Out of context Skyrim webms

Skyrim """""""""""""combat"""""""""""""

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woaah that finisher at the end looked suhweeeeeet.

tell me about it lol. always get giddy when i see a finisher appear. especially dragon ones rawr! xd!

BTW are u getting the skyrim remastered?? Not sure if it is worth it as i have to pay again i guess (im on console).. we'll see.

Ye definitely getting it. Im on console too but the mod support alone is worth it man. all the possibilites we will have to improve our gameplay experience and new lands/quests... its like a new game all over again

omg lol i completely forgot about the mods.. derp. OK definitely preordering it now thanks for reminding me!


>this fucking thread

God, I hope they implement some sort of "punch out" style swordplay to the next game. Just pressing attack over and over is lame.

IS this the new """"""""""""""meme"""""""""""""?

What's going on in here, guys?

Nice, this is such an improvement over Morrowind's lame skill-based combat.

Get "Requiem"
Problem solved.

Best RPG overhaul mod ever. Fucking fantastic. Skyrim is so much fun with it.

Anyone have any good sex mods I could combine with Requiem btw?

Just get Arkane games to make the combat similar to Dark Messiah.

Salutations my "Jive Brothers". It is I, To-... I mean DeTodd. So you think Mr. Howard is racist? Ha! I say, Ha! No. He's a "Real Original Gangster", if you catch my drift. I would say that he's the only game developer supporting the black community. So if anything, we should buy his game to show OUR support to him! Now my fellow "Niggas", go out and be sure to acquire Skyrim: Remastered through LEGAL means. I know we sometimes are a sticky-fingered bunch, eh? With that said, farewell! I'm off to play basketball or whatever our kind does.

It's really insane how fucking broken the sneak skill was.

How does a game that manages to be nothing more than painful mediocrity at best in every single facet of it design get such overwhelming praise?

go to lovers lab dummy

Ok i just pre ordered the game again lol. Been a while since i was last in Skyrim though hah been having a blast with Fallout4 currently the mod support on consoles is so cool man. Will be good to be back in the Nord lands! Die thalmors! lol

is it a goddamn 2011 or what?

Yeah tell me about it fallout 4 is great. Love hanging out with Piper in Diamond city - feel like a real detective helping out with cases. BTW you played Survival mode??

>I know I heard something

isn't that obvious? it's not.

Yeah tried out Survival mode and havent went off it since.. Really improves the game a lot and much better than fallout new vegas hardcore mode more like hard-snore mode rofl na was just not as fun as this one... what are your favourite bits of survival mode?

Their targeted demographic doesn't know any better.


Normies only just started playing videogames because before Skyrim and casualization in general they didn't bother with stuff that would take actual brainpower or strategy to play.

Because it lets you wander around all over the place and you can yell at people which is really all gamers want anyway

It legitimately is an improvement. Morrowind's combat was so garbage even this is better.

It's the only one of its kind, at least nowadays.

"hard-snore" omg thanks i just spat out my coffee rofl.... something else to clean up :P. My favourite features are the save-on-sleeping only and diseases as they really make you take care of yourself and cant just be careless.... Anyway we're getting off track lets discuss skyrim again lol

Haven't you heard? Bethesda Softworks, LLC (R) are releasing The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Special Edition (TM) this year!

I am not associated with Bethesda Softworks (R), by the way!

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

only good thing about requiem is the combat ai.

This thread makes me uncomfortable

The masses just need to waste a lot of time.
Also I don't think they explicitly fucked up the lore in Skyrim then again I've never bothered to check.



lol ye it is just easy to get caught up talking about another bethesda game as they are all such fun... my favourite guild in skyrim is the dark brotherhood as i get to just be plain evil and a deadly assassin... killing emperor omg sooo satsifying..!


Just install the DUEL mod or that other combat mod

Ye you are completely correct there my friend (can i call you friend?? sorry if that is a bit too forward hah!) i also love the companions... being able to become a werewolf and tear my enemies to shreds! woah! So much fun

>let me walk through this here dark hallway to show off these ass physics because that's not a flawed plan at all

oh heh sure i was thinking of you as a friend anyway as we are getting on quite well lol. so sure thing, friend! :)

But yeah killing those Silver Hand is great especially after what they did to Kodlak..so sad but he is in peace now with the gods as i helped him.. but im more of a....heh...vampire guy!Dawnguard ftw!!!

>Gotta defend my favorite game from those nasty criticisms! Perfect in every way!

holy shit thats intense

>you will never play Oblivion for the first time again


Skyrim threads are only good for lewd mod discussions.

>Also I don't think they explicitly fucked up the lore in Skyrim then again I've never bothered to check.
Does making Alduin a little bitch compared to his insanely overpowered lore counterpart count?

have you heard of the High Elves?


Dude that's not bait. Morrowind is better than Skyrim in many, many, many ways but combat is not one of them.

I played for the first time a few months ago and it was shit. Took me like 15 minutes to walk from one town to another and a fucking mages guild sent me to pick some shitty mushrooms or some shit, dropped it instantly

Can you stop? How are people so bad at such a simple combat system?

Retarded 1 dagger rogue attacking people head on?
Two handed warrior not staggering enemies with power attacks?

Skyrim's combat is simple but it works and it's not only an action game but also stats based. What's also important is the diversity of gameplay Skyrim offers compared to any other game in this genre.

tl;dr Skyrim's combat it just works

>Must have been the wind

You didn't notice the balloon torpedo tits swaying up and down?

look at this nignog's shitty bait holy shi

the thing i do not understand is how the elder scrolls became such a normie franchise. same with fallout. how the fuck did they create such hype for it? i remember not even knowing what the elder scrolls was when oblivion came out. i just thought it looked like a really cool rpg. didn't know it was the fourth in a franchise.

no news on a new installment of these games for years, 2011 hits and e3 goes fucking nuts with it. normies everywhere are talking about how epic it is, but they don't even know anything about the franchise at all. are vikings and dragons all it takes?

>Took me like 15 minutes to walk from one town to another and a fucking mages guild sent me to pick some shitty mushrooms or some shit, dropped it instantly
He said Oblivion, retard.

What exactly am I baiting?

No it was too dark

Too big?

My biggest problem with Skyrim is that a lot of the town/ people you met and traveled to seemed to be implying some kind of quest for you to do, but when you tried digging around and talking to them or going to the wiki there was nothing to do. Also the dialogue options were really shitty and hampered roleplaying in a big way

>dialogue options
There basically were none outside of persuasion/intimidation. Dialogue was super linear, but I seem to remember it being really linear in Oblivion too so.

Morrowind's combat that takes attributes, skills, fatigue and weapon condition into account will always be superior to Skyirm's arcade swinging.

Because there were no games like these when they were released? Are you literally retarded?

Actually we still don't have a proper open-world game like any TES game.

uhh yeah I just googled it to be sure, that's what I played

Oblivion has this quest you fucking retard.

We've been over this. Melee combat in Morrowind was absolutely garbage. magic was alright.

So, this is the combat the shitposters keep screaming about how good it is in the Witcher threads?

I think Skyrim has more diverse and better combat. Witcher 3 has better combat mechanics.

Melee combat is absolute garbage in every one of them. Non-threatening health sponge fights or miss chance that goes away and becomes trivial 3-shot fights when you get a decent enchantment, either way.

Isn't souls combat the same as this?

OP here, here's the video I took the clips from.


No such thing

I think that even swinging a sword at the wall feels better and is more entertaining in Skyrim than Witcher

And having the option to play in so many different styles yea

Only if you lack taste.

Don't be crazy user, too much can be too much, tits or ass.

at least learn how the combat system works in Skyrim


The 360 brought in a wave of people that haven't experienced anything better.


I suggest putting a rope around your neck and doing a bit of swinging around.

Straight melee combat is bad in every tes game. It is ok and fun for few first hours, but it gets boring/repetitive very fast. Magic, Archery, Sneak builds are more fun.

It's almost like a single dagger isn't the best weapon for straight up face to face melee.

>Get "Requiem"
>Problem solved.
And many other problems created, because it doesn't work with any other mods.

That's not the problem.

This. Bethesda games are a genre unto themselves. There are no other highly-moddable RPGs like it.

Under-jelly'd toast.

Power attacks also break through an enemy's block.

More like Bethesda """""""""combat""""""". Not a single Bethesda game has good combat.

I don't know about the other two games, but Witcher 1 combat is definitely worse than Skyrim.

>Enjoyed playing as a spellsword in Oblivion
>Melee and physical defense by parrying incoming attacks
>Tossing spells at the enemy with my offhand
>Try to play like that in Skyrim
>Can only either spam attack with melee or spam spell
>Can no longer parry

>Attack with left
>Attack with right
>Attack with both
>No defensive ability whatsoever
>No parry, riposte, counterattack
>Circlestrafe with movement keys and mindless mash attack buttons until you win or have to eat

is this 2011? what's your point

I know this is because console controllers don't have enough buttons, but they could have given you a lesser power you could use with the shout key to make you parry while holding a weapon or spell in your left hand. Of course, like most problems in Bethesda games, there's a mod to fix this issue.


It's mind-boggling how they've made so much money with combat that's nearly 25 years old at this point, from a completely dead genre, and all it took was making games 3D and as casual as possible.

>Start up Skyrim for the first time
>Decide to play as a sneaky Argonian wielding mainly a bow and a sword for melee encounters
>Realise fairly quickly that bow + stealth was easy-mode and ridiculously OP

I took down trolls just after first arriving at Whiterun, I think I was just past level 10, by jumping onto a formation of rocks the trolls couldn't get to and proceeded to wail a few of them with arrows while getting the occaisonal crit in because the trolls forgot I was there and went back into stealth mode. Dungeons were a piece of piss to stealth as well, even when there were groups of enemies. Having companions actually made the game harder.