I don't understand Sup Forums...

i don't understand Sup Forums, overwatch was supposed to be the flavor of the month and it should had been forgotten in a couple of months,but then this is happening, how ?

waifus and husbos, also gearbox was nice to commit seppuku as an offering to the Overwatch gods.

League of Legends was the most played game for 4 years ! straight.

But it has major probelms now because Riot fucked up the last major update and even i, one of the slaves trapped in this shitty game, quit it because its not fun anymore.

To be honest it wasnt fun to begin with but i could atleast play the game in the evening with friends and progress , now its just like work.

But i still doubt Overwatch is going to be on Top for a long time, it needs one good update for LoL and they are on top again

the game hasnt even been out for a month so its still fotm

Blizzard paid to make it free at those PC Bangs.....

No shit it would be played there.

As someone living in Korea, let me explain.

Right now, at most major PC Bangs, Overwatch is free to play. Blizzard is running a promotion to encourage South Korean players to try it out by keeping it free for the first month. Typically, you pay like 100 won an hour. It's a new, and for now free, Blizzard game. League isn't doing too hot here and recently Riot tried to do some shady shit with "exclusivity" offers to large PC Bang chains, along with terrible updates to the game. You'll probably see Overwatch drop in the ratings next month when the free to play period ends.

Your first mistake was thinking anyone on Sup Forums has a clue

Overwatch is new and was SUPER aggressively marketed.

League/Riot just recently pissed off a bunch of people with the Dynamic Queue shit.

Combine those factors and it's obvious what would happen.

Riot is owned by chinks and korean chinks hates chink chinks so they're finally hopping ship

OW is a good casual game, so of course i would be popular. Until they add a ranked mode, I don't see the forced eSport meme taking off.


>what does this mean?
what did he mean by this?

>and it should had been forgotten in a couple of months
>but then this is happening
The game hasn't even been out for a month, you fucking idiot.

You're an idiot if you believe anything Sup Forums predicts. This is a shitpost board. It might as well be called /shtp/

I don't care much about Overwatch (was fun enough in the beta but meh), however I am glad as shit its taking ASSFAGGOTS down a notch

E-Sports is like a deal with the devil
You do get what you wish for but at a terrible price

For example, League of Legends did get a lot of popularity but it resulted in a hugely toxic community that will report you if you don't abide to the main ranked meta, claiming that you are a troll.
Dota 2 generates an immense amount of revenue for Valve, but now the whole game is a Money Farm for Valve, now that they are mostly focusing on making their updates based on the meta and further monetizing the game, centering around monetizing e-sports.

CS:GO is not even an actual thing anymore. Valve does updates purely based on e-sports meta and how much the e-sports celebrities want something changed. Their shitty Customer-Support-Bots cannot register people complaining about in-game features.

Is there even a great game with a great community that is afflicted by E-Sports but didn't become shit?

starcraft 2 ?

SC2 best esport forever

shame that isn't not very popolar

it doesn't really matter though because you can still find a match within 30 seconds and there's still a very active pro scene for it

so if anyone wanted to get into it even now there's no shortage of a pro scene or playing it yourself

What happened in the last update?

This is just a migration of casuals. League players never really cared about the genre or the game. They only played it because it was the current trend. Just like WoW was before that. Meanwhile dota players will still play dota until the end of time because of their autism. All those twitch whores will be on the overwatch train soon enough.

And? I think thats a good thing, stop balancing your competitive multiplayer games around shitters but instead listen to the feedback of the best players. I dont see anything wrong with this lad and with this toxic shit with League, you have this with every multiplayer game. Besides Riots balances around the 1-1-1-2 meta so if you dont play it rankeds you deserve all the shittalk you get. Go play normals if you want to troll/experiment around.

That's literally how it fucking works at every fucking PC Bang/Cafe, if the game is pay 2 play it's free there, if the game is F2P, like league for example, you get a massive in game money boost and lots of skins for playing at the cafe. The best way to play if your a Korean is at a Bang because you just get more shit, it's always been this way.

so thats why i keep seeing a lot of Asians on twitch huh?

i don't think they are allowed to start a live on twitch in a caffè