Are video games "art"?
Are video games "art"?
Other urls found in this thread:
art in video games is called "graphics"
Depends on the game. Shit like Hotline Miami=yes. Call of duty=no. Undertale=no. Battlefield=maybe depending on Battlefield 1
>components of visual art
>components of musical art
>components of literature
>components of acting
>but put them all together
>hurr, vidya not ort
>Hotline Miami=yes
*tips fedora*
They are but I wish they weren't considered so, so that devs don't try to push artsy games and so journalists don't feel compelled to give bad games high scores because they think it's deep and has high artistic merit when it's really just pseudo-intellectual trash (ie Bioshock Infinite)
On a side note, why do Matthewmatosis threads always get deleted? I wouldn't call it e-celeb shit because we're discussing the analysis in the videos which are pretty good, not talking about the personal life of the dude.
Damn son that's way better bait than the OP. How do you do it?
because Sup Forums is filled with autistic retards
Go back to sucking Kamiya dick Matthew.
>components of visual art
>components of musical art
>components of literature
>components of acting
>shit smeared over all of them
>hmm wonder why it isn't art
Yes, but fags that think the term "art" by itself implies anything about quality are a cancer and should not be reasoned with.
Smearing shit all over something can be art.
This, "art" outside the context of traditional artistic mediums is a buzzword of the highest caliber.
it's called "graphics" you retards
No. They're toys with artistic qualities. A toy gun, though it has some degree of artistry in its creation, is still just a toy gun.
>Are video games "art"?
Yes, now shut up.
OP, you know that if you post that shitty MatthewMatosis avatar that you're going to get this link.
Do they need to be?
That was amazing
Yes, but art doesn't mean that something is good or deep.
What does the shit symbolize in your analogy?
everything ARTificial is art by defition
as opposed to natural -- created by noone/nature, art is everything created by a man
it is THAT simple
*tips fedora*
A game merely adds elements of interactivity through rules, which themselves provide a narrative element.
Art is so nebulous a term and so many media have already been rejected and then accepted later that it'd be dumb to dismiss games as art.
It is entirely a matter of personal opinion at that point and while some games can certainly be called bad art, just as with traditional art, no games can with certainty not be called art.
Hard to answer. Is the game 'chess' art? Video games are the same things but with more bells and whistles. Those bells and whistles can be art, but the product itself overall probably isn't.
pick one
the fact that there's no consensus on the definition of art makes it so anything can be labeled 'art' if you twist your words the right way
It isn't about what they are "considered". They are art. It's a fact. If you're going to be a bitch about it, define your terms, because it seems like the only fucking retards that disagree are the ones that think
>art=super deep shit DUDE
>classy paintings
Can't even get passed the thumbnail.
she actually makes so pretty good points and isn't cringey