Doomslayer vs. Samus

Who would win?

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Samus killed a hell dimension before.

Samus literally fights beings that go faster than light, planet destroying monster and can vaporize the likes of Dark Samus.

She merks a shitload of fictional characters.

Has Metroid brought the legions of hell to its knees time and time again, throughout countless of other dimensions?

Would be a tie, then both will join up to kick monster in the face

But can she bring down the person that hell pretty much spits out the moment it knows they're is coming?

Doomguy could beat both of them while jerking off

>Beings that go faster than light
While not "light" speed the summoner is definetly several times faster than doomslayer
>planet destroying monster and can vaporize the likes of Dark Samus
Doomslayer killed titans, which are skyscrapper sized, i think "planet destroying" its an overkill, i would say it would be a pretty fucking good battle

Are we including Other M?

doomguy has killed multiple hell dimensions

Is daddy issues canon?

Fight wouldn't last long before they'd start fucking.

Doomslayer runs straight to samus while firing machine gun and then punches her to death. She has no close ranged attacks. If she goes morphball he punts her away. Her advantage is unlimited ammo, but Doomslayer is faster and can now double jump. Only thing to watcg out for is super bombs.

their kids will make any bad guy from any universe shit their pants

DELETE! Doomguy is pure

samus wins

As if Doomguy would want filthy Xeno genes.

Actually, does doomguy have a stance on Aliens? I don't think he's ever met any.

h-doom says otherwise

I feel like Samus has thicker plot armor

Would love to see Doomslayer take on Ridley

>Implying Doom 4 doesn't make HDoom canon


Ends in sex and by sex I mean demon and pirate killing. Space pirates seem like the kind of group that'd open up a portal to hell.

How uh...thick are we talking buddy?

He owned a bunny and saved Vega's memories. I think as long as the ayys aren't using any hell energy they'll be cool.

Doomguy survived HDOOM

Unless you count the demons the only Ayy Lmaos ever even implied to exist are the ancient Martians from 3 but that game implied they were actually just humans that later teleported to Earth when shit went bad and we forgot our origin. Plus 3's universe is different from the original games and 4.

Buzz Astral


Thanks, Doc.

While Samus has a ton of gadget and weapon options, Doomslayer is like a fucking tank. He will just keep coming back, again and again, a force of pure determination.
I think he would get close enough to cause Samus trouble, unleashing his entire arsenal in such a manner that would probably damage Samus' armour and make her lose all her shit.
Then he'd finish her off with a melee chainsaw attack.

Samus completely rapes Daamguy because he is too slow.

Samus beats Doomguy because he cannot aim up.

I'm pretty sure a BFG would instantly gib Sweet Dee.

BFG is weaker than power bombs.

he would literally onehit her with the chainsaw and it only takes up 3 fuel bars max because she's small

They'd probably be too busy fighting off Xeno and Hell scum to give a shit about each other. Which begs the question...

How would the both of them, together, fare in the Warp?

i think it's a tie.

>Too slow
>Can run faster than Usain Bolt
>Can outrun rockets

If Samus died would she respawn in Bird Magic Hell and keep on killing evil?

>tfw we'll never have a shooter that has all of the faces of FPS games coming together to fight all of the different evils against them

Or at least make a multiplayer shooter equivalent of Smash Bros.

According to?

They would fuck

His ass.

They basically did it with Dark Aether

DOOM Guy is incorruptible and has been killing demons on an infinite plain of existences for an infinite amount of time.

I think he'd be alright.

Samus would fall but the joke is Doomguy would just beat the fuck out of whoever called dibs on her.

Comparing arsenal/armor system

Samus Chozo is made to absorb impacts from plasma weapons and runs off "sub tanks"

Praetor armor can tank plasma as well, but has to he repaired with shards of extra armor

As for weapons

Chozo uses several forms of plasma like energies, and missiles

praetor uses mostly ballistic weapons with less impact than space debris with exception of gauss rifle plasma gun BFG

In terms of armor and weapons Samus trounces, but the possible game changer is the augmentative properties of both suits

Praetor increases physical brute strength till crushing steel is like us crushung a cardboard box, as well as increasing running speed with minimal strain on body

Chozo boosts reflex, agility, and tunning speed to the maximum a bio engineered Bird/Human could be

>3's universe is different from the original games and 4.
nah 3 is canon

>Can run ~90 Mph while carrying 1200lbs of equipment
At his maximum top speed, he exerts 5739825 joules worth of energy, which is about the same energy as the explosion from 1kg of TNT.
If he ran headfirst into a wall at top speed, he'd hit the wall with 9 million newtons of force, which is just a bit south of the thrust generated by the Saturn V rocket on liftoff.
Doomguy could put the Saturn V in space by running into it at full speed.

AKA he could run into Samus and she would die.


>Rocket launcher

>Samus shinesparks
>Samus literally has this ability in her game

I didn't write it myself, jackass. I don't think he carries around 700 kg either, since we have no idea how heavy a BFG or plasma gun and their ammunitions would be.

>If only Mars had the same gravity as Earth
>If only his speed could be quantified by a canon source, other than the flawed ScrewAttack team
>Not factoring in that its the armor allowing such speeds, as well as the damage he would take from such an impact


Doomguy doesn't need a superior officer to authorize his shit.

I'd probably go with Samus. Her suit is just too broken. The Doom Slayer's suit can barely survive in molten steel for more than a few seconds. Samus can swim in the stuff without it even bothering her.

Samus has a Gunship that's remote pilotable and has onboard weapons.

Doom Slayer relies on ballistic weaponry whilst Samus's cannon can pump out miniature black holes, ice, waves of energy that travel through walls and much more.

Shinesparking, grappling terrain, screw attacking, being able to spider-ball across the walls and ceiling (she didn't need tracks in Metroid 2), being able to stay in air indefinitely. She is one of the most mobile beings in gaming.

She's incredibly fucking broken.

She literally has an anti-matter gun beam...

>still no crack

It's canon but it's a different universe, what I meant by that was the guy you play as in 3 is not Doomguy or Doomslayer, it's just some random marine. So he shouldn't be used in arguments about Doomguy's/slayer's character or whatever.

>Her suit is just too broken

I'll say it is. She bumps into a wall once and all her powers go away.

Winner, Doomguy.

With the new canon unless DOOM 3 Guy is specifically stated to not be DOOM Guy it's safe to assume he is.

I always assumed that they used Artificial Gravity of some time on Mars and the moon bases. If not wouldn't doom guy be bouncing around with every step like the astronauts in the Apollo moon landing footage?

What kind of power would Samus inherit from Doom Slayer if she defeated him? Ripping and Tearing?

And in every game other than Other M Samus doesn't either

All Samus needs to do is just screw attack around infinitely, Doomguy wouldn't be able to touch her at all.

Not to mention, Power Bombs, Shinesparks, Annihilator Beam, Acid Beam, X-Ray Visor, Thermal Visor, etc.

She just transforms into Doomguy or Doomgirl(?). Doomguy highlander.

How about getting a job and renting it from redbox for 5 bucks you little cunt?

DOOM Guy and Samus with no armor on either, who wins?

Seeing this thread just makes me think of this cringe fest

>playing an arena FPS on console

What the fuck is this now?

>HDoom is now canon

Mars is mostly iron, could very well be mag boots, wouldn't be a far stretch to assume UAC is primarily steel building

It's how the demons refer to Doomguy in their inscriptions in D44M

Thanks nu-doom

No one wins since they'd be banging each other at how insanely attractive their bodies are probably


samus can shoot miniature suns, black holes, and fire projectiles that shatter space and time
phazon weapon systems are also stupidly overpowered
there's also power bombs and the screw attack, and if it counts, the bullshit glitched beams she can access in super metroid

When? I'm a Metroid fan so I know your full of shit right now.

Wow, really hope that doesn't became the go-to thing to call him.

there was a mobile RPG game around the time of doom 3s release that was specifically stated to take place between doom 3 and the originals as well as it being the real Doomguy.
So I believe it goes something like
>Doom3 (doomguys first encounter with demons)
>the DoomRPG mobile game where he starts to build up into the force of nature he becomes by the original Doom
>the OG Dooms where he is a badass that just rips and tears the demons
>all the other games and wads and shit
>doom 4 where he is a force of nature

Maybe he's thinking of dark aether

Are Doomslayer and Doom Guy the same person?

I think he means Dark Aether.


Bullshit, Samus only went against a creature that moved at Supersonic/Hypersonic speeds. Why Metroid fans love making shit up?

Why? It's neat lore and everyone still refers to him as Doomguy. If this triggers you you should probably go back to doomworld

He is called doomslayer in one of the logs in doom 4 but he is mostly referred to as the doom marine.

You dont take damage from falls or running into walls so I think he'd be fine.

Maybe that source of Phazon planet?


Are we just ignoring the fact that the game also takes place in Hell?

I use Doomguy for Doom 1 and 2 guy. Doomslayer for Doom 4 guy.

Power Bombs are weaker than Halo's Havok Nukes your point.

>It's neat lore
What's so neat about it?

Cause Samus is Super Saiyan, obviously

Like... T H I C C

Now THAT'S a mod.

Thankfully doom "4" threads have died out really fast so I don't think he needs to.

Nor does Samus