He's back. He fucking did it

He's back. He fucking did it.

Quality Khantent

Who dat

>9k dislikes

>KO Gaming

is he trying to emulate Kevin Owens? Because both are pretty much fat fuck manlets with zero talent.

Go watch his ROH matches with El Generico and tell me he has zero talent.

Beard doesn't do a great job of disguising his babyface.

Game is bad, but not that bad. He just used it as an excuse to clickbait the shit out of his videos. It's funny how he's become everything he used to shit on.

>worst game I've ever played
>homefront the revolution

I mean the game is not a good game but worst I've played much worse games ,the original was worse.

Fuck he's learning.

Or his PWG stuff. Dude was magic over there.

Can we make this an Owens thread?

Gonna be dope when he wins MITB this weekend.

>Not Ambrose
Ambrose turning heel with the briefcase would put him on another level. He is so boring and stale right now but with the briefcase making him a constant threat and dropping the "Wackyline" stuff.
The traditional Triple Threat makeup is 2 heels 1 face and they've been teasing the Shield Triple Threat again and I don't think they can hold it off much longer when people still sort of care about it now.

I'll mark harder than I did when he crushed Zayn his first night if he wins.

Fuck off smarks. ROH a shit.

This is without question the best possible result.

No fucking way Vince will let that happen to his Ramen

he has to get that day 1 clickbait video up

Obviously but I can dream

>There won't be a Reigns & Rollins double turn
why live?



>jerk off on cam, get more viewers
>shit on a game so much it brings in millions
how can somebody fuck up so much and benefit from the work of others so effectively like DSP? He is a god among men