGOTS 3 years with them, then I realized how shitty that game is and quit. 3 years are enough either way.
I kept suggesting other games for nearly 2 years, but they still insisted on playing that shit game. One of them joined me in one of my suggestions, and just says that it's not that fun and goes back to ASSFAGGOTS with the others.
Then one of them suggested Rocket League when it came out and all of them jumped onto it. I joined them too, but still mad as fuck. Now it's overwatch. I really won't get it because fuck blizzard and fuck my friends apparently too.
2 fucking years I suggested games, and they didn't even bother to try. Fuck them. Maybe I should just stop being friends with them.
They just get me mad most of the time anyway.
I got the same problem with my best friend. He only wants to play 1 MMO and nothing else. He is obsessed with the game and wants me to play all the time. The game is fucking boring as shit. took a 2 months but i finally pawned him off to a guild and he's completely stopped bothering to ask me anymore. Finally bliss
I've been a PC gamer for over 15 years and don't have a single online "friend" that i associate with out of game. Sure i meet "friends" in games and talk to them but never out of game. Everyone i meet online are just total fucking faggots i basically use them to advance in game then drop them when i move on. I've yet to find a real battlebro.
>all arcade games
>not a single arcade game on list
I just don't understand how people can play a single game over and over and not get bored. I need at least a little bit of variety.
>want to play with a chinese friend
>he works literally 20 hours a day and the earliest you can play together is 2am if at all
He's a total bro too ;_;
>want to play a game with friends
>they only play Counter strike, battlefield 4, and Rust
>"this game is repetitive an boring"
>1.5k hours in CSGO
Yep...my entire class only plays fucking league and dota
One guy played world of tanks so we had some fun playing that together during classes
This is bullshit. We shouldn't be playing shitty games just because our gay friends want us to. this is especially true if they don't even play the games you want to play. Make a fucking stand you pussies, right now. Don't waste anymore of your limited time playing other peoples shitty fuckin games. It's time to stop.
My true friends are people in which I enjoy their personalities or their presence enough to compromise for them or vice-versa. Me and my friend barely had any gaming interests in common but he's a really chill dude and I've been willing to get into some of his tastes, as is the other way around. Most of my friends are really just gaming partners and not real friends.