Series creators held a Q&A, check watch dogs twitter for source. Here's some new info

Series creators held a Q&A, check watch dogs twitter for source. Here's some new info.

>Alcatraz mentioned, might be visit able location

>No Hotspots, something more fun instead. Hint: Tourist app + camera app.

>can buy cars in dealerships. You can then order them through your car on the demand app

>Gaining followers will progress narrative/ability to hack

>Reputation is gone

>Money is for ammo, cars, weapons & gadgets

>more mass hacks than the one seen in trailer

>can attack civilians with fists, other civies help them, multi faction fights. cops intervene with you in the middle of all this. Cops come for you or them

>new seamless PVP mode hinted at

>offline play available

>no free roam lobbies, seamless world for co-op / invasions. co-op limit is 2

>One player can hack 2 others that are in co-op

>No in game currency / Pay to win

>no focus slow mo ability

>aside from a few moments, you can finish the game co-op

>repeatable dedsec co-op missions with dynamic difficulty and approach methods

>no AC style climbing, can reach most places by other means

>unlockable skins for cars

>game in alpha, all game content and features done in some form. working toward Beta. polish, debug. Penthouse mission shrunken in trailer, it's bigger

>choose weapon skin, many versions of each gun, with or without silencer

>players see your custom clothes and car skins

>police still use boats

Other urls found in this thread:

Nothing will stop me from buying this game for no more than $25-30 next next spring

glad to see that 2v1 PVP is in, will really change things up from the old online hacking especially with the new gadgets and hacks. wonder what the new PVP mode is

also forgot to add

>shooting while in cars is in

also unlike the last game, you can constantly crouch, it's not limited to cover. it'll add another element to stealth, gonna be useful for PVP.

Trying to put dark souls multiplayer in games that aren't dark souls is a great idea, but Ubisoft were too shit to make it work in watch dogs and too shit to make it work here. It's going to be another unbalanced and unrewarding clusterfuck.

>giving a single shit about Ubisoft's latest hack-job

>too shit to make it work in watch dogs and too shit to make it work here. It's going to be another unbalanced and unrewarding clusterfuck.

care to elaborate? I thought online hacking was fun and had a neat cycle to it. the only exploit was slow mo to detect invaders, the splash damage from nade launcher profiles you, and the picture upgrade to see what the hacker looks like. anything else is kind of nit picky, def had it's fun moments

>people like games that I don't

whatever, some people actually played and enjoyed the last one, and want the next one to be better

So you can't shoot civilians and go on rampages. Holy shot fucking dropped. That was the only good thing about the first watch dogs. What the fuck.

The only time the game was winnable for the attacker was when there was some bullshit spot half way up a building or structure that the host didn't know was there

>literally shilling like God's coming back tomorrow
Oh fuck off, the first one was a clusterfuck and this one will flop like a fucking pancake from a 100 story building

Yeah bro I can't wait to play as a super radical 1337 hackur xD

We're the born mobile generation!

You can shoot whoever you want, I just made it a point to point out that you could melee civilians

sounds like a case of get good. you could at least get a partial success if you escaped

>obligatory anti shill post

I'll probably buy it honestly. It looks like it actually learned from how shit the first one is and tongue in cheek hacker shit is my weakness.

so i can't live out my greatest BLM fantasies? dropped

you can still do that, where'd you get that idea?

I wouldn't be surprised if this video is the exact reason why you can't shoot civilians.

you can shoot them, read the thread. you can actually do more to civilians than before.

>spike suuuiiiittt

Can you co-op with bros, and not just randoms?

Pretty obvious to me that the writers of this little presentation have nothing but absolute contempt for their audience and for their consumers.

yes, you can invite from phone or meet them seamlessly

Sage thread, no one wants sjw haram shit. Ubisoft fucking shits.

This is the first time I'm going to unironically say this, but you're a shill. You're also a really shitty one, and Ubisoft should fire you.

I really hope they kept this in

Yes but will it still let me kill muslims?

Muslim girl wants a tough ass fucking but i still wont buy this shit mess. Ubisoft is literally incapable of making half a game.

this overly spammed meme is getting so dumd, it's attached to any old game with no context or reason, and pretty much never actually comes true upon release.

true, thanks for the bump / (you) :^)

laughing to the bank

If the game was polished and without gamebreaking glitches like the first game, I might've bought it on a sale if that faggot in your pic was canned, the main female character didn't look like a women's study major, and if the MC wasn't a nigger.

How can I roleplay as a white supremacist and do if I can't even play as a white guy?

Well one of the main characters is muslim and if there's one thing desert rats like to do more than kill europeans its to kill other muslims. So definitely.


I've been following it pretty closely, because I didn't like WD1 and really want this to be good because the idea is cool.

So far it definitely LOOKS much much better, so heres to hoping its true, its a lot less grim then the last game which is a nice start.

Make that AC1 to AC2 quality jump, don't fuck up please.

€1 deposited in your account

Some guy played and posted this on some journalist website. kind of contradicts what the director was saying, I assume there is an upgrade that let's you fully control a car. but it makes sense to use the face controls to hack a car while you are already in one.

>Hype up the fuck out of Watchdogs
>Deliver shit
>Ubisoft tries it again
holy fuck are they that retarded

about driving

Yet oddly no-one gives a shit about your shilling. Hmmm.

Can you please tell me how I talk about games without calling them shit on Sup Forums without being called a shill?

I said I didn't like 1 and hope 2 is good.

and yet the pics paint the game in a somewhat bad light. you le shill fags are pathetic.

dozens of zelda threads, and nobody is called a shill.

If I was discussing some waifufag shit or some jrpg weab shit notbody would say shit, but one wd thread and everything is the shill boogy man

Dont be an employee of ubisoft and dont get paid to talk about it. That should cover it actually.

Fuck off marketer

Because sjw shit is not naturally a part of Sup Forums so its obvious reddit fags or shills when its posted.

I'm currently neither of those and it doesn't seem to help.

Any other ideas?

>calling things sjw and then being proven wrong upon release and having nothing to say.

same thing happened with mirror's edge

>deciding what is "naturally" a part of a board

laughin hard pham.

Mirror's edge is total sjw shit though, ruined the first game. You might just be far too young to see it.

No one gives a shit you shill, fuck off with your fucking game and kys.

>no but it is though, j-just trust me, you're young