Series creators held a Q&A, check watch dogs twitter for source. Here's some new info.
>Alcatraz mentioned, might be visit able location
>No Hotspots, something more fun instead. Hint: Tourist app + camera app.
>can buy cars in dealerships. You can then order them through your car on the demand app
>Gaining followers will progress narrative/ability to hack
>Reputation is gone
>Money is for ammo, cars, weapons & gadgets
>more mass hacks than the one seen in trailer
>can attack civilians with fists, other civies help them, multi faction fights. cops intervene with you in the middle of all this. Cops come for you or them
>new seamless PVP mode hinted at
>offline play available
>no free roam lobbies, seamless world for co-op / invasions. co-op limit is 2
>One player can hack 2 others that are in co-op
>No in game currency / Pay to win
>no focus slow mo ability
>aside from a few moments, you can finish the game co-op
>repeatable dedsec co-op missions with dynamic difficulty and approach methods
>no AC style climbing, can reach most places by other means
>unlockable skins for cars
>game in alpha, all game content and features done in some form. working toward Beta. polish, debug. Penthouse mission shrunken in trailer, it's bigger
>choose weapon skin, many versions of each gun, with or without silencer
>players see your custom clothes and car skins
>police still use boats