Kamiya is done. His career is over

Kamiya is done. His career is over.
He should have not spend so much time on twitter, what a fucking idiot, seriously, he was such a great director in the past generations.

How did you get from Okami, Viewtiful Joe, Devil May Cry, Resi2,3, and Bayonetta to this fucking piece of average shit with ass shit animations and dialogues?

Fucking over, I give up my hopes on Kamiya.
He is like the video game version of Brian DePalma and Francis Ford Coppola.

Other urls found in this thread:



fuck you too

>Forgetting W101

Also the game isn't out yet.
>b-but you just know!
Yeah, like with Doom?

It's all JP Kellams fault, he's in charge of localization and awful dialogues of Kamiya games. Since bayo 2 his writing has decayed to unbearable levels.

I'd believe it. Drew was fine in the first gameplay demo but he literally won't shut the fuck up at the E3 demo

I thought this looked fun...

Promotions in the videogame industry have been a problem for decades.

The reason Platinum even has a Z team is because nobody had to compete with Kamiya. The more time he spent away from game design, the worse he became.


But all his games are good, though

>Implying that Platinum aren't just making this game for the sweet Microsoft dosh they're getting
>Implying that they give two shits about this turd
Did you not see how incredibly bored Kamiya was when he was presenting it? He clearly doesn't give a fuck about it.

Why does he have the JUST hair?

>Making a bad game means that the Director is bad at making games
No, that isn't necessarily true. Use some critical thinking, my man.

>the wonderful 101 copies
LOL fuck off nintenbabby.
The next thing you are gonna say is "sales=/=quality"

he's had a consistent 3-4 years between projects, and each one is of comparible quality


He has stage fright.

For the W101 directs he just had to speak to a camera and wasn't forced to speak in English.

The game is an Open WORLD Action JRPG.
SO the combat is not as good as in other games because its now more about exploration and capturing monsters.
In the original concept for the game there was no combat for th Player character he was a little girls and you could only command monsters like in digimon world.

Never fulfill your dreams.

Fuck that sounds better than what we got.

why do people who've never played W101 think that they can make any comments with regards to its quality and not come off sounding like a naive ass?
the use of buzzwords in lieu of actual points only makes you look more idiotic

Or he's been turned by Microsoft into a corporate zombie...

Of course it does. Microshit probably forced him to put in an edgy coolguy protagonist to appeal to the GAMERZ.

Based Phil would never do such a thing!

>what we got
What, a MP trailer with a piss easy boss?

No shit, because female protags don't sell to the modern demographic.

His presentation of the game gave away how much he cares.

He seemed devoid of passion.

>set difficulty to easy
>play with 3 other people

Some people actually prefers to play with characters of their own gender. Not every game has to be turned into waifubait.

The protagonist isn't the problem, the unexciting gameplay is the problem.

Exactly. People jumping the gun on this game because of one trailer are being silly.

>and dialoges
welcome to vidya shitposter

Did you fucking see the gameplay?

It needs some work, like bow animation and impact, but there's nothing wrong with it not being yet another Bayonetta or DMC clone.

It's not about waifubait, it's about the fact that the game was originally just about controlling dragons using a helpless little girl and now it's about Donte the Dragon Knight shooting arrows and using swords and stuff. And it shows that it's all shoehorned in, because the core beat'em'up gameplay is unpolished, slow AND doesn't seem to be all that meaningful compared to the whole dragon thing.

The unexciting gameplay is there because of the protagonist. If the protagonist were a little girl, you seriously think the game would play anything like what it does now?

Why not make it a little boy though?

Also if you were just controlling dragons then where would the gameplay come in if you were leaving it up to the dragon AI?


Just in case you forgot here is an old game play video.

The game has more in common whit FFXV or Xenobalde than platinum brawlers.

Problem is, Nier automata is an open world action JRPG as well as well, and appears to be handling combat far better then this game is.

>Why not make it a little boy though?
Did I SAY it couldn't be a little boy? Why not be an old lady or an old man or an amalgamation of hatred and envy in the form of a single thumb? The point is that they changed it from what it was to become yet another generic edgy manfighter protagonist, with permanent effects on the gameplay.

>Also if you were just controlling dragons then where would the gameplay come in if you were leaving it up to the dragon AI?
I don't fucking know, I'm not Hideki Kamiya.

Kamiya also made Okami, which had nothing in common with VJ or DMC.

sounds like a fucking Monster Hunter chinese clone.

rest in peace kamiya.

Yeah but does it have dragons?

Nier automata on the other hand has no Giant monster mechanic and while i agree the combat is much better that is because nier was never a real JRPG in the first place considering how each dungeon was literally a different genre.

Luckily, Nier looks great.

At least Platinum is pretty okay. But Kamiya is going into HACK territory.

>slap Bayonetta engine onto existing IP
>call it a day

I mean, I guess. Anything is a step up from the first nier's gameplay

>One bad game
>From 5 almost perfect games
>And it's not even fucking out yet
Kill yourself I want sonyggers to leave


that's what you get for writing to idiots on twitter every day instead of actually working on games.

he is one of us now,

this is the type of game we would make.

our shit low class taste

Nier 2 won't be an open world RPG. It will probably be doable to complete in less than 5 hours just like the first one.

Have you even played it?

Kamiya is anything but a hack.

Unless you skip fucking everything there's no way possible you beat Nier in 5 hours you clueless fuck

At least someone is doing a Monster Hunter Clone for a proper hardware.

That's interesting.
Call me an autistic faggot but I actually calculated the amount of work Kamiya spend on this game based on the amount of tweets he made every week since the development of this game started.
It was lots of math work but
long story short.

He spend 20% of his time on this game and 80% on twitter and social networking.

I would say he is an idiot like the FEZ guy.

This is his downfall,

why do some game creators die because of social networking?

>He spend 20% of his time on this game and 80% on twitter and social networking.

I actually want this to not be true but I believe this faggot.

Of course. There's an achievement for beating the game in 15 minutes.

The game is padded with repetitive dungeons and quests.

The game isn't even out yet smartass. Stop judging this game from a 5 minute gameplay video

Did you consider he spent the same amount of time tweeting while making Wonderful 101?

The BLOCKED meme was before W101 even released. You're not autistic, just stupid.

He's both only a retard wouldn't have faith in based Kamiya he's incapable of making a bad game


Random question.

Do Xbox fan(fags) even exist?

Who fucking has this console for real here?

Oh never mind, it's 15 hours kek

But I'm pretty sure you can do it in 10h or lesd. Still, it's only that lengthy because it forces you to go through the same repetitive dungeons many times. Including an area that forces you to defeat hordes of robots to unlock the gates every time.

what is that faggotry millenial jacket he is wearing?

That zipper, fucking get out

those jeans, those faggot shoes

that faggot haircut

fuck off idiot

How they fucking compare it to Zelda all the time are you retarded

No one owns an Xbone this board is just 90% Sony shills who think everyone else is out to get them

There's always a first for everything, however.

Scalebound looks better than at gamescom but it's still not much and we don't know if it releases in the spring or fall of 2017. The game may have changed in development but is still at its core about you and your dragon bonding, so they should show off that stuff instead of set pieces that don't translate so well into action.

I do and know at least 3 dudes I've added from Sup Forums.

Pretty comfy console


To be fair okami did kinda have DMC like combat.

>Call me an autistic faggot but I actually calculated the amount of work Kamiya spend on this game based on the amount of tweets he made every week since the development of this game started.
Math and stats major here. Literally how, I'm so curious. 99% sure this is impossible to determine.

It's coming to W10, it's ok to talk about Xbox games now.

> and dialogues?
This is one thing I'm not worried about. It's a E3 demo often have some retarded overdone dialogues for plebs. Look at shit like rainbow six siege or the latest one, they had E3 gameplay trailers where every action was described just like this shit

I think MS had a hand in it and told them to make the game more multiplayer focused.

The only thing that isn't part of the game I don't think is the intro before it cuts to gameplay. It's literally the same dialogue and animations from the end of the Ganescom showcase when multiplayer was revealed

The rest I'm sure wasn't added just for the demo.


What does this buzzword even mean?

Nudoom is shit you underaged subhuman.


What the fuck is this shit? Also:



I don't know why the fuck they keep doing this. Appearently Recore is the same and the girl doesn't actually narrate every damn thing. It's better than the presenter slowly walking through the motions, but it just sounds so poorly written and scripted. Just play the damn game for fuck's sake.

Most likely the reason for its delay, to not only port it to W10 but also implement multiplayer and allow crossplay.

Wouldn't be surprised if the bosses are total pushovers with co-op like in souls games, but they said in an interview there's incentives for co-op

Were talking about the kind of guy who fucking sleep in his office for months working.

Scalebound on stage demo is as awful as FFXV on stage demo because M$ choose an awful big boss to represent the games.
They thought they could reel in people with proportion when we all know that huge gigantic boss battle is always shit for action orientated games.

>that whole demo

You won't understand because you got a PS4. Starting by the controller absolutely no comfort in that console, just angery and disdain.

But Scalebound wasn't shown at the Unisoft conference

I hope there are many more dragon customizations and weapons than it looks like. We've seen very few types of dragons so far.

>being a funfag

Nothing triggers me more than medieval setting with modern bullshit in it (weapons for example)
But in this case, he fucking wears FUCKING HEADPHONES.
Jesus christ this shit makes me want to bomb some developers. Absolute shit tier design

We've seen 4 total, also the dragon in the E3 demo now has an axe tail, dunno if it's armor or part of the breed, but it didn't have that in the 2015 demo

Because the protag is from modern times and also because kamiya wanted to pay homage to Nero's design

did those soldiers in the second combat from the trailer do anything wrong? they just seemed to be good guys defending their posts before that faggot donte rip off came along

i honestly dont mind the soundtrack while i watch my dragonhusbando break shit apart

I wonder if the main dragon is the base and we go from there to obtain different dragons or if there is a character creation menu for the dragon.

Their diplomacy had failed

I'll have to see more before I make the call. But I remember Kamiya being really angry with Microsoft on twitter for some reason a while back

Because the game wasn't in a presentable state but MS wanted it shown at Gamescom last year.

>tfw the MC has an arch enemy with a red dragon and every time you fight him the music turns into heavy metal

Japs hate americans and xbox. He is making a terrible game on purpose to make some money, but he doesn't want to waste good game ideas and his a team on a game that is exclusive to the bone.
Wait for him to do another game for a jap console and he will bring his a game again.

Fuck off you weaboo.

>the game wasn't in a presentable state
>in development since 2006

Can't wait for Bayonetta 3

NX exclusive

How else would you explain the situation?
He is taking that sweet sweet MS exclusivity money, and does a lot of prototyping for good games he is going to make another time. No one in Japan even owns an Xbox, so there is zero reason for him to waste the good stuff on a platform that is absolutely dead there. He is still bound by contract to actually deliver a game, so he shits out a stinking turd and hands it over to MS and then has a big laugh with his colleagues at the office.

bashing a game you have no interest in playing let alone you weren't going to buy in the first place.
you should go play some video games maybe you'll feel better.