Why is Nintendo censoring the Dragon Quest logo?

Why is Nintendo censoring the Dragon Quest logo?
Why can't the T be a sword in America?

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No idea. But I wouldn't put it past SquareEnix thinking there needs to be yet another arbitrary change in the west. Just like every name gets changed for no reason.

Are you making this thread again?
I think it's a good change, the logo has a lot going on and removing the sword makes it look less busy, as well as making the "Dragon Quest" clearer to read.

Because SE don't want people to avoid the game because they think it's just another Dragon Ques.

You can still have it on other platforms!

>DQIV and V on DS have the sword T, but VI doesn't.

And it just looks sloppy when the logo keeps flipping back and forth. See

It may be something as simple as Nintendo doesn't have access to using the Dragon Quest logo, which is trademarked by SquareEnix. It sounds stupid since they're releasing it for Squenix, but Squenix is a pretty dumb company. And may not have given them access to the trademark. Notice its using a 'Restricted' mark instead of TM (Trademark).

SquareEnix published DQIV, V and Heroes. Nintendo published VI and VII. Its either Nintendo or SquareEnix who is changing it.

Nintendo published all the DS games, and then the logo arbitrarily changed with 9, which then carried over to 6, which released after.
Oddly enough, the ports of all three DS remakes on mobile use the logo version without the sword, and Nintendo obviously didn't publish those.

Who cares what the reason is? If they're censoring it, that's wrong. Therefore just don't buy it.

The only one I have not played yet. I heard it is long.

Is Nintendo triggered by swords in logos now?

It can't just be Nintendo, because the mobile releases of IV, V, and VI don't have the sword either.

>Nintendo published all the DS games
No. SquareEnix themselves published and distributed IV, V, Joker and Rocket Slime. Nintendo published and distributed VI, IX and Joker 2.

This is obviously a simple design choice based on visual appeal.
No one is retarded enough to think a sword in the title would be too mature for kids. If you actually think differently, then you're trying way too hard to throw more on the "muh censorship" bandwagon.

No dude. Nintendo did.
That's the reason the games were brought over in the first place, because Nintendo was paying for it.

Yet this "simple design choice based on visual appeal" is not consistently done, and has yet to happen to a game on a Playstation system.

I'm not saying it wasn't Nintendo who changed it. I'm saying there's no fucking way the reasoning behind it was that it was too violent or mature and it needed to be censored. That's just stupid.
The T looks better as it is.

Make a Nintendo-friendly translation of this, Sup Forums

"Be careful. If we fall here, they could make a slime out of what's left of us."

What the fuck, that looks exactly like the three games on DS


why you're posting nothing?


>Just like every name gets changed for no reason.

I really like Warriors of Eden for some reason, but I also really like Fragments of the Forgotten Past. Still, most of the Nip titles are good, not sure why they change them. I suppose it's the same reason they make arbitrary character name changes.

And huh, they really did change the log. That's weird. Maybe after all the complaints from people who can't read accents, they thought Americans wouldn't know that the sword represented a T.

>Please watch your step good xer, there's some cishets on the bottom who will trigger you if you fall! I have created a safespace up here for you, as a brave powerful womyn.

Wutch ev'ry step! If ye stumble, ye'll fall te tha boattum, shatterin' yer rib cage n' forcin' yer splin'ered ribs intae yer explodin' hart.

>Dragon QuesSword


>What your step! If you stumble your jimmies will really be rustled!

Nintendo brought over half of them. The ones I mentioned (plus Fortune Street). The other half were released by SE themselves. Nintendo took over releasing DQVI, IX and Joker 2 because SquareEnix gave up after V.

I can unironically see this being used by a hiker in the newer Pokemon games.

Except that's wrong.
Unless.. you can prove it?


>100 hours jrpg
>4 days before SMT4 Final

Its going to be a busy september

DS remakes were based on the DQ7 engine. DQ4 remake was released first on PS1, Square just ported the game for DS

Also DQ5 PS2 remake was based on the same engine too but with 3D graphics instead

>Watch every step! If you stumble, you won't have a body to get ready anymore!

Why don't you prove your statement?

In any event:

>Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime
>Publisher: SquareEnix
>no mention of Nintendo in either region


>Dragon Quest V
>Publisher: Enix SFC
>Publisher: SquareEnix NDS
>no mention of Nintendo


>Dragon Quest IX
>Publisher: Nintendo NDS
>Publisher: SquareEnix NDS (JP)


If you don't consider Wiki a good enough source, then post a better one that proves Nintendo released IV, V, Swords, Joker and Rocket Slime.


>Fortune Street

I really want a sequel, I don't care if is FF or Mario

>tfw Koichi Sugiyama made this arrangement


It's on english in Mobile.
Enjoy your p2w.

I'm just gonna be that nag who points out that SquareEnix is localizing the game, while Nintendo is distributing it.

>Except that's wrong.
but it's not you fucking retard
it's well known that vi and ix were nintendo's doing

where the fuck are you getting that nintendo did all of them?

I'm the biggest DQ fag out there, but Fortune Street on Wii just wasn't as good as the other Itadaki Street games. Kind of miffed about that. At least it had Moonbrooke though. Oh, excuse me. PRINCESS PRINCESSIA!

Explain why every Nintendo published Dragon Quest game has had the T changed, while every other game that Nintendo has had no part in has kept the Sword

I was talking about the crossovers, not mainline

Also I could play it but it's only in japanese

Yeah, September's going to be crazy for JRPG fans. I'm glad I'm not interested in Persona 5 or FF XV, and already played DQ VII, so I can just focus on SMT IV Final.

>Watch every step! If you fall, you'll be in for a world of hurt. So pain. Such death. Wow.

Why the fuck does she have blonde hair sometimes and purple hair other times

No idea. I theorized up at that it may be an issue with Trademarks and Restrictions. But it also could be Nintendo for all I know.

Nice ancient meme

Because sometimes she needs to be sexy, other times cute.

I'd just like to point people over to the /vr/ thread we have on Dragon Quest, in case this thread gets pruned or something. You know how the mods are with censorship threads.
But, y'know, that thread's close to the bump limit, so it might not be up all that long anyway.

>Let a company publish your shit
>Don't give them legal access to your fucking logo
for what purpose

Actually, I prefer DS over the Wii remake
I don't know why I never really liked the Wii version, I had more fun with the original

But the purple haired one is cuter and sexier.

The problem with that theory is that all the Mobile versions of the DS games use the other, swordless logo, even 4 and 5 which originally did have the sword.
I'm pretty sure Square put those ones up.

>You know how the mods are with censorship threads.

Yeah, they're pretty pathetic these days. If I went back in time ten years and told Sup Forums what it'd become everyone would laugh, call me a faggot, and Snacks would ban me and demand CP if I wanted to be unbanned.

which explains why i could never find 4 and 5 at a single fucking store when it came out

In mobile (lol) she had orange hair.
I'm not sure what that is supposed to be, but I liked it.

Rate moonbrooke hairs:
[#] Purple
[#] Blonde
[#] Orange/Redhead
Replace # with an actual number 1-3, 1 being most favorite, 3 being least favorite, ties optional if you like 2 or all 3.

She had purple hair in the original MSX release of the game, but blonde for the Famicom/NES release. For the SNES remake, Toriyama kept the blonde hair. But then later releases of the games as well as DQIX and Victory RToad made it purple again.

Maybe its an ongoing joke with Horii and Toriyama. I prefer purple myself.

Purple is the original
Blonde is the remake

Also purple hair is the best hair

Welcome to SE's retarded adventure.
It's a ride you can't escape from.

>original MSX release
M8, it was released on Famicom first.

Then maybe its SquareEnix who is trying to phase out the logo for some unknown reason. But they're not doing it consistently since it has the sword on Heroes and Builders.

But this is SquareEnix. They're known for fucking up their own shit plenty.

>In mobile (lol) she had orange hair.

Does she? Ha. There's actually a chart to show what color her hair is in each game she's in on a Japanese wiki wikiwiki.jp/dqdic3rd/?�ڥࡼ��֥륯�β�����#w1cf8889

Not entirely related, but I translated some doujins yesterday where Moonbrook's evil blonde counterpart raped the shit out of good Moonbrook and turned her into a cumdump. I thought the the concept was funny just because of the characters.

>bottom left
what is going on there

"Watch fer holes!"

>3 more months

something hot

In the MSX version of the game, there was an easter egg where you could see a 'dirty' version of Moonbrooke. I think from checking one of the shelves (IE: a book).

Is Kiefer the Vegeta of DQVII

You can go ahead and link that doujin I guess, you know for preservation

>I think from checking one of the shelves (IE: a book).
Not even close.
Google and try again.

>was just about to play Final Fantasy V yesterday
>hear this news
>decide to play something else as not to burn out on class based games before a 150 hour class based game

why the fuck does every change (even something as minor as changing the "t" in "dragon quest") have to be "muh censorship?"

Because muh censorship

He's the robb stark of DQVII.

Since you seem to know, why don't you just correct him?


Why don't you quit being a little bitch?

>Game of Thrones reference

why don't you two suck each others dicks and let me watch, fuccbois?

I know next to nothing about this series, but I would guess because it vaguely resembles a cross, which could possibly upset some wealthy conservatives.

>knowing it's a game of thrones reference

>I just want to contradict people! Don't spoil my fun!

Why don't you?

>not knowing references of things you don't even follow
It's like you don't have a totally useless knowledge base of trivia nobody gives a fuck about.

Sadly, you're probably not too far off.

Well, I can link the raws, but not the English versions because:

- They don't exist yet
- They were officially licensed translations, so I couldn't spread them if I wanted to. Sorry. Fortunately public scans have been on the internet for years, so they're fine.



i mean, i can get not liking the change, but muh censorship seems about as flimsy an excuse as being triggered by something

Raws are fine too, ta

>officially licensed translations
>of dragon quest hentai
square is the best company

NoA has been making a lot of really inconsistent changes to shit lately. Just look at that SMTxFE idolshit game and all the edits that were made.

I remember way back, maybe like 6 or 7 years ago, there was a thread on Sup Forums wondering about some of the confusing changes 4kids made to their anime. Not just stuff like removing blood and cigarettes, but they made some really weird edits like pic related. They would just completely erase signs in the background of pokemon episodes, even if there was no Japanese and featured just the picture of a pokeball; they would randomly change the color of character's clothing on One Piece, and on a few occasions, even painted over Luffy having an open mouth smile, to having a closed mouth smile. Then there was the fact that 4kids made the 2003 Ninja Turtles cartoon that contained violence and weapons that they would censor out of their anime.

An user spoke up that claimed to have worked for 4kids in the department that did those edits. He said that they had a list of items that they would have to keep an eye out for and edit out and then the episodes would be sent off and reviewed to make sure all "objectionable" content was removed. He said that back in the Pokemon days, the team came up with a scam. They would edit out all the things that they were required to edit out, and then start making discrete changes throughout episodes as an easy way to get some overtime pay. They really kicked this up during One Piece, as 4kids was well aware that it was a show with a lot of episodes, and a lot of violent content that would need to be edited out. For all the people higher up knew, the guys in the digital painting department were racking up so much overtime because editing One Piece was such a daunting task.

I have to wonder if the people in the Treehouse are pulling a similar scam. Making all kinds of inconsistent and confusing edits in order to get some overtime pay.

Is the remake good and tones down the craziness of 7's length?

Thank you, Google Translate.
You never fail to amuse me.

Also, I guess it could be "blonde" or "strawberry blonde", but the hue is definitely closer to orange in-game. Unlike other DQ2s where it is clearly fucking yellow, same with sumaltria/cannock's.

That said
>lorasia's hair being white in monster battle road
What the fuck were they thinking?

We've already established that this can't be Nintendo's doing because of the Mobile releases.


What the fuck happened here?

The remake is faster for sure. The job system got balanced, so stuff like Swords Dance won't roflstomp the game like in the original

>we're already on a sinking ship with no hope of escape, so we might as well burn ourselves alive while we're at it
Fucking brilliant.

The topleft corner is from the Famicom boxart though. She's purple there.