This is a korean mechanic

this is a korean mechanic


Eh? Don't you mean MLG gamer?

Girls don't play video games

>design a white girl
>call her korean

Why is this allowed?

I know but I mean within the lore of the game itself. Women aren't mechanics either.

>this is a 31 year-old Chinese climatologist, whose favorite things in the world are nature, good food, cowboy movies and warm cuddles

>good food

Too bad mine tasts like salty oily dog.

>#1 starcraft player
>an attractive female

This is a chinese Donald Trump.

I wonder why this kinda thing gets pushed so much in fiction to the point where people take it as fact even though they don't exist in the real world?

>good food


Did he really have to draw the stretch marks? Ugh.

I said this once in a game and it triggered 8/10 of the weebshits enough to defend her as an asian

This is a Chinese knockoff of Corean plastic.

>forgetting about the queen of starcraft

You'd think a pretty girl would do easier, slutty shit like work at a hotel or something.

Everyone knows she was blowing tiny Asian cocks three ways to Sunday. Doesn't count.

Post more gremlin

that ass is photoshopped bro


what's wrong with stretch marks, my nigga. You gay or something?

Lol. All that photoshop.

You don't say

>cowboy movies
Whats her favourite western movie ?

someone didn't try at all

that hurts my soul to look at

fucking Sherlock Holmes over here pointing out the obvious

>all the male characters are just random blokes who do various things
>all the female characters are literally just some version of "the best in the world in [field]"

It's not just in games, it seems like in any media, men are usually designed to look disposable and replaceable, while women are designed to be more unique. Is this just natures way of saying that men are expendable?

The only thing that doesn't look fake is the hair wtf

>no eyeliner
>crossing arms like a man


FAT Dva ass


It feels so bad seeing a bitch like this in real life, loving that ass, only to see her face is just beyond ugly. Like you can't even pretend you like it


No, the natural order is the opposite. This is the Jews way of destroying society.

Are those weird bump things on her chest and hips shooped on or is it just bad effects around them?

In nature, men tend to fall in the more extreme ends of traits (intelligence, skills, strength, etc) while women tend to be more average. The best woman in the world at something is average to most of the men who have reached or exceeded that trait.

I really REALLY love butterfaces with fat asses/tits, so I'm ok. I hate it but I love it

That face is 100% pure butter

Regular men are competing at the same level as world-class women. When a woman is that good it is amazing and worth celebrating but men are expected to be that good.

I feel like most of the poor little meninists' real issue is that white men have already set the white man bar really high, and trivial, pointless shit like tumblr is a great scapegoat for not living up to their potential.


Both left and right are true so I don't really get this

All I see are hard working betas that work under an alpha for employment.

The entire suit is shooped on.

those men on the right are laying down electrical infrastructure, buildings, and oil refineries in order to fuel the ventures of the investors on the left

She does not need your pity because she is not "Beyond ugly". You over exaggerate like a try hard bitchy teen trying to impress her friends.

No white knight. So many of you Brad Pitts online that I need to have that one "2 ugly, would not bang" neckbeard image handy for you anons that post as if you are slaying 10/10 pussy every night.

She loves this according to her journals, and is a big fan of its female lead, "Olivia Rai".

Her and McCree's sex tape

The majority of the world is brown.

Without the right society doesn't exist.

And women have done neither.


>she is not beyond ugly
She has a great ass, but that face is horrible, pretending it's not is just silly.
>If you don't like this girl then you're obviously ugly yourself
Projecting much? is such an annoying cunt that I can't find her attractive. I think at least half of it is her voice actor.

Fuck you her voice is adorable. I'd fuck her brains out.

But she isn't my type to date though.

Isn't tracer just some random chick? I only read a bit of the lore but I don't remember her being some expert.



She was one of the best pilots in the world until she was in an accident with an experimental teleporting fighter jet.

it's like they cut off windowlicker's ass and glued it on, pretty gross desu

These are bogan terrorists

>So many of you Brad Pitts online that I need to have that one "2 ugly, would not bang" neckbeard image handy for you anons that post as if you are slaying 10/10 pussy every night.

I'd rather just have a game about these two honestly. Like Army of Two except crazier and with more explosions.

boobs irl are like that u faggot

to be fair, assisted chinups is a perfectly legit exercise if you're trying to build up to being able to do them unassisted.

Oh. Aren't most of the OW cast the best at what they do though? Again, I don't know much about the lore but I know Winston is a genius scientist.

Even with her butterface, in missionary while holding hands too

how am I supposed to tank with Dva? She's not very good at being a tank. I just feel like a bullet sponge that goes pew pew pew then dies.

>D V A or Mei
>not Mercy
Enjoy your terrible taste guys

That character isn't real you faggot. I want to escape reality not replicate it.

that pic


>brown hair
>round eyes
Mei doesn't look Chinese either.

What's the point of ethnic representation if they don't resemble the race to begin with?

My half-korean gf was legit offended when I showed her and told her she was supposed to be Korean. Ironic, seeing as whiter than white tumblr is eating this game up cause muh diversity while it offends minorities.


Don't tank with D.Va.
Zip in, bully Mercy with headbutts, and fly away.

I thought that pic was from a shoot/show and the men were out of frame.

she's not really a traditional tank just a shittier winston.

They literally gave Australia to the omnics, thats why they became mad max rebels.

>Not spamming "ooh la la" as you headshot the other team out of existence
Ooh la la


I can't speak for Mei, but D.Va is as accurate as it gets by Korean standards

>Bully Mercy
Kek my Battle Mercy says otherwise.

Why are pro female players always cute?

>1 televised win ever is enough to make her queen


Can't tell if serious, but no, she isn't.

How so?
Because the woman in your gif has dyed hair?

>Implying D.Va is all fake
Come on now

Here's a shocking fact that SJWs dont want you to know: Most minority groups actually don't like pandering and token characters.



where can i buy her jumpsuit?


Cross dressing is degenerate, user.