
I will never understand the love for this game

the combat is absolute ass and the guy moves at a snails pace unless you run all of the time

>the combat is absolute ass
You beat homeless people with blunt objects and shoot them sometimes.
>the guy moves at a snails pace unless you run all of the time
FPS survival horror games tend to do that.

>You beat homeless people with blunt objects and shoot them sometimes.

thats not what Im talking about. The blocknever worked for me, one of the enemies hit me WHILE he was getting staggered by my attack, and the hit detection somehow makes me get hit by guys swinging short pipes 5 ft away

Sounds like you need to git gud

The combat is clunky, but I never had any real problem with it. It's kinda interesting how similar Condemned is to FEAR, with the same engine and dev, but FEAR was guns blazing.

yes, clearly I should be blocking mid swing. And expecting contact from someone far away from me

Never happened to me.
Not even sporting nostalgia goggles, I completed the game again a week ago.

They can throw weapons.
Block needs to be timed right.

thats nice. It happened 3 seperate times for me

Sucks to suck, faggot.

your entire argument seems to be "didnt happen to me" and "git gud"

those arent actually valid counterpoints, its just you being an idiot

Condemed runs lilke ass on my laptop, what the fuck

>Condemed runs lilke ass on my laptop, what the fuck
You've likely got some sort of Logitech shit in your laptop. FEAR and Condemned hate Logitech shit.

I thought the combat was good at the time, it had a real meaty, weighty feeling to it with great animations especially the way enemies reacted to being bludgeoned, and the scarcity of ammo made guns all the more satisfying to use.

Having said that, the final boss fight was anal pain

you have to actually time the block.

>one of the enemies hit me WHILE he was getting staggered by my attack
i remember there being an animation where the enemy would do a quick backhand swing after being staggered. should they just instantly lose as soon as you land one hit?

>Having said that, the final boss fight was anal pain
He had some weird bullshit QTE on PC that has discouraged me from ever recommending the game to a normie.

yeah, you need to disable all the logitech HID devices in your device manager or it runs really badly. Weird and stupid bug.

Man, what the fuck happened to Monolith?

what? why

>Man, what the fuck happened to Monolith?
Shadow of Mordor made a lot of money.

>tfw condemned 3

>>tfw condemned 3
More importantly, why isn't Condemned 2 on PC?

Monolith is just a segment of WB Games anymore. The original team is now Black Powder Games, only made Betrayer so far.

Fuck off.
I replayed this just weeks ago, and the game play is great, and atmosphere superb.

>Monolith is just a segment of WB Games anymore. The original team is now Black Powder Games, only made Betrayer so far.
A lot of the FEAR team are credited on Shadow of Mordor.

Shadow of Mordor was good for what it was. I'm glad the a lot of those people are still at it, FEAR and Condemned are some of my favorite games to date.

Are there a lot of programming monkeys who drop out of the video game industry or does a big studio like EA or WB pick them up for pennies on the dollar?