What was the biggest "fuck you" moment in E3 2016?
What was the biggest "fuck you" moment in E3 2016?
Well Microsoft saying fuck you to Xbone owners by putting all their games on Pc and saying get a Scorpion when it launches.
Angry Asian Man going on Skype so many times.
Crash. Without a doubt. Turned Sony conference into shit.
That SEGA steam.
No seriously, what was the point?
This, I was in tears of laughter by the end
The dude during that same conference going, "THANK YOU," and Shawn giving him a thumbs up.
That was Sonybro incarnate.
Nintendo not making Zelda Wii U at Best buy like they did the other years.
This was definitely the biggest fuck you to idiots who bought a ground level Xbone but I was quite pleased since I can just get Scalebound or try other MS games like Recore on PC without having to invest in the bone at all
Capcom showing off the RE7 concept demo, which pretty blatantly rips off PT, with Kojima not only at the conference but presenting afterward.
The balls they have is commendable.
FF7 remaster on PS4... oh wait that one was followed by a real remake announcement.
For me it was the 0.5 seconds of Igor in their compilation reel at the end of the conference.
and windows 10
you'd of thought the industry would of learned from conker that was painful to watch and im no Crash fan
Crash by far followed by games on windows 10 because people who bought a xbone got fuck over and most people dont want to move to 10 because of how shit 8 is,then followed by color splash because nobody like sticker star and its generic toads.
What's the hate for the crash announcement? Sure it's not a new game but it probably would have been shit like the last few were. At least with re masters you know what you're getting. You all lapped up ratchet and clank
Would have been Neo if they announced that at E3
Scorpio isn't really a fuck you I feel, because that thing's GPU is between a 980ti and 1070 in terms of teraflops, which is pretty fucking impressive for a console. So for dumb consolefag enthusiasts that are too dumb to build a PC it's a pretty good thing.
Biggest fuck you is either MS saying no more Xbox exclusives ever, or Sony revealing that THING that took up God of War 4's timeslot.
Sega was at E3?
Scorpio isn't a console though.
It's going to be a premade computer forced to only run Windows 10.
Something akin to the steam box.
>At least with re masters you know what you're getting.
Not really. After that Turtles in Time remake I'm wary of anything like a 'remaster' without the original devs involved.
>biggest "fuck you"
Quake Champions
>we want the esports audience
It's not there wasn't a new game announced. it's setting the stage as if to announce a new game, only bring up skylanders. that's actually pretty mean
No, they said it's basically a supercharged Xbox One. Plays all Xbone games, all the backwards compatible 360 games etc.
Quake Champions is running after Overwatch.
Overwatch doesn't have a E sports thing going on right now so that makes no sense.
I can't put Crash as the most fuck you because he immediately said "from the ground up for PlayStation 4". You can't just remaster a PS1 game like you do PS2 and PS3 games.
They made what seemed like a pretty big deal out of it
>the tease shirt
>the backdrop
>the music
>the shadow and footsteps
Only for it to not actually be anything new outside of a Skylanders reveal. I don't think anyone hated it (well, that's subjective), they just got super let down in an instant.
Nah. they couldn't possibly justify putting all of their Xbone games on PC if it was just another Xbox one let alone sell it as a console at the price it would require.
Aisha Tyler
Incidentally the biggest fuck you from previous years as well.
>Quake is basically going to become some TF2\Battleborn\Overwatch clone
You feel it too don't you?
We haven't seen gameplay, so I hope that I'm wrong
I would have to say its a toss up between this, just buy a fucking PC and an expansion for the killing floor 2 ALPHA.
Runners up are the specs of Scorpio being a bald faced lie and amd and razer shilling during PC conference
anyone else disappointed Microsoft didn't show off any new Kinect concepts? Even that broken Harry Potter demo from a few years back was better than this years.
Innovative gaming is dead.
>That manlet couldn't even keep up with Crashes' strides.
I couldn't stop laughing.
What turtles in time remake
Isn't that worse? When are retro remakes actually better than remasters? Usually they fuck something up in the process trying to modernize it.
because kinect is garbage
They're still working on the real Serious Sam 4 at least, But boy was I disappointed.
dawn of war 3
into the trash it goes
>kinect was innovative
It was fucking trash. Hell VR was better innovation than kinect and that is still shit
Everything about the Bethesda e3 conference was a long, thin, fuck you.
>no TES VI
>a card game
>MMO shit
>Xbone Slim doesn't even have out of the box Kinect support
>they're selling an adapter anyway
Loving every laugh
>advertise XBO-S
>announce bigger, better system coming in a year
>it's all coming to W10 anyways btw
>today read an article that M$ might work with Valve to put games on Steam
I STILL can't wrap my head around it. I've gone strait to just feeling sorry for the people I used to laugh at for buying that fat, ugly piece of shit.
Any time somebody mentioned the shooting and then related it to video games.
Fuck you, Ubisoft and IGN
I like that Rare is finally completely dead now. they're making some shitty pirate game now and there's nothing going for them. I'm sure they're fine though, Lionhead is doing just fine. They wouldn't make a company go under while under develop to a new title yet released
What was so bad about Crash getting remastered? It's a reMASTER not a reMAKE. At least they're not giving it the dmc treatment.
They justify it by saying Xbox is just the casual way of playing games, because if they don't have that console option EVERYONE will just go to PS4.
i don't see a turtles in time remake quit lying
>An old-school shooter all about running insanely fast and circle-strafing
>now in VR!
I love Serious Sam, but in to the trash it goes.
Sea of thieves looks fucking great though
Close OP
Crash music
>audience going nuts
Crash 1,2,3 remastered ground up for the ps4
>audience calms down but still has a glimmer of hope
But first Crash will be featured in THE NEW SKYLANDERS
>complete silence
Lets hope Microsoft agrees with you
For me, it's a tie between this and the Bethesda conference part where Todd was talking
>"And of course, there's something not-Fallout 4 that you've been asking us about, and yes, we're working on it"
>cut to black, Elder scrolls theme starts playing
>"Skyrim remastered!"
Fuck you Todd you piece of shit
I wouldn't mind remastered games though. Warped was my favorite game when I was a kid
btw that guy was classy as fuck. It was like watching an opera or symphony
>more choices is bad
$300 for a console is pretty cheap and they probably don't have a decent PC anyway
idiots dont know the difference between the two
I just can't see how it would be good. Then again what I wanted was a single player Quake. Like new Doom but more medieval/magical with rocket/grenade jumping. And absolutely no Strogg.
They will just go to Ps4 anyway.
PS4 already has most of Xbones games and the only way they will get people buy there shit now is if they can still reel people into their scams.
So making a semi affordable premade PC would be their best bet.
because he confirmed something you already knew?
Wait, what?
Not really, they've got a billion more choices now as opposed to being locked down on an underpowered box
No matter what, MS is getting money and it's far more pro consumer, only fanboys can be mad
Hey the fact we're still getting a remaster of 1-3 from the ground up still makes me very happy. It's better than nothing.
Either Crash or Kojima putting up a trailer for a game that hasn't even entered the development phase.
Probably Crash though, considering that people actually lapped kojima's shit up.
Pretty upset about Scorpio skullfucking Neo huh? That's alright
Is this seriously what they brought to e3?
never been so disappointed
I seriously don't know what they were expecting by putting Crash in Skylanders.
Did they forget how pissed people were over Spyro? Is this just an industry meme now? Is Banjo going to be in Skylanders next?
Is Skylanders the unemployment line for 90s animal mascots?
Sega/Atlus not streaming their events.
Nobody even knows Yakuza Zero exists.
That's because we all know the advertisement cycle for Death Stranding will be way better than the game, so we're getting our value out of the title now.
This pissed me off so bad. I nearly busted a nut when I saw Crash and was so excited that there was going to be a new one.
Fuck you Sony.
Explain why exclusives are good.
I'll give you one minute
>more choise
More like pissing in Xboners faces.
Most "gamers" these days have competent PCs
Making everything you could get from a Xbone available on PC just makes the purchase of a Xbone a colossal waste of money.
Which in turn should infuriate Xbone buyers because now they have no reason for actually owning their piece of hardware because they should already have a piece of hardware better than it by now. The PC.
People should have seen this coming with Microsoft years ago. They are a software company and they would eventually just drop consoles all together to get more people buying into their PC software.
>I seriously don't know what they were expecting by putting Crash in Skylanders.
Press. Skylanders sells great, and even though we're not their target demographic there's probably 11 year olds reading IGN waiting for the latest Skylanders news.
What kind of fucking name is Death Stranding anyway? Is the whole game gonna be about beached whales? Seems pretty unimaginative.
I honestly don't give a fuck.
I primarily play PC and Scorpion won't have any of my Weeb games on it so I never gave a fuck about it.
because exclusives force people to buy hardware. And if you already own that hardware it soothes your buyers remorse.
A new Crash would suck anyways. The genre is dead besides Mario. I think a remake is the best route for Crash.
Haha haha it's like I'm reading some shitty fanboy tweet.
You have absolutely zero idea how the business and market works.
Who knows, but from what I can gather the game will basically be an adaption or at least inspired by a book called "The Time Wanderers", so that's something I guess.
Am I missing something? Did they show something at PC Gaming Show that I didn't notice?
Not that user but yes there was a 30-40 min stream by some guys from Sega EU.
they never should've came
So, any funny vids come out of this years E3?
It's practically the only thing I look forward to when it comes to E3 these days.
Incites competition. Which drives developers to outdo each other.
> Miss the Xbone conference
> Friend tells me how embarrassing the FF15 demo was
> Mfw
Please, I doubt 50% of people on Sup Forums have ever played a Crash game. These same people are bitching about it just to be on the bandwagon. I've played them and am looking forward to it. It's totally different when they have to create a game's assets and engine from scratch based off of another one. Shit like TLoU on PS4 is the actual shit people should be upset at, just upscaling garbage from 2 years ago. Crash is almost 2 decades old now, it's a nice idea. It's not a new game, which I understand is causing most of the disappointment, but it's better than it staying dead.
Nothing is stopping you from still using your Xbone, user.
your fault if you buy a console for one game
plus those games are still exclusive. You are literally upset that more people will be able to play upcoming microsoft games. Pathetic consolenigger.
So exclusives are shit?
Thanks for elaborating clearly
i saw the leaked pre alpha version with german commentary that got posted on Sup Forums a while ago
looked like DoW2
Other than the crippling buyers remorse for wasting next to $500 on it.
>guy tried redeeming himself later
>still fucked up hard
From Microsoft's press, it has to go to CD Projekt.
>know people are hyped for Cyberpunk 2077
>come out talking about a new game that everybody is excited about
>bring up some stupid Hearthstone shit
I'm still fucking mad over that. Instant F for MS conference. Others:
>PC conference
>devs from Killing Floor 2 having the nerve to sell a DLC on the stage
>everything about Crash
>everything about not showing their actual good games on the stage
>everything regarding to how they must absolutely hate Gravity Rush to do everything in their power to pretend it doesn't exist
>showing nothing but year old concept designs for Rainbow Six Siege when their other games got new updates and shit
>they still exist
>only two games
>TES raped to death by Hearthstone and Skyrim
I'm assuming they're doing it like the Ratchet and Clank remaster which apparently wasn't bad
the entire nintendo conference
What happened? Missed it because of work.
>windows 10
nothing "personal" about Windows 10
I'm not upset about it. I'm happy.
I'm just bewildered how Xbone owners think this is a great thing for them.
Is Vicarious Visions at least a tier above all the other scrub developers who made the bad post-ps1 crash games? I only remember them from a handful of GBA games I played
No Red Dead Rebellion announcement