What you guys think about Lincoln Clay?



I prefer Punished Lincoln.




Key and Peele got their own game?


Looks retarded
Why is the Mafia game suddenly about some black guy?


Same reason blacks take precedence over France or Russia having a part in Battlefield 1. Degradation of history and culture with niggers.

the truth is the are more people who aren't white in the world and that play videos games. So the producers are trying to appeal to none-white gamers. It's all about money

Thanks to this websites policy of anonymous posting, I firmly believe that he is a nigger who should be put down and later buried in an animal graveyard.

I don't think you can buy video games on EBT cards

just stating facts

unlike you, I don't give a fuck about other people


This is one of those fake ones right?

I'm just stating facts too, you can't use welfare for video games; nigger.

memes aside I find these faces to be really impresive, some of the most human looking faces that haven't lazily used motion capturing (unless these have too, still look good regardless)

>kill some wops with Vinny and an Irishman and tell a haitian woman to go fuck herself with her gender and race shit, this is about vengance

Don't see why I wouldn't like it.

truth be told the man who hates other people that do him no harm, hates himself more. Enjoy your life in pain

i read an article recently that minorities are more likely to identify themselves as gamers then white people are. So i think they are testing the waters especially with a lot of AAA games doing black protags instead of women this time. I was actually saying that this e3 is the death of anita they finally realized that sjw females dont buy video games.

Underrated post

>Do him no harm

Blacks are a cancer on their communities and society at large. If you are unaware of how backwards black communities are then either you ARE black or you have never lived around them.

I don't care that he's black but he's too ugly and evil looking. He's the reason I'm not buying this game.

Le monkey face

Guys why does it fucking matter? Never forget Whites have the best vidya characters ever.

Master Chief, John Marston, Gordon Freeman, Doom Guy, Solid Snake/Big Boss, Agent 47, Lara Croft, Leon Kennedy, Dante, Alucard, Nathan Drake, Duke Nukem, Mario.

Who the fuck am I missing?

>No one one cared who they were until they put on the mask
Yeah it's gotta be fake

>He thinks they aren't mo-capped.
Cute, user.


Sup Forums ideology at it's finest. I hope you feel warm inside knowing you're then all blacks

he is the actual villain of the game

I'm more upset that if anything what happened after Mafia 2 will be a short sidenote if it's even mentioned


'lazily used motion capturing'
my friend, come work with us, it's the last thing from 'lazy'. Bet you couldn't make half a day.

The main character from Mafia 2 is in it though. I'm sure there'll be references.

Hell, you may even be able to play as Vito Scaletta in Mafia 3 for DLC.

Really makes you think...

I know, I was stupid to even think otherwise, it's so much easier and makes so much more sense than artificial animation. Either way I think the faces have a look of visceral reality that I haven't seen in any other work.

I think he's gonna teach whitey a lesson.

>knowing you're then all blacks

Come on niggers I meet 1st generation spic immigrants who speak better English than this, you've had hundreds of years to get your shit together.
Seriously though, in the building I work at I see nothing but negros stealing petty shit from each other, holding each other down like crabs in a bucket. Meet a black kid with dreams to educate themselves and do something with their life and they get singled out by their own.

They discriminate the most with each other based on whos lighter and favor whos darker.

They are also objectively and undeniably violent everywhere they go, whether its US, Haiti, Africa, or Europe; doesn't matter they always bring shit.

They demand an overwhelming amount of welfare disproportionate to their population size, and every nation they've ever built relies on welfare in order simply to survive.

Education about the world and seeing black people behave in it will make anyone sound a bit like Sup Forums.

Blacks are awful.

lmao of course it's lazy, creating accurate facial expressions by hand without reference would be too hard. But mo caps is probably just the start, there's tons of after work to be done to make it presentable.


thank you for showing how bad non-white are in the world. IDK what I would do without you??

I don't hate non-whites, just blacks.

Other ethnicities hate you too.

Latinos, Arabs, Asian. None of them want you in their countries either.

that wall of text ahahahahaaha

fucking idiots - it's too easy to troll hahahahahaah

i don't think people in the congo play many videogames

>mouth breather facial structure and lips

>Perfect teeth with no overbite

Shit game desu

>I-I was just pretending to be a nigger

You seem pretty triggered, Jerome.