How does it feel knowing PCs will never be able to compete with consoles again because consoles will get new additions...

How does it feel knowing PCs will never be able to compete with consoles again because consoles will get new additions annually that shit all over modern PCs?

>new additions
Like what?


>buy a $400 box every year
>pay $60 every year to use your internet
>pay $60 for every 10 hour cinematic video game experience
>pay even more shekels to play your old games if you are a Sonycuck

oh boy

Like paid online?

Kill yourself.

Fuck off

Are we allowed to report bait threads?


$500 every 4-5 years for an upgrade.

Or $1000 every 10 years to do all that AND have a fully functional PC. This included backwards compatible of PS2, GC, anything else before. Fuck rebuying "classics"

I wonder which one I'll do.

>buy a $1000 in computer parts every 6 months
>pay $200 extra every year in high electrical bills from high PC requirements
>pay $100 extra in going over data download by downloading 50+ GB games
>pay $60 for every 1 hour early access video game experience

This is PC gaming

>controllers have built in drm. must re up your controller credits every 30 days.
>auto renews
>charges extra for going over monthly controller data cap

>every 4-5 years for an upgrade.
Pretty sure they're mirin that iPhone business model and there's going to be an upgrade every year

>Or $1000 every 10 months


>buy a $1000 in computer parts every 6 months

You people don't actually believe this, do you?

>pay $100 extra in going over data download by downloading 50+ GB games

What are you, Australian? My condolences.

We knew you've never built a PC before, no reason to over play it.

No, no, get this

Every controller is wireless and rechargeable

Every wireless, rechargeable controller has a soldered in lithium battery.

After a couple dozen recharges, it starts dying after 30 minutes of use and you have to buy a new one

Nice bait

>$1000 every 10 years
I mean I guess you could do that, but you should really upgrade your gpu every 5 years unless you only play assfaggots

PC master race elitists on suicide watch
feels good, can't wait for those faggot to go extinct


I don't know man. How does it feel knowing all that shitposting and lies you said about PCs needing to upgrade every year is actually happening to consoles in the end?

I will make you take that back
*teleports behind you*


Show me one PC from 10 years ago that can play modern games well


well that certainly is a leap.

ive got a 5 year old 600 prebuilt with a 120 dollar graphics card upgrade from a year and a half ago, honestly ive spent more for art equipment than gaming stuff on this thing.

That'd be a Core 2 Quad with a GeForce 8800GTX, a card with similar performance to a Radeon 7750 or GeForce 650.

Their would still be very few things it couldn't run.

Someone call George Orwell cause the consolecucks are pretending regular upgrading totally wasn't one to the biggest drawback and commonly leveled criticisms they used to level at PC gaming.

Seriously how deluded are consolecucks. Xbox just surrendered most if not all their future exclusives and are gradually shifting away from dedicated console support.

Consoles are dead and Microsoft knows it. Within a decade the Xbox brand will be a game distribution service like Steam.

10 years is well past the life expectancy of regularly used PC -and- console components. If you think that's a "gotcha" question then you're clearly not informed and/or old enough to take part in this discussion.

>guiz buy $1000 pc it last 10 years

How does it feel knowing you have to pay $1000+ a year just to keep up to date with the newest model of a console?

Isn't Project Scorpio coming out in December 2017?

And didn't Phil specifically mention that the graphics power would be equivalent to that of a GTX 980?

So, tell me, how is it going to shit on modern PCs when nVidia is just now releasing the GTX 1080 and next year around this time will be releasing the GTX 1180?

It'll be TWO generations of graphics card behind. That's not shitting on anything...

who are you quoting, console cuck?

It's also going to cost as much as a high end PC, if not more.

You think you can get the performance of a GTX 980 plus everything else the console needs for like $400? That is the price of the graphics card alone.

Entire consoles going to cost at least $1000.

>Spend $700 to build midrange PC
>5 years later spend $300 to upgrade GPU for another 5
>PC runs games better than consoles can at all points in time

Look, now you're the idiot!

>not having them all saved

We asked for this. Now console gaming is dead.


What's gonna be fucking hilarious is when owners of the new Xbox One start complaining about launch Xbox One holding their games back.

You realize my current gpu is 7.5 tflops.
By october vega will at least be at 9tflops.
By the end of 2017 full size pascal will be on the consumer market.

Consoles are always going to be for poor people and kids. Xbox scorpio tflops factors in the cpu also.

How does it feel being over the age of 15 and choosing to play video games? One day you will grow up.

I wonder if shitposters realise that consoles are simply Microsoft/Sony/Nintendo computers?

Playing a video game? You're using a computer.

Most of the time you just need to upgrade your GPU or CPU and that does not cost much 100-200 for a card that will run anything at the time you buy it most of the time

What is vega and what is pascal

>guiz buy $1000 pc it last 10 years
Nobody said that you fucking idiot.

I think he means as you slowly upgrade your parts it adds up to 1k in 10 years

Thats like pcucks complaining about toaster owners. Not that funny desu

>Sony unveils PlayStation is going down the same path

I'm Australian and this shit doesn't happen.
He's just autistic, but that's to be expected.

Wow that was astonishingly misinformed

Coming to Windows 10 in the not too distant future. Its only free right now so they can lure users away from Steam. Once they have a decent user base that's going to end.

You obviously don't understand how PC works.

Vega has 4096 cores and hbm2 memory (rx 480 has 2304 and slower gddr5)

Full size pascal has 3840 cores and hbm2 memory (gtx 1080 has 2560 cores and gddr5x)

Even if that was true OP, you'll still have to re-buy old games on new consoles.

it's slightly better than the 480 which is a $200 card. When you buy top of the line GFX cards you're mostly paying for markup.

by censoring it?

>you now have to buy a new console every other year
>console cucks will actually fall for this
this is just too funny to be true.

>it's slightly better than the 480

We don't actually know how good it is.

All we know is 6 TFLOPS. Which means shit.

More like $1500-$2000 for a good PC to last 10 years.

that dude is a shitposting on an entirely higher level.

>this is what pc cucks actually believe

480 is about 5
they're both being designed by AMD so you can expect them to be about the same tflop for tflop.

Radeon 480x

>this is what consolecucks believe
I've practically won this argument

>that can only be used on 4k

Consoles will NEVER EVER compete with PCs in any meaningful way.

By nuking it.

Holy shit, it's one thing not to get any traction at Sony, but you need to be full retard to try PCs.

In the future PC remember Xboners will be your cancer.

Why don't you just say that you are some poorfagging autist who can only afford one console that last for couple years... well lasted for couple years.
Its mid 2016 kid. PC is growing so fast consoles couldn't keep up. Your referal to constant upgrading and spending money on new parts is because PCs actually are developing constantly but you aren't forced to upgrade every newer Gen. Consoles are currently close to dying out and next Gen consoles are forced to be upgraded because the gap gets bigger not only peformance but also quality wise. Games will be designed to only run only on the newest Console.

>PCs will never be able to compete with consoles again

thats just plain stupid and you should feel like some uninformed low life

>because consoles will get new additions annually that shit all over modern PCs?

What new additions are we talking about here? You get to play actual 1080p and 60 frames in 2017 ? Either you get a PC or you get a on purpuse budget designed version called Console.
Everything else is your personal fucking problem. Deal with it.

Weak bait thread op-faggot. Very weak.

PC's have always had add-ons.

480 is just the GPU, the numbers Microsoft have been throwing around are for the whole SOC which includes CPU cores. This is just like the 'PS4 has a 7870' meme none of the consoles uses discrete PC hardware unless we're talking about a home built Steam Machine.