What is the current best platform to play multiplatform games?

What is the current best platform to play multiplatform games?






PC for good ports
PS4 for shitty ports

>have to dish out at least 1000$ to keep up with current gen games
wew lads

>Having to buy an entire new "upgraded" console every 3 months for $500 just to keep playing games

It would take nowhere near that much and even if it did OP asks for best, not cheapest. Of course consoles will be cheaper

No, you have to dish out $1000 to get a better experience + literally every game up to the PS2 gen.

I'm late to say PC?

you asked for the best platform m8


not really though. look at microsoft's current console situation. they have the 360, xbox one, xbox one s, and xbox one scorpio.
assuming that you have the xbox one would you get the one s and then eventually get the scorpio?probably not.

like with a PC you wouldn't just get newest parts because the second they came out. you'd hold out for as long as possible while what you have is still viable.

Relax guy, I just shitpost that absurd exaggeration to cunts who think you need to drop at least $1000 just to game on PC

Keep up?

Funny considering the ps4 gets 15 fps these days and have to keep downgrading to "keep up"

And that's with parity

you expect someone to say PS4?

>implying I can play Witcher 3 on max settings without a seriously strong machine

What's the point if it's mid settings? Might as well get a console at that point.

I would have said PS4 if the question was "best console for multiplats", not "platform".

>What's the point

Cheaper games even on release
Free online
Any control method you want

I'm a PC guy but

>using bethesdshit to any performance related argument

Come on you can do better, FO4 is running on a shit tier engine

It's a CPU-heavy engine and the consoles have shit-tier netbook CPU's.

On PC for Fallout 4 you'd probably have to running an Intel Atom or an older Pentium to run into the same bottlenecks.

PS4 nets you by far the most AA and AAA new releases since you get:
-Vita games (Digimon Cybersluts, GundamBreaker3, etc)
-PS3 games (Persona5, WitchtheBitch etc)
-PS4 games (Disgaea5, Bloodborne, StarOcean5, etc)
-Xbone games (Destiny, FF15, etc)
-PC games (SFV, FF14, NoMansSky, etc)

If you get an Xbone you'd miss out of Vita/PS3 releases, and 360 won't ever be getting new release since it's officially dead. It does have emulated backwards compatibility with 20% of 360's old library, but it's hit and miss when it comes to performance.

With PC you already know what you're getting, because everyone and their mother owns one.

Also if you like japanese games in ANY way (jrpgs, action games, etc), PS4 is a must buy.

Nier looking good there, I hope the game is a success.