What are some games I can play without any (or very little) need for audio?

what are some games I can play without any (or very little) need for audio?

Is that a jar of mayonnaise?

no it's bbc cum

Yeah? Eurofags don't do this?

we use mayo as a condiment

Any mmo, any roguelike/lite (except for maybe tomb of the necrodancer), and any Diablo like game Diablo included.

dorf fort


its mayo salad

I make mayonnaise at home. Takes 1-2 minutes, tastes better, it's done with prime ingredients and you can customize it to your liking (I usually make an alioli-mayo hybrid).

Why do Americans get store bought? Makes no sense.

That's just nasty

idk how to into dorf fort tbqhwy
any recommends on roguelikes? have only ever played rogue legacy but i put like 20 hours in it

Is she eating mayo and reading something that looks like a black and white comic (possibly hentai/yaoi) ?

Looks like a jar of pure mayo to me

She looks a lot lot like MissAlice

No she's not eating fucking mayo this is a stupid normie 'prank' where they put plain yogurt or whatever in there.

Nothing but attentionwhoring

it's ecchi

I'm starting to think its a staged pic for tumblr


sounds retarded

It is

Look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me

sounds like someone has been studying normie tendencies

Rainbow six siege


American here. Some people make mayo. I don't put it on much if anything, though, so I just buy small bottles. I make my own guacamole, pickles, and hot sauces however.


I have a job so I'm around them

>qt is too poor to afford a proper lunchbox
>Sup Forums autist takes a creep shot to make fun of her

>It looks therefore it is

It's yellow, it's not mayo.


>he has never seen a jar of Hellman's mayo

Looks like the label.

mayo isn't supposed to be white lardass

It's a prank. People empty out mayo jars and put pudding or yogurt in it and then eat it to get reactions out of people who don't realize the truth. I've also seen someone put Gatorade in a Windex bottle, or a Bleach bottle.

I don't know of any Americans that just eat mayo randomly from a jar either...

I've seen plenty of picture of landwhales doing this

I never said the container isn't Hellmann's. Is it so hard to believe that the container, with it's twist off cap, isn't a nice container to carry other contents?

Hellmann's mayo is white you stupid slut.

Why the fuck would anyone do that?

>white ppl

but the label is yellow which is what you pointed out you mong


>rogue legacy

It usually takes me ablut 3-5 minutes to make my own mayo and even then most people wouldn't eat it.

Helmann's is a very specific style of mayo and you can't really make it on your own


>I eat so much fucking mayo that I know exactly what Hellmann's looks like because I'm a fat disgusting lardass

And you're proud of this?

>I'd rather drink purple drank or eat dogs that this fine emulsion of extra virgin olive oil and chicken eggs

They never said they copy Hellmann's, they said they make a better mayo with better ingredients. What the fuck is wrong with your reading comprehension? Do you have Hellmann's for a brain you fat pig?

>'REAL' mayonnaise
...as opposed to

Helmann's is fucking disgusting though


Do you use a traditional method? Now I'm wondering if I exaggerated the time cost.

With a hand blender (or however they are called, pic related) it feels like it takes no time, though, just throw in the ingredients in, blend, you are done.


American mayonnaise

hi does anyone have any games to recommend me?