Explain to me why this series is good. Is it a nostalgia thing?
Explain to me why this series is good. Is it a nostalgia thing?
it is a solid set of games that normally follow a formula and tends to surprise people with just the right amount of changes to their games when they announce them.
Each game adds to the next in some small way and even though every game has different characters and locations it all connected.
Everyone has a favorite game and a favorite character.
Nostalgia only goes so far. I can't go back to paying Zelda 1 and 2.
>be me
>8 yo
>playin' some mario 64, mario kart, DDKR, etc.
>see f-zero x commercial
>fucking rad
>see OOT commercial
>don't care, but lil bro does.
>1998 xmas
>dad buy us both games
>start playing f-zero
>holy shit
>otouto start playing oot
>he does not get it, cause we are little spics and don't speak english.
>month later
>tired of f-zero
>start playing oot
>"this game bretty good"
>i can't understand shit
>grab spanish/english dictionary
>get sword and shield
>go to deku tree
>took me literal days to complete
>kill gohma
>go to hyrule field
>see that vastness
Fast forward
>playing non stop for about one year. (i did not receive any help, did not have internet and didn't know about game magazines).
>in the process, got better at english
>Finally ganon's tower
>ganondorf fuck my ass
>keep trying
>kill him
>yeah, princess zelda is back.
>castle start fucking up
>fucking ganon is alive
>he now is a fucking pig demon
>fuck his shit.
>get ending
>dat fucking staff roll music
>feels good
And the rest is history.
At that moment, playing zelda was the most awesome experience of my life.
Also OOT is one of those rare games with 11/10 soundtrack.
Majority of the games in the series being good does not mean the series itself is intrinsically good.
it's probably one of the only consistently great video game franchises
pure vidya
>Being this much of a tryhard faggot
Zelda II is one of my favorites. IDK why people hate it so much.
This literally means nothing.
You now realize Ocarina & Majora's did not have any quest map marker whatsoever, and 10-20 year olds figured that shit out by themselves, and had fun doing it. Every new discovery was incredible, felt rewarding and truly felt like an adventure.
>just the right amount of changes
Let's also not forget that these changes are also purely gameplay oriented. People like to write them off as gimmicks and that Nintendo rehashes the same game, but they show more differentiation in interactivity between titles than most series nowadays.
But it's all about story nowadays, so this gets overlooked.
Lately the series has been kinda stale. ALBW was refreshing but prior to that TP was the last good Zelda.
This new one is promising, the amount of stuff you can do in an open world for once compared to most open world games makes me excited.
Zelda 1, A Link to the Past, Links Awakening, and Ocarina of Time are god tier games. They aren't just high points in the series, they are genuinely amazing games.
There are probably 30+ Zelda games overall if you count everything across all systems. They can't all be gems, but quite a lot of them are at least very good.
>Majority of the games in the series being good does not mean the series itself is intrinsically good.
I don't hate Zelda 2. I just no longer find enjoyment in it anymore.
In an age where do many big video game franchises are trying be cinematic and be something more than just games Zelda relishes it. It's pure adventure game. You're the hero here's your sword go save the world. It's a game that is happy to just be a game.
Times change. I'm sure 1000 years ago, knowing the basics of curing meats and starting a fire in the wild were simple tasks for an 8 year old.
Soooo... You only like it for nostalgia? That's basically what I got out of your blog.
The last few haven't been good so it's mostly nostalgia at this point.
Which is why the medium doesn't evolve, Zelda is holding back what video games could be.
At its best, they create a fun polished adventure with a strait forward premise and fun dungeons/bosses with good rewards for exploration and doing side things.
It hasn't been at its best lately, but I can forgive it because the new one looks to be addressing problems that have long since plagued the series.
>Zelda is holding back what video games could be.
>games should not be about being games
Because it is good.
>Is it a nostalgia thing?
Mostly, yeah. It hasn't been that great for 13 years now. The first game, A Link to the Past, Link's Awakening, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, the Oracle games, and Wind Waker are all great though. I think Minish Cap might be fun, but it's been so long I can't remember clearly.
Oh, I forgot A Link Between Worlds. It's a more recently one, but it's actually good somehow.
Not entirely. I like it because i love the music, the characters, the exploration, the gimmicks, etc.
When you beat a zelda, you can feel like a hero. The world changes and it was caused by you. I know it sounds silly, but i'm not the only one who thinks this.
They clearly do since you're comparing a video game to pre history I'm sure 8 year olds rubbed two controllers together to start the fires in your made up fantasy world too.
yes see all the man children raging over crash remasters
To be fair, that's a lot of good games that cover a lot of years of our lives, going all the way to my late teen years, and you can still go back and enjoy them unless you're like my roommate who can't get over how "garbage graphics" old games used to be.
Twilight Princess and onwards marked a downhill spiral. It tried to be what fans wanted, modern OoT, but it turned out a mess just going through the motions rather than applying any creative thought to anything. Phantom Hourglass on the other hand was way too experimental and bizarre. Spirit Tracks and Link Between Worlds were miraculously great and its a shame not many have played them, but Squidward Sword was a bizarre attempt to try and make it more like the original zeldas while failing to properly remove the aspects of new zeldas that get in the way of that.
They're really fun, solid, consistent games.
What I think I like best about Zelda as a whole is the polish they have. Comparatively, most adventure games have unsightly glitches and poor animations. Everything in Zelda is tight and works flawlessly.
It also has a ton of variety. You don't just go in dungeons and slash monsters. You hookshot around, go sailing, gliding, snowboarding, traveling through time, blowing shit up with bombs, looking for invisible things with a magical lens, playing with fire and ice, playing musical instruments, and so on. Basically, you get to interact with the environment in a lot of different ways, and there are minigames and stuff to break up the adventuring.
It also has memorable NPCs and music. The characters tend to have a weirdness to them that isn't present in similar games. They don't take themselves too seriously.
I don't know man, just play the games. Go in with an open mind, don't think about console wars and shit, just play the games and have fun.
The games all play like you are pressing a few buttons to watch a movie, and it wins a million prizes and endless praise.
It's entirely based on nostalgia and targeting very young kids and a casual audience. Then those young kids also developing nostalgia.
I never found any of the Zelda games or any similar ones to be fun. I grew up on Doom, Starcraft, Warcraft, Quake, C&C and playing all of those online where possible if that provides any context.
For the older times like 2000 and earlier I can see the Zelda games being superior to all the other NES and 2D titles out there, save features, top-down view rpg, good story, excellent everything. It's been riding the success ever since.
Witcher and Darksouls already do what Zelda does a million times better these days.
partially nostalgia, sure
you don't care, you are just looking for bait, but I will say this with zero irony: for as shit as Nintendo is as a company, they do have a handful of timeless franchises, and Zelda is one of them. each generation of games has a few new tricks, but the core of the game is solid: always a plucky adventurer
what's more noble than saving the world and rescuing a princess?
open-world, but a reason to tread old ground (new items allow for previously found but unable to get items/secrets)
growing more powerful by games end
recognizable enemies with great lore
they all (except the Wii versions) control like a dream
Zelda is simple, the open-world is a little fake, in that there is a progression, you can beat dungeon X until you get item Y, but it's done very well. it's a supremely polished experience.
This nigga is right
This one is a underaged sonygger.
>The games all play like you are pressing a few buttons to watch a movie, and it wins a million prizes and endless praise.
You mean sony games.
"look mom, I'm being contrarian for contrarian's sake"
>Calling it an RPG with a good story
Neither of these things were ever true. While I'll agree that Wind Waker onwards were too easy of games, the game has never been handholdy or at a lack of buttons to press. You sound like you're describing Uncharted or Last of us with those descriptions.
>Which is why the medium doesn't evolve, Zelda is holding back what video games could be.
retarded statement.
not every game has to be a literary masterpiece or a work of art, sometimes just having fun is enough.
like, sometimes I will watch a Transformers movie, or have a candy bar, not everything in life has to be Citizen Kane and filet mignon
>I think Minish Cap might be fun,
I liked it quite a bit.
I went into assuming I'd hate it, but it is fun, and it's also very different, they really Capcom'd the shit out of it. it's different, and probably shouldn't be canonical, but I had fun
Those who grew up with Nintendo systems got some solid adventure games out of the series.
Legend of Zelda OoT, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, and Twilight Princess were all designed to be the epitome of what was possible in games at the time of creation.
Ocarina delivered this on all levels in 1998, and was a tremendous step forward in 3D gaming as a whole. Combat was cool and decently fluid and the puzzles were novel.
Majora's Mask was about more of the same stuff while not being as revolutionary as it was released 2 years later. But, some say it's the better game.
Wind Waker had an absolutely massive world to explore that was extremely sparse in content, but it was still a huge map.
Twilight Princess was intended to have a lot of cool shit in it like procedural burning and enemy camps like BotW does, but development stagnated unfortunately after Aonuma worked too much on Minish Cap. It wasn't amazing in the end but there was definitely steps taken.
Breath of the Wild looks like a return to form on the physics and gameplay standpoint, taking inspiration from all the games that, themselves, took inspiration from the first 3D Zelda games in the first place. The teacher taught the students and the students became the teacher.
Transformers doesn't even work as a dumb but fun movie. It's just a pain in the ass to watch with cringe worthy "jokes" and incoherent action.
Though I get what you're saying, Terminator 2 is my favorite movie of all time even if I still highly regard Citizen Kane and Stalker to be great movies near the top.
It's sad that fun is something the audience clearly wants and have shown they want, but we're still getting ridiculous amounts of games that seem like they're trying to win an Emmy. The new God of War being the most baffling addition to these series of cinematic games.
they're kids games and if you ever mature beyond trying validate your maturity you can enjoy kids' things again by dumbing yourself down mentally to a child for the sake of entertainment
All games are for kids, user
>the game has never been handholdy
My sides
It used to be the most cutting edge adventure series out there, every single major title would revolutionize the gaming industry to some extent up their releases. But after TP, it lost it's edge, it's quality and its recognition amongst the industry.
It's mostly living off of its laurels and nostalgia now.
You would know and understand this if you weren't underage, or grew up as a teen or older kid in the late 90's and earlier.
>has never played a zelda game
Skyward Sword was but the games have always had those moments of "just fuck around until you find something"
Go easy on him, senpai. He's probably no older than 17-19. He clearly was around or gaming during the golden years of the franchise.
>clearly wasn't*
Welp, time for some sleep.
you're right about Transformers, they are awful. I originally had "Marvel superhero movie", but since a few of them are actually super-good, it kinda lost my greater point.
and yea, I get why some games are written for an Oscar, but I thought God of War was such a huge seller they would just leave it alone as what it was, not turn it into "The Last of Us: My Wife's Son" edition
I haven't played The Witcher, but Dark Souls and Zelda aren't alike. If Dark Souls weren't hard, they would be a mind numbingly boring hack n slash, with mildly interesting lore.