Microsoft/Xbox games coming to Steam as some point

>Microsoft/Xbox games coming to Steam as some point
Now you guys can stop crying about windows 10. You'll get your Halos, Gears of War and other Xbox exclusives, delivered through Steam.

>MCC/Halo3 with Steamworks support
>Scalebound with Steamworks support
>Forza with Steamworks support
good times

Other urls found in this thread:

neat, I always thought Phil was lying about "loving steam" but I guess he's going to come through for us.

I actually use W10 already, I just refuse to use its store.

>You'll get your Halos, Gears of War... delivered through Steam

If you watched the interview with him, you'd know that he basically also explicitly said that that wouldn't happen.

>>MCC/Halo3 with Steamworks support
>>Scalebound with Steamworks support
>>Forza with Steamworks support
>good times

those titles arent coming to steam. windows will just dump their indie trash on steam

He's talking about Dead Rising 4, Ryse, and Tomb Raider you tards

Rise of the Tomb Raider is already on steam, so is Ryse.

I don't want to play those even on a platform I already own.

the fact that microsoft is open to using steam creates a possibility. of course this is only an assumption, but you never know.

Why does Microsoft not just give up on the console business

Nobody gives a shit about the XBoner and it's just hilariously outsold by the PS4. An "upgrade" mid-gen isn't going to magically push 30mil units

But I would still need to downgrade to win10 which is not happening

I'll just wait for the crackers to change the "win10required=1" line to "win10required=0" and never pay for any win10 game

Dont care, not a single modern MS game runs well on PC. Some are literally unplayable under certain set ups.

Not to mention most the games are just rubbish. Goes to show how much the Xbone and MS is behind the times in gaming.

because hardware sales are still better than nintendo
you don't know that. they could require 7/8.1 also

quantum break on the windows store is still 69.99

fuck that shit

>Based Phil stopped the "TV SPORTS TV COD" direction the Xbone was taking
>Based Phil added backwords compatibility to Xbone
>Based Phil porting all upcoming Xbone games to PC
>Based Phil will put some of them on Steam

I swear, if he'd have been in charge of the Xbone from the onset, Microsoft would have won this gen already. This is the best turnaround I've ever seen from a console maker.

And before anyone gets started on PC stealing Xbone sales, PC is still a Microsoft platform. Microsoft knows that the key to success is selling games. Consoles are just another way to put games in the hands of people who wouldn't buy a PC.

Mark my words, we're going to see an Xbox with some sort of SteamOS functionality one day in the future.

All those games are shit. Why would I care.

MS is already dead, it just doesnt know it yet.

>we're going to see an Xbox with some sort of SteamOS functionality
Yeah and cows are going to fly too

I think the manufacturers realized PC isn't necesarily in competition with consoles at all.
Steam is too big, it's not going anywhere and it's getting more and more common to have both console and PC (even if the PC is on the weak side).

PS4 and XBO are in competition with each other, not PC.
That's why they both let PC have some of their games, just so long the other console doesn't get them.

maybe not steamOS, but I could see them adding a "steam in-home streaming" app to the xbox store, that would let you stream your steam games to your xbox.

There's still the possibility of it being Win 10 only, considering Steam is split between 7 and 10, so they could just have a warning saying "Win 10 only".

I hope you are right, though. Being forced to use a shitty OS to play a video game is retarded,

Microsoft is porting to PC because they want more win10 exclusives so they can get that ad money from ads in your OS and also spy you and sell that info too. They are also selling the games on their own store so they aren't losing any money over it

will recore come to steam? mildly interested

Fact is, Phil probably will be happy enough as long as people switch to Windows 10. I've been on it since half a year and I'm quite happy about it.

the spying meme needs to end.
I don't want to spark another thread long argument, telling you why your forbes links are wrong, etc but in the release version of W10 you're not being spied on.

Microsoft profits off W10 adoption via app store sales, skype, Office 365 subscriptions and Onedrive subscriptions.
Windows 10 promotes their ecosystem, it also promotes xbox one if you think about it.

The reason the upgrade was free was basically to advertise all these other products, not to sell your personal info.

Please don't reply to this post with 10 links where people think they've found W10 spying on them, I guarantee I've read them.


I wonder which games get on steam and which are windows store exclusives.

I don't really have an interest in having multiple game launching platforms. Part of the many reasons I won't buy anything on Origin.

>le spy meme again
Linux shill fuck off.

Don't forget Microsoft also intends to kill support for both Vista and 7 as fast as possible. Having people gtfo from both will make it even easier to do it. That's probably a LOT of money gained.

Anyone got a link? I doubt it's as simple as "we're using Steam now".

Windows 10 store isn't nearly as horrible to use as GFWL or Uplay, I didn't mind it.

Oh yeah, don't get me wrong MS is going to profit big time off W10 and they're using some underhanded tactics.

I'm just saying the spying thing keeps getting debunked.
First it was PhotoDNA which got discovered to not even be part of W10.
Then people posting videos of a russian guy proving Windos was taking screenshots and uploading them to Microsoft (the fact that it was pre-release testing version alluded a lot of people).
Then people found Windows was trying to make 5000 connection per hour after they blocked it's access to the internet, not realizing they were blocking date and time syncing and all of those were the OS retrying to connect.

It's by no means a great OS, it's just not what the meme indicates.

This is a fair point: I too believe Microsoft is trying its hardest to drop 7 and Vista, probably even before they've otherwise allowed themselves to do so. I wonder how much money is on the line here, what kind of deals they made.

>actually having a nice thread about MS
>M$ shills come out of the woodwork
Phil here, you're way too obvious. You're fired.

>Mustards are getting saved by fucking Xbox ceo from indieshit and being always left behind on ports
>Soon there will be only sony and ms ecosystem, no console/pc/platform separation like it used to be
>Nintendo is going full JUST
Times are changing

like clockwork, see and again, please don't post a pasta of 10 or more articles saying W10 is spyware, even when I go through each one of them people will keep posting it and the meme will live on.

Doubtful, they'd rather sell the shitty ones on Steam and somehow attempt to push people into Windows store for better titles.

I personally want to stop having a dozen accounts for my games and all of them having their own client. It's getting insanely silly.

Microsoft just decided to kill console gaming all by itself. Having a universal Xbox platform across all of their devices is genius, integrates the PC and casual gaming crowds perfectly, and is supported by the best server architecture in the world.

The question now is wtf will Sony do? The PS4.5 is already an abortion put to shame by the S and absolutely stomped by the Scorpio next year. Sony need some sort of platform to push their software sales - I guess they could integrate their shitty streaming service? Regardless, I imagine these are the last few years of "PlayStation" as we know it.

Nintendo will probably continue their race-to-bottom, pandering to younger and more casual audiences to fill the niche majorly overlooked by Microsoft and Sony.

Microsoft has transended petty hardware barriers and moved into the digital world, Sony will probably move to including "PS" hardware in their TVs, Nintendo will edge closer and closer to Fisher Price.

This is just an outside, business strategy perspective - feel free to muddy it with your pathetic allegiance distortions and sunk cost biases.

Is MS going to exit the console wars?

aren't they supposed to try to sell more consoles, though?

>Xbox brand has literally been hijacked just to shill Windows 10 now
>Implying MS higher ups will allow them to put their shit on Steam

If there's no spyware on win10, then why are there programs that remove it?


They are going to end it. No platform separation is what they are aiming for.
Their strategy with xbone S, xbone, scorpio +pc is the indication of it.

It just became Sony vs PC instead, you've seen Sup Forums

Stop shitposting. Also XP>7>10 but 10 is good enough to upgrade because it has features removed from XP to 7 (animated gifs in Windows images viewer).

First I'll need evidence that you're right about the spying. you can just say "It's false!" and then not provide proof as to why it's false. Second, my dislike of 10 is more than just spying, forced updates (I have Home 7, which will turn into Home 10, which is not the version that can turn them off), awful backwards compatibility, and the fact that nip games will more than likely not work on it for another 5-10 years as well as the atrocious UI makes me want to never touch that trash.

Nope, hardware usually has absolutely tiny net profits, if any at all. Software and licenses are where the money is nowadays.

Not really. Because a large amount of people playing on PC don't give a shit about consoles no matter what, so Sony will never get them no matter how many shiny exclusives they get.

>First I'll need evidence that you're right about the spying. you can just say "It's false!" and then not provide proof as to why it's false.
that's fair, but I'm not going to as I said.
I have done it a bunch of times, if I go into detail and refer to each and every claim I come off as a shill and it makes no difference.
So here's an alternative, read the articles claiming it and think about it a little, that's what I did.
For example, when PhotoDNA was claimed to scan W10 HDDs, I searched what PhotoDNA was and found out it was just a server-side image hashing program, not even part of W10.
Someone had found a promo video for PhotoDNA and assumed it was for W10 because it was microsoft.
Same for the screenshot thing, I just didn't take the claim at its word and found out it was a pre-release test version used for collecting that kind of data.
>Second, my dislike of 10 is more than just spying,
That's 100% fine.
There's loads of reasons to dislike it, I am not a shill telling you to get it.
I just find the memes agitating because I know it's built on a lot of falsehoods.
>orced updates (I have Home 7, which will turn into Home 10, which is not the version that can turn them off)
Totally fair, it's bullshit they forced that on home.
I use pro because they were giving out W8 pro for $15 at launch, but if you're on Home that's a legit reason to not like it.
>awful backwards compatibility
I could have a whole discussion on how it's not bad, etc but fuck it.
Also it is true DX8 games need an ENB wrapper to work, so I'll give you that.
> nip games will more than likely not work on it for another 5-10 years
I've got Touhou and obscure porn games working.
Again, I don't feel like debating.
> the atrocious UI makes me want to never touch that trash.
100% valid.
Don't use it if you don't like it.

I'm happy with Microsoft's decision to go full PC, now I never have to buy an xbox. PS4 is for weeb games, vita/3ds for visual novels.

>Now you guys can stop crying about windows 10
I will not.

>end of May
>pulling allnighter with group to finish up our final exam paper
>friends laptop decides to suddenly start updating to Windows 10 at 4:00 AM in the morning where we are the most stressed and pressed for time

It's like it knows

>over 20 fucking millions console sold
>claim no one give a shit
are you a retard?

There's not going to be another xbox, is there? It's going to be fucked up where the only options for a console is Playstation & Nintendo. Consumers NEED xbox to exist to stop Sony from going full retard jew and vice versa.

>delivered through Steam.
>still requires DX12
>Windows 10 only
fuck off

it's his own fault.
the only way it can do this is if you already installed the update that lets it do that.

>PC mustard managed to convince xbots that the merger is a good thing.

Enjoy online vs pc, as well as having no reason to exist seeing as you are a gimped steam machine.

Thank goodness that AMD took a hint and fucking made a powerful $200 graphics card. Intel still went the usual Jew route with Skylake and Nvidia did the same. Microsoft only made it worse when they give their consumers are given free NSA spyware.

There was a rumor awhile back about how this was the last xbox console they'll make. It seems partially true in a sense that the software of the console won't change and just provide a better updated hardware. A prebuilt PC in a sense.

If that's the case, the it's very interesting when they introduce a better version over project scorpio and a better one over that one. Where's the line drawn for 'backwards' compatibility.


no you fuck thats worse than windows 10 i will never ever be happy no matter how they offer them

Cross-Play will work fine for all non-FPS games.

Nobody gives a shit about Sup Forums. Windows 10 is the most used OS used on Steam now. Upgrade or deal with it, cuck.

Reminder Trails in the Sky 3rd will not be on GOG because GOG refused to host the game due to it "promoting child rape".
Defend this, GOG cucks.

I am not installing Windows 10. End of story.

>Upgrade or deal with it, cuck.

Can you imagine if DS3 was cross play with PC and you got banned because of a PC hacker giving your character billions of souls? I'm sure that will never happen again.

you don't have to defend it.
PC distributors aren't console platforms, you can run either off the same PC.
You can buy from both GOG and Steam and use both the exact same.

Makes me glad I bought Trails off steam though.

GOG is worse than even steam

did you not hear me?

i will NEVER BE HAPPY no matter HOW they are offered

I'd love to see how many of those win10 computers use intel integrated graphics

Windows 7 is god tier.
fite me irl

And in overall OS usage, it barely surpasses Windows XP

>implying there will be another Nintendo console
Good joke. Even if they are stupid enough to launch the NX, it'll sell worse than the Wii U.

With only one option in the market, someone else will step up, most likely Apple. Hell, we might even see someone like Samsung or HTC try and blow money on the failing realm of TV.

>win10 has no spyware
>i swear
Why don't you reply to then

>Windows 10 user calling others a cuck.

Are we just reading the title or the actual article, because the article says it aint coming any time soon whereas the title implies its happening soon.


Windows 10 apologists, why did you ignore this post? Hmmm...?


And if me and others don't upgrade, then there's enough of an incentive for developers to allow for backwards compatibility, as long as Microsoft doesn't pay them all to keep things W10 exclusive, which they won't.

MS is actually doing the best thing. Now please remove the spyshit from W10 and we can be friends again

I agree that Windows 7 is better.
XP>7 though. Also Windows 10 let you view animated gifs again without having to use a third-party software. Really useful when I want to fap to animated gifs of Hoppou getting pounded by a fat guy.

I think you mean forwards comparability, or backwards integration. I imagine Scorpio 4.0 will be able to handle OG Xbone games.

It seems they're still aiming for an eight-year support window for each iteration, e.g. Scorpio comes out 2017, games are no longer especifically gimped to run well on it by 2025.

If that is true i just might upgrade to Win10

>then why are there programs that remove it

Name them, cuck.

>selling pirated versions of games that should be abandonware because they bought the licenses for a pittance from defunct publishers
>good guys
Pick one. Steam is scummy as fuck, but at least it was intended as a platform for new titles.

because I'm tired?
the removal programs just disable online services like cortana and windows store, or block telemetry in the home version.

Literally doesn't matter though, if you don't reply to any one post it's because you don't have an answer, if you reply to every post you're a shill in damage control.

If you put in effort explaining thoroughly you're trying too hard, if you don't put in effort, your answer isn't good enough.
Literally no fighting the meme.

You can disable it just fine, that's what I did. I doubt it really spy on you anyway. At least there hasn't been any article proving it yet despite I'm sure many sick fucks already use Windows 10. So don't worry, I'm sure MS won't bust you over your loli user.

You know you can just make .gif files to open in a browser by default

>Windows 10 is the most used OS used on Steam now
>Upgrade or deal with it

>he doubts mankind's dark future of being rules by bovines in flight

what a naive child you are

user please, I have a folder full of gifs and with windows 10/xp images viewer I just have to open the first gif and click => to go to the other image while fucking my sex doll.

>games run on dx12
>Dx12 requires W10

Are you all retarded ? Or just pretending ?

Consider the possibility of a placebo program, something claims to do something like "block all W10 spying" but its only proof of doing so is a message box.
I can code a basic UI with a message box, claim it makes Windows 10 spyware free and nobody except those willing to check will care or notice.

>block telemetry in the home version
So it does have spyware afterall?

Still waiting for the news infos of people getting busted because Windows reported them after spying them masturbating to something illegal.

Make a .html file that opens all the gifs on one page so you can just scroll through them all

>Every xbox game is outselling ps4 shit

>Every Nintendo game is outselling ps4 shit

Why does sony keep making movie games ?

They're hilariously underselling. Why doesn't sony just stop making games ?

telemetry is not necessarily spyware.
you should look up what telemetry is.
Steam has telemetry, and I'm not talking about hardware survey.

But don't trust me, check yourself.
If you look at your outgoing connections when steam is running but not doing anything (updating, downloading, go offline in your friends list too) you will see it's still making connections to Valve servers constantly.

Microsoft has long admitted that they have plenty of telemetry in W10, and they can't even turn it off in the versions you pay for. As long as they can't fix this, W10 is a no-go for any reasonable person.

Why would they care about that? They will just sell all the useful info about you

Steam is not an OS, it doesn't full access to everything going on in your computer.

Why is Phil Spencer so based

We go from fucking Don Mattrick that doesn't even utter a single word about PC, to based Spence just outright saying "fuck it, put all these games on PC too"

Xbone literally has no exclusives, not a single one. Thats pretty sad.
Worst console of all time?

you can fix it by simply blocking Microsoft IPs in your router.
But again, telemetry isn't what people seem to think it is.
By definition, it's anonymous statistics.
It's still telemetry and you can't turn it off.

If you are scared that your OS is doing something behind the scenes, don't use windows 7, 8 or 10.
Use a free alternative.
No closed source OS is ever going to be what you want it to be.

I'll be able to play Scalebound without having to move to W10?