How the fuck do you stop Compile Heart?

How the fuck do you stop Compile Heart?

>Black Rose Valkyrie [Open] [Open]
>Mary Skelter [Open] [Open]
>Death Under the Labyrinth [Open] [Open]
>Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force [Open] [Open]
>Seven Pirates [Open] [Open]
>Megatagmension Neptunia [Open] [Open]
>Megadimension Neptunia VII [Open] [Open]
>Moe Crystal [Open] [Open]
>Superdimension Neptune VS Sega Hard Girls [Open] [Open]
>Cyberdimension Neptunia: Four Goddesses Online
>Date A Live [Open] [Open]



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>all of these kusoge

No, thanks. I used to suck Compile Heart's shemale feminine dick until I eventually realized that I'm playing the same garbage again and again.

With a company that doesn't censor anything, rehash anything, and create more perverted lewd shit that will make even the Japanese blush.

my goodness look at those anime tiddies

>another Neptunia game
How? Why?

People hate on Compile Heart for no reason other than the games having an anime art style.

These niggas genuinely improve each of their games every time they release a new one and take feedback to heart.

Easy, take profits from mainline Neptunia game, (VII), give it to a smaller company (Fellista), tell them to make a Neptunia game (SeHa) on a shoestring budget on the Vita! Then take remaining profits and create your own Neptunia game.

>Still no F1 Nep kart grand prix

Honestly all they need is better dungeon design


Mary Skelter looks really good.

Sup Forums shitposters aren't people. their games are sugou desu ne and i'll keep on buying them

stay buttblasted, fags

>no reason

I think it has something to do with rehashing their resources to save money.

See the Neptunia series which even uses assets from their other IPs.

>Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force

Is this a sequel or something? A re-make?

You can't
Previously I would say fuck them and their reuse assets, but with this many legitimately different games, that claims don't really hold. Technically, they are now a good enough dev that can fight head on with the like of Vanillaware, Gust and shit like that. The only viable reasons hater use in the current year is le anime tiddies.

This is the industry how you audiences wanted it to be, and all of you are responsible. God save us from Nepocalypse.





It's an enhanced port with new content

[Open] [Open]

>I think it has something to do with rehashing their resources to save money.
Every company does this. Even AAA titles like God of War and Assassin's Creed.

And yet not a single one of these is an actual good game, just another mediocre dungeon crawling RPG or dating sim with highschool girl tits as the selling point.

What a terrible game company, they might as well just do porn.

when you respond to these images・・・ please do so with the full knowledge that there is a human being on the other side of this screen・・・ and that person is a person with a heart, a soul and emotions・・・ a person with dreams and hopes, and that when you bully these people・・・ you are stomping on the dreams of a real person・・・

They make games for a niche that enjoys those games. Literally nothing wrong with that.

I've been playing the PC version off and on. Just had the part where you go back in time. Maybe I should just drop it and wait for this.

If this shits as bad as Bravely Default's time travel I'm going to kill myself.

Nips only have one audience to appeal to.

>embed open open
At least fix your shit user
Also, you don't

Nep VII was really good.

Remember how much of an improvement the first Victory was? This is an even bigger step up from that. Also the OST is 10/10.

I can't even call it kusoge anymore.

What made BD bad? In FFF you just go back, replay (changed) older dungeons and then the plot picks back up

Why do they look like gundams now?

>Embed open open

Ha. I see through your trickery OP.

You thought you were being clever by intentionally fucking up, so then that (you) masquarading as another user, could call yourself out on said fuck up, pretending like you weren't samefagging

BUT you didnt count on me noticing the post count, note the 17 unique posts out of 23 posts, that means 6 posts belong to similar anons, and judging by the flow of conversation, they all point to you.

In short, You're busted. Never try to outwit a master detective.

BD was fine, I just HATED having the cleanse the crystals over and over and over and over.

So it's only once, that's good.

NEXT forms.

I haven't played FFF yet but I think there's a few more character endings or something, if you google the changes i think you can find them

God neptunia is stupid. they can't even follow their designs properly. They need to be more like console-tans and actually illustrate the point of their parody, not just be girls with thematically colored hair.


I looked into some neptunia games a few years back and it looked like the gameplay was absolute trash. Have they made a game with good, well balanced combat mechanics yet?

6 characters in party
two new characters(one is Sherman-tier though so don't bother)
two new routes that actually have different plot
each route has new character endings(so yeah, you can romance Harler or Effole now)
Sherman is not trash-tier as a party member

Some of the armor is good. Some of it is SHIT. I haven't played VII yet, hopefully the NEXTs look better in game.

Newest Nep is good. Megadimension Neptunia VII.

Very few reused assets, professional OST with a lot of homage songs, redesigned combat to balance everything.

You can't.

>They need to be more like console-tans
>posts Sup Forums's fanfiction
>too blind to notice the references to current gen consoles in the designs

These both look cool. Especially Purple Heart.

These both look like shit. Green Heart looks awful all around and Blanc's stupid hat got stupider.


A giant fucking Green X doesnt mean X-box

>not noticing any of the references on the girls.

They recycle fucking everything so it's no wonder that they're able to make games quickly and cheaply.

it's okay, I'm sure there are glasses good enough to help you see, but for now why don't you go back to your consoletan threads?

>stupid hat

somewhere underneath all that gratuitous,, blatant fan service there's a pretty nice game there i can feel


I didn't know this was thing, but I'm not very far in.

Do I get to fuck Eryn?

Explain to me how a tube top and panties is representitive of the Xbox? It should be far more masculine and better dressed and suited.

The problem with neptunia is it tries to throw CUTE HALF NAKED LEWD GIRLS at you even when theres no fucking point to it. Why are they all half naked? What purpose? what plot relevance? So much more could be done with the designs if they wore fucking clothes that actually fit.

Its a dumb design.

>Hating on Vert's god tier NEXT form

Goddamn it Carlos

In the first game there's an Eryn and Tiara ending.

Eryn end is way more satisfying and lovey dovey, also she dies in Tiara's one.

Not to the extent of Neptunia. I've seen that wolf enemy way too many times. They should make more original video game related monsters like the tetris blocks that actually fit into the world of Gamindustri.

Maybe even some dungeons that don't look so stock, I'm sick and tired of the factory dungeon and the forest level. They don't even bother to change the layout between games and they still have the nerve to not give you a complete dungeon map when you're going into an obviously recycled one you've already been in.

You get to stay with her in the ending or soemthing like that

Look at the Xbox one. It's minimalistic design is congruent to the minimalist dressing of Vert.

I want to impregnate Blanc

Somebody here has never played Neptunia VII.

I've seen one of those floating dragon enemies from Agarest and the reused city level. I'm not touching it.

>NEXT forms
how many games until they become actual mechs

back off, she's mine

It bugs me that Tiara's is the "priority" ending if you see all events.

Eryn was first girl and has a much closer bond with Fang.

9th gen.

>The problem with neptunia is it tries to throw CUTE HALF NAKED LEWD GIRLS at you even when theres no fucking point to it. Why are they all half naked?
If you can't see the point in C-Sha's design, you have no hope.


Are you fucking kidding? the XBONE is one of the busiest consoles made

>No symmetry
>Random Striping for no goddamn reason
>light and dark contrast instead of a simple solid color scheme
>Centered disc drive even though the other half is split
>even the fucking feet are asymetrical

You want minimalist, then talk about the original wii, this shit ain't minimalist.

Do they change up the dungeons in it? I don't really mind it that much, currently on RB3, playing them all on PC.

My bad, I really wasn't trying too

Doesn't the one evil girl also have an ending too?

steal their shipments of anime tiddies.

If thats trying to be C64 its doing a poor job.

Then you can stop commenting now.

>people actually like the neptunia games
You guys are under 18 years old, aren't you?

Yes. The Rebirth games all copied Victory's system and copy pasted the dungeons to hell. Which was fine for the first game, since it was a hot mess to begin with.

VII reuses very few assets. New dungeons which are barely revisited, new enemies, all of the music is new and professional quality.

how many of these will come to NA? mostly asking for seven pirates

Yes. Even the same tilesets get new maps in them. You'll probably see 4 dungeons recycled from previous games acting as "transitional" maps between one country to the next.

I liked the first game's story with how it was actually a parody of the game industry now from mk2 on wards it's just about the girls reminding the player of their one character trait over and over hardly having any character development. Neptune herself localization or not also became Japanese Peter Griffin.

CH pretty much brings over everything no?

Neptunia VII is coming to Steam this summer. It's already out on PS4.

Most likely everything, but Seven Pirates might not
If it doesn't it might get an asia english release

How bad/memey is the localization for VII?

I hate Nick Doerr so fucking much.

Yeah, I got over a hundred hours into the Neptunia series before I belatedly realized how empty the experience was. Since you couldn't customize your levelling progression, every "build" was exactly the same bar equipment, party choice, and items. As for combat, the only tactic you really need is: "Have a higher level than them." Why become proficient when you can fight easier enemies a few (dozen) more times.

What's more, a lot of the goals were luck-oriented: hunt down this item over and over and pray that it drops. No skill involved there, just luck.

They can't be stopped. Their games sell like shit but still make money.

yes, but only in the route she joins

Give VII a chance. They changed a lot. If you played the Rebirth games, you basically replayed Victory 3 or 4 times.

>the only tactic you really need is: "Have a higher level than them."
This is true for all RPGs though.

The only thing I want to stop is the Fairy Fencer F remake. God that game was fucking atrocious. Combat was okay though.

It's pretty good with very few...offputting exceptions, mainly some memes copy-pasted from nepgen

I really, really want to hate the official "translation", but let's be honest the original dialog is also retarded. The bottom is just more faithful in its retardation.

Pretty bad, but you'll love Uzume so much you don't care.

If you play it in JP it's just stale JP memes, so it's faithful if nothing else.

I know, but it's still disturbing how they actually lurked the place

>If you played the Rebirth games, you basically replayed Victory 3 or 4 times.
Well, yes, I did notice that. V-II does make me more optimistic, so I'll give it a cautious try.

Good luck with that in ones where the enemies scale. (E.g. Dragon Age: Origins.)

But it's good when final fantasy ix does that

Holy fuck, YouTube. Why can't I select "Never"?

The plot and characters were good. The only people shitting on them are buttmad /u/ fags who want to burn anything with a male character.

The combat and balance were actually the weakest things, it was a reskinned Neptunia Victory. Seriously, that game has been copy pasted 6 times.

It's a shame they still don't know how to make good video games.

>it was a reskinned Neptunia Victory
The fuck? The combat was nothing like Neptunia. Fuck off retard. Just cause it had combos doesn't mean it's the same system.

Nick Doerr just couldn't leave the series alone after he left Nisa. I don't think he's on anymore with IFI if VII is to be believed.

He even took pride in not giving a fuck about the source material.

>I do like adding spice to my meals. I leave much of the dialogue the same that I am given, but if it can be worded a little more effectively, dramatically, or character-defining, then I alter it. If I have extra space, sometimes I’ll add a line.

It's Capcom

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That's the problem with the pc ports. You guys get them one after another in a span of a year. PS players needed to wait 2-3 years each game. So most of the complaints aren't apparent to me. I didn't get burned out.

Jesus Christ. Glad he's gone. People like that should seek therapy before employment.