>“It’s difficult because lip syncing to do this properly for each language would be a lot of work. You really need this to be perfect to have immersion in gameplay,” Harada told Siliconera. “To do that for all of the languages would be quite intense with the scenarios themselves because the length would change with each language. That makes it quite difficult to localize.
>He continued, “Also when you think about the current game situation and the climate in different countries where you have to have characters from every different race or nationality, someone else would say ‘mine is not included,’ which is the climate we currently see with games. Since there are people who can’t set aside the game and the actual problems in society, I don’t want open that can of worms.”
>However, Harada added, “But, if there is a particular region with enthusiastic fans who say we ‘want Summer Lesson’ that does make it more possible. That was the case in Japan. It wasn’t scheduled to be an actual product, but there are so many fans who asked for it to be released as a game, and it actually happened.”
Choice quotes from NeoGAF in reference to the "can of worms" quote.
>Well excuuuuse us, Harada! >Maybe that's because works of art, expression and product are influenced by society, directly or not. A large majority isn't even asking for that right now are they?
>Can someone please go find my eyeballs? They just rolled out of my head.
>Did Harada grow up on Sup Forums?
Ethan Lopez
good. keep pedo culture out of our society.
Henry Ross
>tfw I look alot like her
She looks more like me though because of the broad shoulders.
Hunter Hill
Why even say this shit ironically? this is all nothing but bad news. In no possible way could this lead to better things for the Western audience.
Isaac Rivera
good, you fucking pedos
Zachary Evans
>wanting pedoshit
Hunter Richardson
>Women ruin gaming some more No one is surprised.
Mason Edwards
How is it pedo? These girls look totally legal
Ethan Wood
Aiden Gomez
It's okay when Sony does it
Justin Russell
>Traps tries to derail >Doesn't work
Ryan Torres
Michael Rogers
*1000 year old beach whore
Carson Collins
The first one is a retarded excuse, the game wouldn't have lip syncing issues - it already features an English speaking character learning Japanese and a Japanese character learning English. What the fuck would be changed in that aspect aside adding subtitles for the Japanese instead of the English?
Harada always thinks up any stupid fucking excuse for everything so he doesn't have to bring it over here, the rest of what he said isn't even important because he's done this the past 5 years with everything even unquestionably totally "acceptable" content to even the starkest of SJWs and his excuse list always, when none other fit, ends up with "w-well theres not enough support" no matter how much there is, so in the end he can still be a xenophobic pile of shit.
Christian Wright
Well you're talking about Tekken, a big and popular fighter VS a niche VR title
Luis Sanchez
The SJW will spin this as Summer Lesson being evil and unneccessary like they always do. It's a battle going on, make no mistake. And currently we're losing big time.
Thomas Green
Also if Harada denies interviews with western press, they'll always find ways to spin it as making Harada looking bad
Benjamin Hughes
right now GAF has thread complaining that the female characters in overwatch are too young
Nathan Fisher
What is it with those guys? I mean seriously, I can't say I've ever been there. Is that site made up of butthurt/banned tripfags?
Logan Ward
They have a thread whining about E3 having too many white guys. The site is a tumor. I don't know if we should ignore or display its retardation publically.
Samuel Brown
>fedoras keep creating these threads and getting BTFO over and over again This shit wouldn't have profited relative to localization costs and Harada is scapegoating, everyone with half a fucking brain sees this as obvious
Evan Peterson
Isn't D.va the youngest? Isn't she also 19?
Liam Ramirez
If it will profit in the west then Harada is a pussy for not doing it and if it won't profit in the west then Harada shouldn't do it because this is capitalism.
You guys are triggered as fuck.
Bentley Wilson
Neofaggers are literally proving his point. It's hilarious.
Isaac Hill
If you say anything non-SJW, you get banned. Even neutrality is not allowed.
Benjamin Martinez
>Virtual Reality >can't actually create parts of reality deemed off limit by feminists and nu-males
Brayden Watson
It was expected the only escape from this suffering would be attacked and ruined by the same pathetic brats that ruined gaming. Fuck Americans.
Nathaniel Perry
>Neofag I hope you realize that site idolizes North Korea and Soviet Russia.
Adrian Mitchell
>t--they're the ones who are pathetic They're winning and you're a waifufag.
James Rodriguez
this is why those elliots shoot up your school, or in the case of yes land, bring a katana and stab it up. Maybe letting off the sociopathy a bit, and letting betas have some waifuistic escapism would do some good, its not like irl women accomplish anything with them anyway.
Caleb Watson
I know they're winning. And the fact that you think waifufag is an insult on a site made by and for waifufags shows that you're part of that cancer posting here to damage control. I'm not blind. It's apparent how quickly some posters rush to the defense of censorship and puritanism on a site that stands as polar opposite to that.
Jayden Gray
>I'm going to cut off my nose to spite my face
Jordan James
SJWs are the most self-centered egoistic fucktards given a platform to speak. Jap devs see this cancer for what they are. They can't stand the thought of a guyvenjoying looking at a white virtual girl. It stands in direct contrast to their anti white man agenda.
Aiden Roberts
This site is for people who are tangentially interested in anime, anything farther down the rabbit hole than that isn't mandatory and I'm sure you don't actually believe it is either, you're just sulking.
Devs making profit-based decisions isn't censorship, it's capitalism, and if you have a problem with capitalism I can think of a few socialist shitholes off the top of my head you can move to.
Stop being pathetic.
Ayden Butler
>That girl >Pedo Ok granny lovers
Ryder Wood
holy shit , that image is older than the internet. That girl probably has grandchildren by now.
Brandon Taylor
>Younger then 25 >PEDO! This is the world now. Please blow us up.
Daniel Wilson
How exactly are they winning? It's a global market and I know Japanese. They aren't stopping me from enjoying it, only limiting one area of the market.
Short term it appears like they're winning, but in the long run they're going to lose because they've stifled market growth in local sectors. Look at the independent developers that are dying off left and right because the market doesn't support them. Hell, Ubisoft is probably going to be consumed by a hostile takeover soon because their games aren't doing well enough to give them a fighting chance so that's a major publisher killed because they fucked up.
Bentley Reyes
>insert SJWs blogging about their games not selling and calling gamers uncultured animals.
Charles Walker
>he doesn't know moot was the OG Asuka waifufag Keep using waifufag as an insult outsider trash. Who sent your newfag ass here to damage control?
>it's capitalism No, it's agenda-driven tactics covered by large parts of gaming media meant to undermine and devalue games they deem have problematic content. It's smear tactics. And now you're victim blaming.
Isaac Davis
Why do progressives hate free societies?
Christopher Garcia
Reminder that sites like Neofag actively go out and urge niggers and trannies to sign up for their forums in ordercto give the sense that a whiny minority is actually majority. Just look at those avatars. The site is infested with dumb niggers and mentally unstable trannies.
Joseph Edwards
E3 goer user here. I have played Summer Lesson with this grill in it. Ask me anything.
Ian Butler
>we are not taking your games away!
Camden Allen
Isaiah Torres
Why are feminists turning into church ladies?
Christian Cruz
where you happy?
Aaron Barnes
>they were problematic and harmful to your senses anyways! Literally communists.
Parker Sanders
so, don't you guys have like your own chan to sperg about this shit?
teh one with tha cripple guy who doesnt work tehre anymore and shit?
Matthew Stewart
Was the part where she picks the butterfly off your shoulder in it? Could you feel her touch your cheek? Could you feel and smell her breath on your face? Did you fall in love?
Christopher Green
>but it's garbage in regards to what it means to be a man (a human being with empathy, introspection, morals, non-white, ect)
LMAO. On top of being white, as someone with autism, I lack empathy and introspection. Action movie characters are just representing autists, who are oppressed minorities in society. Lime is a neurotypical shitlord, and ablest. Autists are people too.
Jaxson Gomez
What do you mean? If you're asking if I had fun with the demo then yeah. It gave me a slight boner too.
John Cox
The Asuka thing is a meme and moot is not Sup Forums even if it wasn't, especially now.
It's capitalism. Harada isn't dumb and he knows the sort of people who buy this shit aren't influenced by the smear tactics of leftists, but he evidently thinks localizing to the west isn't worthwhile. It's up to devs whether they want to market to leftists or oppose them. I'm not "blaming" anyone. They choose who the profitable market is.
And why the fuck do you morons post that stupid masked normalfag meme when you literally, unironically use the same terminology as them ("victim blaming")?
Brandon Thomas
Harada took your game away. Or rather didn't bring it to you.
Wyatt Perry
Because third wave is heavily influenced by Immanuel Kant. Dude was a religion freak.
Jason Wood
>whiny minority >niggers
All the SJWs I see are white people: feminists, male feminists, beta orbiters and trannies.
Ryan Ortiz
>The Asuka thing is a meme >this is what newfag trash actually believes
Again you assume that smear tactics, agenda-driven journalism and harrasment doesn't happen. Or you assume it's fair game because it's capitalism. Again, victim blaming.
Blake Brooks
Why is Sup Forums pretending to be Christian lately?
Andrew Phillips
>victim blaming
Hudson Miller
I actually wanted to blow money the the PSVR for this one thing, but at least now I get to save my money.
Caleb Evans
Was that Harada at the end?
Julian Sanchez
>Was the part where she picks the butterfly off your shoulder in it?
>Could you feel her touch your cheek?
Seeing as no technology that can make that complex of a touch simulation possible exists, no.
>Could you feel and smell her breath on your face?
Again, no, the tech doesn't work that way, obviously.
Her voice beside my ear sent tingles down my spine though.
>Did you fall in love?
All I can say is that I often think about how I want to play more of the game and know more about her, keeping in mind realistic expectations of what the tech can do, but that makes me wish even more that I could feel her, or hold her hand, or hug her, or something, when we eventually get closer. Or at least, I fantasize all the time about getting "closer" to her, even though I'm not a pedo. The demo definitely made me feel kind of like a pedo.
Blake Davis
Harada should include a nigger for the western release. However it should be realistic and not just fanservice which SJWs hate. She should be fat, below average IQ, smell like shit and talk in eubonics. Harada shouldn't discrimate against niggers by white-washing them. Portray them as actual average black woman. Let's see how many of these SJWs will rush out to buy the game then.
Julian Bennett
It was a meme, and you didn't address the fact that this is authority fallacy and that moot is gone now.
>Or you assume it's fair game because it's capitalism. Hell yes it's fair game because it's capitalism, you whiny little faggot. Take your spineless, beta SJW terminology to some socialist shithole where the responsibilities of being a consumer in a capitalist country won't trigger you.
Aiden Phillips
I don't think you understood his question.
I'm not sure if you're the right person to ask about this either.
>that feeling of knowing the question but not knowing the answer
Julian Hill
You are exactly the reason why more and more people think you guys sound like reverse SJWs. Right down to the fucking terminology and argument tactics.
Nicholas Miller
Why are liberals so anti-sex?
Justin Howard
Looks like I'll be importing this. Women in gaming was a mistake
Josiah Martin
The future of game development in the west. I'm moving to Beijing.
William Long
>It was a meme, How long have you been on Sup Forums? You sound like a geniune fag for using meme unironically to describe site origins.
Elijah Morgan
How is this Americas fault, Muhammad?
Cooper Hernandez
Mudslimes don't play games except CoD and FIFA. It's Americuck Universities breeding a new generation of self-centered egoistic brats.
Wyatt Young
It was a meme because he wasn't a waifufag in the strict sense. Yes I am an oldfag, yes I know what you are talking about, yes you are wrong.
William Moore
>weeeeee, games are an artform now! Government can't touch shit now! WOO!
>Oh, but it's too sexy now and we need to clean up any filth the perverted japanese make regardless on how our own shit is actually much worse the same exact way.
The fucking salt is real.
Jeremiah Baker
Does any SJW that damage control here oppose this? Why shouldn't videogames portray niggers for actually niggers and not just whites with black skin?
Joshua Wilson
Because the progression from a free society is to a not free society and most english speaking countries are mostly free societies
Noah Wilson
the fuck are you talking about you damn heretic
Brody Morris
Why can't you tell the difference between a liberal and a fundie anymore?
Jayden Wilson
Because we grew out of our edgy atheism phase
Liam Gray
You are insufferable
Benjamin Perez
And into a non-edgy atheism phase.
Jason Murphy
You do realize that half the student bodies at the majority of universities in the United States aren't American?
The majority of American men are going to trade schools and participating in training programs offered by employers. Shit man I got my aerospace engineering degree through the Boeing training program on top of having a secure job in a field I want to be in.
It's the detail that a lot of liberals leave out when they flaunt the "more women in colleges than men" routine.
Kayden Smith
Why do liberals hate bad thoughts?
Elijah Peterson
>we No
Isaac Morgan
>le america is the capitol of SJWs meme
I think you're just angry and trying to blow off steam because your continent has already been entirely taken over by them.
Jose Sullivan
The regressive left collided with American WASPs/Puritanism.
We're in for a ride and there's no getting off.
Mason James
you anti-sjws just as spergy as sjws, yet bitch more
William Diaz
Why are progressives acting like stereotypical old conservative women?
Jaxon Anderson
I just realized feminist and other shit don't attack on religions but made up *white males*.
Nicholas Morgan
Oh, you mean that.
For a moment upon falling for the illusion, I genuinely felt excitement and happiness, the healing kind. I actually love iyashikei, so this type of thing was right up my alley. But, only being able to nod or shake my head and select things with my head, I really felt sad, because it was then that I knew I wouldn't be able to actually speak to her, to interact with her, to love her, and she wouldn't be able to understand me. Even if AI never gets that advanced, just being able to respond and react in a convincing way would be enough for me.
It was like having an animated robotic companion that you could never touch or feel, and that could only know to interpret your head movements, but always cheerful and kind to you. I do want the game, but at the same time, it would give me a profound sadness.
Camden Watson
Does that mean they're acting good? Is that an insult?
Samuel Baker
Nolan Robinson
>Bullying the man hard enough for him to apologise I'm still mad.
Levi Robinson
Harada is a boss and has since long mocked western SJW retards. They can't touch him. Tekken is a cash cow to Bamco.
Chase Thomas
fedora memes
Luis Parker
Mocked them while getting scared off by them, if his excuse is to be believed.
Alexander Ward
Sweden isn't a continent.
Jackson Howard
Why are liberals so prudish?
Carson Rodriguez
Is america the good guys still?
The way we talk about freedom all the time and how we're the best at everything, but I can't even enjoy my niche weeb games anymore without some lady glancing at it and then actively trying to make it illegal in some form or another like we're 1940's Germany or something. Not only that but when I just want turned base bullshit with cute girls just being dumb because why not, I might as well be molesting someone. We're ok with trannies going about and doing their thing and feeling the way they feel, but I'm no longer allowed to do what I want and feel the way I want to feel because some mean lady doesn't want me to have my dumb and sometimes overly complicated 100 hour jrpg because it's got a few cute girls in it.
Why are my few joys being squished on? I don't stick my fingers into sports issues or pop culture drama. I don't get into politics or tell people how to do their job. I just want to but and play weeb games of various qualities ranging from shameless trash to a good feeling time sink that I'll drop half way through due to something else entirely. Will I ever get to live my simple and easy to please life quietly and alone?
Jeremiah Wood
It's not Harada's responsibility to clean up the mess white nu-males have allowed. He mostly only cares about Japan.