>be go-karting
>drive by and see this
>what do
Be go-karting
Another quality thread by a mobile poster. wow what a shocker
>I'm a Christian and I'm proud of it! Copy and paste into your sig if you are too.
jump out of the video game
You certainly aren't one to talk.
Brace for impact
Give her my shroom.
You shouldn't make jokes about God and christianity like that
Why do her butt cheeks look so far apart
get banned on Sup Forums
Even worse, an iPhone user. Those poor fucks don't even have webm support.
Like holy shit.
Steer her off course and throw her off her kart then violently rape her.
I snipe her with a green shell and get my coop partner to punch her off the cliff as we pass
"ayy bb, can i ride u?"
>co-op player
Double Dash sux.
Say that again and see what happens
>Tfw stuck on phone
Imagine I posted a "high impact sexual violence" image
So i could shove my tongue in there easier, what do you think faggot?
Ignore it, God will punish her for her lack of modesty
There's nothing immoral about being nude.
I don't see why we cant have single-kart mode and double-kart mode
I understand it shouldn't be the main feature of a game, but it should atleast be a mode.
I even think the WiiU would make it work better, by having the backseat player be over-the-shoulder view and have items designed around this mode.
God demands that we dress with modesty
god damn. you just reminded me how i had no internet for over a month and had to use my moms iphone.
Yeah as punishment for taking the fruit of knowledge.
God can get fucked though.
ejaculate uncontrollably
How many fedoras do you own?
Not him, but you aren't actually serious, are you?
>guy in the back can literally snipe people with greenshells using the gamepad to aim
sounds cool as fuck, rewards people for having good aim.