>I have never finished a GTA game
>I play vidya more than anything, I don't watch tv, tv series at all
>Despite a top end rig, I mostly find myself playing older games
>I think Planetside 2 is a better online shooter than anything that has come out in over 5 years
>I'm kind, generous and courteous to everyone I meet online in any game
>I don't like doritos or mt dew, I like plain cape cod chips and water
>Outside of the internet like work, if someone mentions any vidya i pretend to be normie and have no idea what they are talking to make them feel awkward which works every time
>I buy in game cash for many games I own
>I've never owned an xbox of any kind, there was never any game or exclusive to make me want to play not even halo
>I have never seen anyone in real life with messenger bags, patches, stickers giant headphones and fedoras in my everyday life, only fedoras on old grey haired men
>I've called in sick for work, cancelled plans with friends and family to play vidya in some form
>I don't listen to anyone's opinion, not even Sup Forums nor do i look at any online vidya journalism of any kind, i just pick a game off a shelf or browse on steam and go "this could be fun" and buy it
>I don't review games or flood my opinion anywhere, I either like it or down like it
>I unironically like playing racing games and flight sims even if there's nearly none around anymore
>I've learned alot from games like ace attorney series, which has taught me to be intuitive, spot lies and contradictions when people talk to me in person.
>If I had 50 million in the bank, I'd still play games regularly, just have a nicer life in between.
ITT: Confessions
>I like video games and have fun playing them
I don't get Monster Hunter
Neither do I
OP where are you from?
are you me from the future?
I think the fallout series is trash
I killed Dwayne in GTAIV
I don't care.
I've got a total of 400 or so hours across all Total War titles, I've only ever completed a single campaign on Shogun 2.
I have never played Metal Gear Solid.
Most of those aren't confessions/bad things you retard.
>>I don't like doritos or mt dew
Doritos and mt dew are disgusting m8
>>I've never owned an xbox of any kind, there was never any game or exclusive to make me want to play not even halo
Halo is shit indeed
Why did you think these were worth posting m8
>>I have never finished a GTA game
Come on bro no excuse for that though, GTA V was short as fuck I finished it in like 3 or 4 sittings
>I collect bottle caps from coke bottles
I'm shocked how many I have in common too.
It doesn't matter if you have beat a GTA they are all casual fuck-about games.
It doesn't always have to be negative
I've never beaten Ocarina of Time
>I killed Dwayne in GTA IV
jesus christ you fucking monster
This and the tags off the tops of beer cans to see how much I had drank over a 3 year period. I wasted a lot of money on this that I can't get back, I practically pissed it all away.
brought GTA V, played it for about 10 hours and havent touched it since. i found it extremely boring.
>most of them are just ego stroking or random opinions
I locked myself away for a year to play Sid Meier Alpha Centauri non-stop and Dawn of War: Soulstorm. I got to the point where I could practically recite some 88% of the games dialogue from memory. It was a good year.
>never played Metal Gear Solid
>never played Uncharted
>never played Dark Souls
>never played Resident Evil
>or Devil May Cry
>or God of War
>or Far Cry
>or Bioshock
>or Quake
>or Unreal
>and a fuckton of other famous games people like to rant about
Max Payne is still my all-time favorite game to be honest
>>most of them are just ego stroking or random opinions
Welcome to the internet
give us a pic : )
I only play multiplayer games if they include an offline singlerplayer option because any time I make a tiny mistake online with people I'm not comfortable with I bail in embarrassment
What the everliving fuck have you been playing, then?
Low self esteem bro besides people don't give a shit whether you fuck up or not.
I sold my 3DS and spent the money on Call of Duty DLC
>I don't like anime
>I don't like jmusic
>I don't like hentai
>I have the platinum trophy for all Neptunia Rebirth games.
I've never played a Megaman game because I think they're all actual trash.
I never played TF2 or either Half Life's.
Morrowind was my favorite Bethesda game.
I "main," Mercy in Overwatch,
I played 700 hours of Europa Universalis because I love removing kebob,
>I've lost all hope in vidya and don't play them anymore
>I have a Wii U
>And I fell for the Star Fox meme
>And I haven't hacked it yet
the only game i ever got 100% on was red dead redemption and I could not beat GTA3 due to the 8ball missions
Speaking of, I've been kind of being a bitch about not hacking my Vita. I should probably get on that.
right now I have Chocolate Doom, GTASA, GTAV, The Sims 4, NBA 2K14, and FNV installed
>I hardly ever actually even play video games and the ones I do play are never even discussed here so I just end up getting into arguments with people over subjects that have nothing to do with video games
Dark souls trilogy, i never finish it on my own. Always use guides
That's a confession I have. Thanks for reminding me.
I've only ever played Demon Souls. And I hated it so much I didn't finish it and never touched a Dark Souls game.
i only play console games
>>I've learned alot from games like ace attorney series, which has taught me to be intuitive, spot lies and contradictions when people talk to me in person.
fucking cringe
>lol so cringe
leafy is that way newfag /trash/
I have a habit of dropping games right before the final boss battle. Most often in RPGs.
I really don't like the GTA games. I'm not even a prude but I can't stand the swearing and sexual innuendos
But I really liked Bully.
I think Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number is better than the first even though I loved both.
I think Arkham City is the best Batman game yet and is also better than Asylum even though I loved both.
I have never played Blood Money______
i don't like leafy. that shit OP said is pretty dumb though.
I like metroid prime better than super metroid
Same, I had fun with the first few hours of FO3 but didn't like New Vegas (even with mods). Don't ever intend on playing 4
I call everything weeaboo, despite really liking Souls games because of the awesome katanas
>I've learned alot from games like ace attorney series, which has taught me to be intuitive, spot lies and contradictions when people talk to me in person.
I hate the last of us.
No not just 'I think it's alright but people overblow it' no.
I really just couldn't stand playing it at all. I only forced myself to because of the insistence of friends and hated almost all of it.
I'm basically buying a ps4 for FFXV because I know that it will have at least decent gameplay and atmosphere
I very rarely if ever play games outside of my comfort zone. I haven't played 80 percent of Sup Forums's favorites and the only indie game I've ever played was Castle Crashers.
I also spend most of my time playing games I've already played. I have 3,500 hours in TF2 as a result, though I dropped it a few weeks ago for good.
The Last of Us, Ocarina of Time, and Half-Life 2 are my top 3 of all time.
Human Revolution is one of my all time favorites, but I have no intention of playing the original. I find it horribly outdated.
I despise the Sonic franchise. .
I’ve never played a Souls game because they seem far too frustrating and I play video games to relax.
I use a guide for every Zelda game to make sure I see everything.
I got into Overwatch because I found Tracer cute. I'm pretty bad at the game, so I end up playing Lucio most of the time so I can escape blame if we end up losing and it's easy to gain commendations. I also talk shit to my team whenever that happens. I still sometimes play Tracer because she’s very fun.
I ate too much spaghetti and now my tum tum hurts
Monster Hunter is good for a loser like me. My life is empty and I'm lonely with no accomplishments to be proud of. It feels good to finally get all the parts you need to upgrade your weapon or make your new armor set. It's like an IV drip trickling a small sense of achievement into my wasted life.
I really liked Final Fantasy Explorers because it's a MMO-lite on handheld and I love FF. I'm really fucking mad that the handheld market is dying
I endlessly shitpost about Metroid Prime because I hate FPSs and Samus is my waifu
I've tried to get into MGS but I can't make it past the first level of 1, 2, or 3 and I don't want to play the later games while having no knowledge of the story.
I can't get past the Tower Knight in Demon's Souls.
>I've never had a good enough computer to run games at playable framerates because I'd rather play games on consoles
>GTA V is my favorite GTA
>Aside from a shitty laptop I only have a PS4, Vita, and Vita TV
>I never owned a PS3 and don't plan on ever getting one
>Oblivion is my favorite Elder Scrolls, and I remember putting countless hours into the 360 version of it when it came out
>I got a DS for Christmas the year it came out and I remember being amazed that this thing I could hold in my hands played Super Mario 64
>I grew up on dad rock but by now only listen to music like my waifu Taylor Swift and Justin Timberlake
>I enjoyed Uncharted 4 and so far it's my personal Game of the Year, and I'm of the opinion that if your only complaint about a game is that it's "cinematic garbage", you don't have an actual argument to stand on
>I wish WWE games would stop pulling the same shit other sports games do and just put the effort in to make an actually fun game like Day of Reckoning or No Mercy. I've watched wrestling since I was a kid and no game has ever actually felt like you're watching the real thing
I call myself a MGS fan even though I've only actually gotten sufficiently far in the PSP titles. I watched the others on YouTube. I do plan on playing TPP at some point though
damn daniel
i hate gay people
>I haven't been on Sup Forums for a year and only came back for the E3
>I haven't played video games in a year and only started playing Life is Strange yesterday
>Life is Strange is really fun although it is a "le walking simulator" and may be one of my favorite games now
how the fuck can you be afraid of video games?
they aren't James Joyce
FFXIII is the game that made me give the series a chance and now I love FF and have played the majority of the mainline games. I recognize that XIII has some strange decisions and glaring flaws but it still holds a place in my heart
A QT22/7 I met at college start fucking and playing WOW together.
Well shit went south and she got a restraining order against me.
I still check out her characters profile and all she does is play WOW 24/7.
I miss her.
I still play on my PS3 and I don't own a PS4
I've never owned a Xbox
Never played a Souls game despite having Demon's Souls
I'm worried about the future of home console gaming
>I've never played any Half Life game
>I've never played a single nintendo title
>Never played a Souls game
>Don't give a shit about any form of "game journalism"
>Think Overwatch is a meme game
>I view videogames the same way I view hard drugs and consider them as addictive and harmful
>IRL I tell people that it's just a fun hobby because I want to keep using
>I will lose weeks at a time just waking up, playing video games until I feel tired, then going to sleep. I'll forget to eat for most of my binges
>My using is a tool to distract myself from my real life obligations
Despite what you learn in school, 22/7 isn't actually pi because pi is irrational. Blew my mind too
Look nigger, it's a dank maymay.
>Played TFP
>Never played any of the other MGS games except for a demo of 1 that I got from dominos as a kid
If it's any consolation I really liked the demo.
>The Fanta Pain
It was a bootleg.
I lost control of my life
I cried like a bitch because of a rythm game
I claim to boycott games that don't offer dual audio but I usually cave in and buy the game day 1.
>I have a guilty pleasure for formulaic AAA open world games like GTA and Assassin's Creed
>I never actually ended up finishing demon's souls
>I believe Gone Home is a pure little gem
I pre-ordered the P5 CE because Atlus is one of the few Japanese developers smart enough to realize their main market is consoles and PC versions are a waste of time
I enjoyed every bit of Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII except for the last story mission. Even Genesis
I have a PS3 and 4, but never played any Uncharted games.
Aside from the plot twist, I really liked the Bionic Commando reboot that GRIN did.
I enjoyed Duke Nukem Forever.
Play 1 and 2 you fucking idiot. You're missing out on some of the best cRPGs ever made. They still hold up today.
Here is a "secret" about Sup Forums: None of the people complaining about the "censorship" in a game was going to buy the game they complain about. They are just here for the drama because of TORtanic and leGG.
Martha's Vineyard here, Cape Cod chips fucking suck. I'd rather lick the crud off the bottom of my garbage bin.
I don't tend to like wRPGs lately, so no thanks
I really, really, really like this image
I spend like 2-3k overall on mobile gachas like Puzzle and Dragons
I like you
Video games don't make me feel stuff very often anymore, and I mostly feel bored playing them, but I still play them out of habit.
You should drop Lucio and play the far superior Mercy.
I enjoyed Quest for Camelot but refuse to touch actual Zelda games
I thought MGSV was excellent.
>Only ever played 4/5 so don't give a shit about the story
>Glad there was 1% of the cutscenes of 4
>Open world suited the game as you are special forces operative dropped behind enemy lines, multiple ways of tackling an objective worked don't lie
>Turned off x ray vision and 3d markers for immersion and challenge
>Couldn't care less about ranks, I just do my best, soldiers make mistakes and you have to deal with them instead of restarting constantly for muh perfect run
>Game looked great but im glad they put a goal of 60fps above the most pretty of visuals
I have bought every single Dark Souls game but have not got pass the first area/few areas in any of them. In Dark Souls I didn't know where to go and kept on getting killed by skeletons so I quit, in Dark Souls 2 I figured out where to go but didn't get an estus flask early on so I kept on getting my ass kicked so I gave up, in Dark Souls 3 I couldn't get past the tutorial boss. I have no idea what they were thinking making the first boss that fucking difficult. Not to mention the the controls are slow, boring and archaic as fuck. I thought the games would be like super-hard DMC combat open world games.
I main capos in Tekken and spammed and lag-switched my way to Toshin on Tekken Revolution and Vanquisher in TTT2.
I have 3 VAC bans on Steam. One of them is recent (caught using LMAObox).
I find RPGs to be the most boring genre ever. I don't see the point for grinding for hours and leveling up to boost up numbers that don't change much. Oh, and the gameplay is typically awful too.
I think V is excellent too, but I also have an extreme desire to breed Stefanie Joosten so all the Quiet porn is a godsend
Oh I forgot the actual gameplay was top notch, fight me.
Problem is hard drugs are physically addicting, your video game addiction is mental. The games aren't the problem, you've got some issues
all these DeS fags are finally came out of the closet
haven't even finished their game lol yet claim it's the best Souls
LMFAO fucking kids, let me guess you haven't finished Bloodborne too huh YET say it's the best? get the fuck outta here
>I thought the games would be like super-hard DMC combat
Games like DMC can have complex combat because the environment doesn't really play a role, even if the visuals change you are more often than not fighting in a decent sized flat arena which opens up room for lots of combos.
In Souls however the enviromnet plays a much larger role, you are often fighting in cramped environments, there are traps, sheer drops etc, this means that simple combat is all that is really possible, you hit hard and so do the enemies, there is no need for long combo's and they would most likely hinder gameplay, im not saying there isn't need to have a little more variety in combat in Souls but you can't compare them to games like DMC and Bayonetta, they are vastly different.
Why the fuck do plebs say this? No, the gameplay was not good. The gameplay consisted of doing the same 3 objectives over and over again with some thin plot dressing in a completely empty open world. The controls are generic TPS controls with a bit more weight behind it. I know it would have been hard to implement the old control scheme into an open world but I would prefer it so much more the the generic system we have now.
it also took out all of the skill of MGO. You actually had to get good at MGO2 to even do moderately well. You needed to have almost inhuman reflexes and a mastery over the controls. MGO3 is a shitfest where host wipes the floor with everyone and its more about who lock onto their head with the insane aim assist first and fires. Oh, also the maps suck in MGO3. They're all way too large.